£73 worth of content. 20 products.
Summary powerpoints for all 11 topics.
Various files of revision games and resources to support learning in attaining A*, including reviison strategies, activities and ideas.
8 powerpoints to support the delivery of the Core biological approach in IB Psychology.
1 blank knowledge organiser with clear studies mapped to each topic area.
Exam questions on every powerpoint.
Doesn’t include HL content.
Designed for A-Level revision sessions - Covers mostly AS topics with 1 reference to Sz and I&D (the file is a PPT so can be amended to suit your teaching)
Includes numeracy and literacy support.
Whole-course reference.
Can be completed within 45 minutes.
Printing of resources required.
Answers are in the ‘notes’
This resource was redesigned by a well-known company.
These 2 projects cover one whole term of work and allows students to work at their own pace whilst developing their skills.
Project one focuses on research methods (Psychology and the economy, peer review, reporting research and other baisc themes) and encourages student to research into a study of their choice and present the findings, exploring and critiquing the research methods before supporting them to conduct their own small scale research and present the findings.
Project two is enrichment and choice based, which allows students to work in groups to develop resources for the whole cohort, for themselves or for the next cohort.
Project 3 is a critical reading task.
4 checklists that cover the whole specification.
One is specifically for Issues and debates and allows students to justify the I&D they would use against each specification criteria.
One is a Word document which includes prompts against each criteria.
One is an Excel document.
One is a key studies checklist.
A one-off purchase will allow you to download future newsletters for FREE.
21 colour newsletters that can be given to students fortnightly (42 weeks) to widen their perspective and knowledge beyond the specification. Can also be used as transition reading, at open evenings or to develop subject knowledge.
Each newsletter includes:
Insight into a field/area of psychology.
Exploration of known and not-so-known psychologists beyond the specification.
A different cognitive bias or psychological complex
Research focus.
Also includes:
7 guided reading templates with questions to encourage critical thinking, evaluation and analysis. Sources and suggested answers are in the notes.
One purchase will allow you to access any updates for FREE in the future.
44 slides which include an introduction to your course and information on how students learn including simple explanations on Schemas, Working Memory, Dual Coding, Cognitive Load, Learned Helplessness, Failure and Forgetting.
Easy to adapt.
Includes LA.A, LA.B, LA.C and exam support
Contains 5 powerpoints which cover all content from LA.A, LA.B and LA.C. Each lessons includes independent tasks, relevant videos and are accessible for non-specialists. All lesson worksheets are on the powerpoint to be printed off.
Also includes an exam structure walkthrough, revision mats and knowledge organiser.
Christmas lesson activity pack which includes:
3 pages of colouring images which link to the AQA specification - student can label, link to the spec and colour in.
Themed question and points activity.
‘Who killed Santa’ mini problem-solving game.
40 question Kahoot quiz with Psychology and Christmas questions.
Lessons include resources to be printed on the slides, detailed notes for the teacher, videos and experiments to take part in.
Intro to memory.
Multi-store model and its features including coding, capacity and duration.
Types of LTM.
Working Memory Model x2
Cognitive Interview
Exam technique and revision lesson.
Includes 7 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Variety of AO3 activities included and a revision workbook.
Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout.
SMSC link - reference to Art throughout.
Revision lesson which focuses on essay structure and AO3.
Exemplar essays included.
Workbook included
Contains lessons for Biopsychology AS and A-Level content, including a refresher activity for AS content if you’ve taught it separately.
Hands-on activities included.
Workbook included
Appropriate videos and modern-day references.
Links and additional information in the notes.
Independent activities included.
Exam question and structure focus.
Includes 11 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Context added to help students. All slides follow the same format and are dyslexia friendly.
Some research methods emdedded within -
Features the ‘egg project’ and certificate.
Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout.