There are eight characters featured in seven posters in this bundle: Ebenezer Scrooge, Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit & Tiny Tim, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come, and Scrooge’s nephew, Fred.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotations, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
The posters can be bought individually on TES but this bundle allows you to save £3. Please look at the other resources I have available (for sale and for free) and if you have downloaded one that you have found useful I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
There are nine characters featured in six posters in this bundle: Macbeth; Lady Macbeth; King Duncan; Macduff; The Witches; Banquo & Fleance.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotations, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
The posters can be bought individually on TES but this bundle allows you to save £3. Please look at the other resources I have available (for sale and for free) and if you have downloaded one that you have found useful I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
There are seven character posters in this bundle: Eric, Sheila, Arthur and Sybil Birling; Gerald Croft; Inspector Goole; and Eva Smith/Daisy Renton.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotations, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
The posters can be bought individually on TES but this bundle allows you to save £3. Please look at the other resources I have available (for sale and for free) and if you have downloaded one that you have found useful I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
Here is the complete four character series of posters I created for revision of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
They can used in a number of different ways including:
Classroom revision displays;
Ask students to link each quote and trait to a given theme and explain its importance;
Blank out areas and ask students to fill in the gaps;
Use them as the ‘point and evidence’ of PEE/PEAS/PETER responses;
Encourage the students to make their own for other characters and/or other texts.
Please see my TES shop for other poster series I have available:
An Inspector Calls
Animal Farm
A Christmas Carol
Twelfth Night
Romeo and Juliet
Pigeon English
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Dr Jekyll.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading Mr Hyde, Mr Utterson , Dr Lanyon and possibly Sir Danvers Carew, so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available or coming soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; An Inspector Calls; Macbeth; Romeo & Juliet; A Christmas Carol.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
Please also note that, while the licence agreement allows you to share these posters with your own students in any format, Instagram accounts are entirely public. If you are to upload the images to Instagram you will be violating the copyright on my illustrations and I would kindly ask you not to do that.
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in An Inspector Calls. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Sheila Birling.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading all of the Birlings, Gerald, Eva Smith and the Inspector so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Mr Hyde.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading Dr Jekyll, Mr Utterson , Dr Lanyon and possibly Sir Danvers Carew, so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available or coming soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; An Inspector Calls; Macbeth; Romeo & Juliet; A Christmas Carol.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
Please also note that, while the licence agreement allows you to share these posters with your own students in any format, Instagram accounts are entirely public. If you are to upload the images to Instagram you will be violating the copyright on my illustrations and I would kindly ask you not to do that.
This is my series of posters created to assist revision of Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers.
In this money-saving bundle you get a poster of each of the following characters: Mrs Lyons; Mrs Johnstone; Eddie; Mickey; Linda; Sammy; and The Narrator.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotes, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
Please note that if you have any trouble with the pdf file not being in colour, you can contact me at and I will send you a copy direct.
The posters can be bought individually but this bundle allows you to save £3. Please look at the other resources I have available and, if you have downloaded one that you have found useful, I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
There are ten characters featured in nine posters in this bundle: Romeo; Juliet; Capulet; Benvolio; Mercutio; Tybalt; Friar Lawrence; Nurse; Lady Capulet and Paris.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotations, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
The posters can be bought individually on TES but this bundle allows you to save £4. Please look at the other resources I have available (for sale and for free) and if you have downloaded one that you have found useful I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in A Christmas Carol. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of The Ghost of Christmas Past.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading Ebenezer Scrooge, Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit & Tiny Tim, the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Yet to Come, and Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available or coming soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; An Inspector Calls; Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in An Inspector Calls. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Mr Birling.
I have uploaded it as a JPEG and a PDF so that you can download the format you’d prefer. Now that I’ve updated the original drawing to a digital one, I also include a traits-only version of the poster, and a quotes-only version.
Suggested uses:
Display the traits only and ask students to find evidence to support them;
Display the quotes only and ask students to come up with the character traits that they suggest;
Link each of the comments to specific themes;
Expand on the traits and quotes by saying why they are significant to the character and to the writer’s message;
Print out A5 size, along with the other characters, to create individual revision booklets;
Print out A3 size for display boards.
Please visit my shop by clicking on my picture or name (wezcartoons). Bundles always offer the best value for money. If you wish to create your own bundle of characters from different texts, get in touch with me via the social media links shown on the shop banner.
Available texts: Macbeth; Romeo and Juliet; Twelfth Night; Frankenstein; Pigeon English; A Christmas Carol; An Inspector Calls; Blood Brothers; Animal Farm; The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde.
Coming soon: Murder on the Orient Express, Hamlet and Lord of the Flies.
This is my series of posters created to assist revision of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
In this money-saving bundle you get a poster of each of the following characters: Victor, Elizabeth, Justine, Alphonse, Caroline, The Creature, Robert Walton, the DeLacey family, and Henry Clerval.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotes, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
The posters can be bought individually but this bundle allows you to save money. Please look at the other resources I have available and, if you have downloaded one that you have found useful, I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks!
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in Romeo and Juliet. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Mercutio.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading Juliet, Romeo, Benvolio, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, Tybalt and Capulet so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available or coming soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; An Inspector Calls; Macbeth.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in An Inspector Calls. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Sybil Birling.
I printed some out in A4 for my students but they look pretty good in A3 as eye-catching wall displays.
I will be uploading all of the Birlings, Gerald, Eva and the Inspector so please look for those if you wish to have the complete set.
Other sets available soon: Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth.
Please get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
This is my series of posters created to assist revision of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
In this money-saving bundle you get a poster of each of the following characters: Squealer, Snowball, Napoleon, Old Major, Mr Jones, Boxer, Mollie, Benjamin, and Moses.
Each poster features multiple relevant quotes, linked to character traits. These traits serve as the ‘point’ in a PEE/PEAS/PETER style response.
The posters work equally well printed in A4 or A3, and you could even miniaturise them further to serve as individual GCSE revision resources.
Please note that if you have any trouble with the pdf file not being in colour, you can contact me at and I will send you a copy direct.
The posters can be bought individually but this bundle allows you to save £13 - almost half the price! Please look at the other resources I have available and, if you have downloaded one that you have found useful, I would be really grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks :)
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in An Inspector Calls. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Inspector Goole.
I have updated this poster by producing it digitally and am now able to offer a variety of versions. The complete poster is available in both PDF and jpeg formats. Your purchase now includes three other versions: picture-only, traits-only and quotes-only.
Suggested uses:
Using the complete poster, ask students to link each comment to given themes from the play;
Ask students to expand on the comments. In other words, complete the PEE/PEAS response (the words in red serve as points, with the black quotes serving as the evidence);
Display the traits-only version and have students find evidence for each trait;
Display the quotes-only version and have students fill in the traits.
Print in A5, along with other characters from the play, and produce revision booklets for individual students;
Print in A4 or A3 and use for display boards;
Ask students to create their own versions of the poster for other characters
Please enter my shop by clicking on my picture or name (wezcartoons) and access the other texts I have available:
Romeo and Juliet
Twelfth Night
A Christmas Carol
Pigeon English
Blood Brothers
Animal Farm
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
BUNDLES always offer the best value for money. If you need a mix of texts and would like to create your own bundle of characters from different novels and/or plays, contact me via email or social media - addresses and handles are on my shop banner.
Please also get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.
This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in An Inspector Calls. They each display quotes that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This one is of Gerald Croft.
I have recently updated the file to a digital version. This means you now receive the original poster in both pdf and jpeg formats, along with three other versions: traits-only, picture only and quotes-only.
Suggested uses:
Ask students to expand on the comments and link each one to a given theme;
Display the traits-only poster and ask students to find evidence to support each one;
Display the quotes-only poster and ask students to come up with the trait each one exemplifies;
Ask students to come up with their own version for a character;
Print out in A5, along with the other characters in this series, and produce individual revision booklets for students;
Print out in A4 or A3 and use for display boards.
Please take a look at my shop by clicking on my picture or name (wezcartoons). I have a number of other texts available including:
Twelfth Night;
Romeo and Juliet;
Pigeon English;
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde;
A Christmas Carol;
Blood Brothers;
Animal Farm;
I am currently working on Murder on the Orient Express, Hamlet and Lord of the Flies.
It is always better value to purchase a bundle. If you would like to create your own bundle with a mixture of characters from different texts, get in touch with me via email and/or social media - all information is on or beneath my shop banner.
Please also get in touch if there is a series of characters and quotes which you would like me to make. As long as it will sell on here, I am happy to put the time in to making them.