How far does Shakespeare goes to present Macbeth as a character who believes in the supernatural power of the witches?
How does Shakespeare present ambition in Macbeth? GCSE Essay
These essays are grade 9 worthy as I’ve included top level techniques throughout, matching with the examiners general mark scheme. I used the same type of layout during my exam and achieved a grade 9.
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Regenerating Places in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Tectonic Processes and Hazards in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Globalisation in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Coastal Landscapes and Change in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Superpowers in Edexcel A Level Geography. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
This pack contains all the detailed case studies required for the topic of Migration, Identity and Sovereignty. Notes are concise and written in bullet points (so easy to read!). They are written to match with topic questions that may come up in the exam!
How does Dickens present Ignorance and Want—and attitude towards poverty in the novel?
How does Dickens address the idea of charity?
How does Dickens present the importance of family?
These essays include the biggest themes in A Christmas Carol, so the analysis can be used widely for nearly all questions that may be given. Top techniques have been used throughout and these essays are grade 9 worthy.
This bundle includes analysis essays for every character in ‘An Inspector Calls’ (except Sheila Birling!) These essays are grade 9 worthy and I have included top level techniques throughout each essay.
This bundle includes essays to potential comparison questions that may come up in AQA English Literature paper 2. This only includes analysis of GCSE Love Poems . They all include grade 9 worthy techniques. I used similar points/explanations in my exams and achieved a grade 9.
This bundle contains all the case studies needed for the human part of Edexcel A Level Geography (according to the specification). I’ve summarised all information needed for the exams and made it easy to understand.
This bundle contains all the case studies needed for the physical part of Edexcel A Level Geography (according to the specification). I’ve summarised all information needed for the exams and made it easy to understand.