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Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.




Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
Addition Subtraction Practice Year 1 and 2

Addition Subtraction Practice Year 1 and 2

Fun maths revision for adding and subtracting! Key Stage 1 add and subtract within 50 Mental Maths printable activities for independent work, starters, warms ups, early finisher tasks etc: A set of 36 self-check mixed addition and subtraction to 50 trail cards to be laminated for students to complete with wipeable pens. These KS1 Maths / Numeracy resources were originally designed for Y1 and Y2 (or First Level, Primary 2 and 3 in Scotland) but could suit KS2 (Second Level) students requiring consolidation.   CHEESE CHASE Each editable card contains 14 mental maths calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. A fun activity for regular practice of addition and subtraction facts / number bonds within 50. They can be used by individuals or you could have pairs or small groups racing against each other to complete trails accurately. Great for starters, early finishers etc. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets. Starting at the mouse and working their way around the card in a spiral, children write the answer to each calculation in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the cheese in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong. Answer cards can be used by the pupils themselves or by the teacher to see at a glance where pupils have gone wrong. Print and laminate if required.   You might be interested in the other versions of these resources, to practise different aspects of adding and subtracting. They are available with this one in a great value bundle. Add and Subtract to 20 Activities Add and Subtract 9, 10 and 11 Activities Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 Activities SAVE by purchasing all 4 in this Basic Addition and Subtraction Write and Wipe Trails BUNDLE.   You might also like: Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets   For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Scale Drawings / Scale Factors

Scale Drawings / Scale Factors

KS2 (Year 5 / Year 6 - Y5 and Y6) Scale Drawings Maths Game: An engaging and differentiated game to consolidate understanding of scale drawing / scale factors in a fun way. It’s also an enjoyable way of practising times tables (if using the standard version) or decimal multiplication (if using the Challenge version). The children act as engineers, working their way around the board using scale drawings (24 cards included) and throwing a counter onto a target to discover which scale - in ratio notation - to apply each time, once they have made a measurement of the drawing. Teaching Notes and Pupil Instruction Card included. Differentiation: Alongside the standard version there’s a Challenge Version for older/more able learners that requires pupils to deal with decimal lengths (a second set of 24 cards included) and to convert between cm, m and km, using a separate scale target board when scaling up. I recommend blowing the gameboards up to A3 for use with bigger groups although A4 would be fine. I suggest printing the cards on different coloured paper to help keep sets separate, especially if using both versions with different groups. The Scale Target boards are colourful so black and white versions are included should you prefer. I hope your pupils enjoy playing it. If you can spare a moment I would be grateful for a review. Many thanks. Some of my other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources: Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6 Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle Area and Perimeter Game Pack For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Line Symmetry in Shapes Games

Line Symmetry in Shapes Games

A fun Upper Primary maths game for line symmetry in 2D shapes: Contains a set of 54 shape cards for consolidation of lines of symmetry through fun activities such as snap, pairs and by using the game board that is also included (self-checking – answer card included). Originally designed for Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 4 / Year 5 (Y4 and Y5) - or Second Level Primary 5 and 6 in Scotland - but may suit older classes for revision. Ideal as a challenge for early finishers. Symmetrical shapes such as squares, rectangles, other quadrilaterals, triangles, pentagons, hexagons and other polygons (regular and irregular) are included, plus shapes that are non-symmetrical. PDF format. Colour and black and white versions included.   SAVE as part of this Angles and Symmetry Activities BUNDLE   Print and laminate for repeated use Consider using different coloured card for additional sets so as not to muddle them up You might want to enlarge board to A3 if using with larger groups Teacher’s notes and student instruction cards included The cards can be used on their own too, with students working in pairs on a pile and self-checking with the answer card To differentiate for less able learners, provide mirrors Students could also draw lines of symmetry onto laminated cards using a dry-wipe pen to see if they would reflect in them   MORE KS2 MATHS ACTIVITIES… Angles Activities BUNDLE Area and Perimeter Activities BUNDLE Maths Word Problems Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE Maths Puzzles Worksheets (Fun KS2 Challenges) BUNDLE Mental Maths Activities Year 5 /6 BUNDLE Money Games BUNDLE Multiplication and Division Activities BUNDLE Place Value Activities BUNDLE Please explore more at FullShelf Resources
Addition Subtraction within 20 Y1 Y2

Addition Subtraction within 20 Y1 Y2

Maths revision of adding and subtracting and number bonds etc. Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1) maths facts / number bonds within 20 add and subtract mental maths printable activities for independent work, starters, warms ups, early finishers tasks and revision. Help children master addition and subtraction facts with a set of 36 self-check write and wipe trail cards to be laminated for pupils to complete with whiteboard pens. These Primary numeracy activities were designed for Key Stage 1 (First Level - Primary 2 and 3 in Scotland) but could suit KS2 (Second Level) students requiring consolidation. PDF format.   For older or more able children, you might like the same resource with more challenging calculations: Addition and Subtraction within 50 Buy the two together in this Addition and Subtraction within 20 and 50 Trails BUNDLE . SAVE by purchasing these 2 resource packs alongside 2 others as part of my KS1 Mental Maths Activities BUNDLE   You might also like these Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets, which is available together with this resource in… Basic Addition and Subtraction Activities BUNDLE.   SPIDER SPIRALS: Each card contains 14 mental maths calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. They can be used by individuals - or pairs or small groups could race against each other to complete trails accurately. Great for starters, early finishers etc. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets. Starting at the spider and working their way around in a spiral, children write each answer in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the web in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong. Answer cards can be used by the children themselves or by the teacher to see mistakes at a glance. Print and laminate if required.   You might also be interested in my popular KS1 Literacy resource: KS1 Jumbled Sentences.   Thank you for considering my resources. For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Doubles and Halves Games 2 / 3 digits

Doubles and Halves Games 2 / 3 digits

Doubling and Halving 2 and 3 digit numbers printable game boards. These 10 printable Four in a Row games are ideal for Key Stage 2 (KS2), especially Year 4, 5 and 6 (Y4 / Y5 / Y6). Use as Maths starters / warm ups, early finishers activities etc. All boards (and answer grids) are included in color and black and white. The range of challenge across these games means they suit a range of grades or would be ideal for differentiation within the same class. In Scotland, it suits Second Level Maths, especially Primary 5, 6 and 7. Includes: A One Star game for both doubling and halving for younger or lower ability pupils - sidebars are included, featuring all answers, which children can strike through when used. However, I have also included these without the answer sidebars in case your students don’t need this added support. These games focus on lower 2-digit numbers and multiples of 10. 2 medium challenge doubling and halving boards (Two Stars), including some larger – and trickier – two and three digit numbers. 2 higher challenge doubling and halving boards (Three Stars). These feature mostly larger three digit numbers (and the halving of some four digit numbers). Laminate and use again and again. Two players per board (or 4 if working in a pair). Printing in A3 is best for a larger group but A4 works too. Opponents take it in turns to double (or find half of – depending on which game they’re playing) a number on the board. Using a different coloured dry-wipe marker from each other, they mark the answer in the appropriate box. It works particularly well if they roll a dice to determine which column they must answer a question in (columns are numbered 1-6). If the column they’ve rolled has all been completed, they could either roll again or miss a go. If different coloured markers are not available, children could put their initial or a symbol next to their answer. First to correctly answer a line of 4 in a row – vertically, horizontally, diagonally – wins. Answer grids can be printed for students to self-check if required or they could use a calculator at the end to check if they are correct. You might want to explore my Doubling and Halving Games Bundle Other popular KS2 Maths resources: Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6 Multiplication / Division Bundle For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Money Games £5 Activities

Money Games £5 Activities

Calculating Change from Five Pounds Money Games: differentiated, illustrated four-in-a-row boards, each featuring 36 prices in UK currency (sterling) for calculating change from £5, plus a 20-card loop card / dominoes set. Printable games for starters, early finishers activities, revision etc. FOUR IN A ROW A fun, strategic activity for consolidating this key money / financial / shopping skill. Ideal for maths lessons or Money Week skills practice. Originally designed for Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6) but might suit others. In Scotland, it’s for Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7. Includes: 2 PDF files 2 standard game boards (featuring different items and prices from each other) 2 lower ability boards (same as above but less challenging calculations) Answer grids for at-a-glance checking by students or teacher Teacher notes Laminate and use again and again. Children work as pairs against pairs or one against one to get 4 correct answers in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It works especially well if they roll a dice to find which column they must pick a calculation from (columns numbered 1-6). If there are no questions left in a column, skip a go or roll again. Imagining that they pay for each item with £5, pupils use a different coloured whiteboard pen to record on the board the change due for each of their transactions or add an initial or symbol if both teams are using the same colour. I recommend printing in A3 but A4 is okay too. The LA versions have a star next to the title. Print on different coloured card or paper if required. LOOP GAME / FOLLOW ME CARDS / DOMINOES A 20-card set that can start with any card. A child reads the ‘I spend’ part first as they make their ‘purchase’ with others working out if they have the relevant ‘I give you’. Use as a game for groups or as a whole class starter or plenary (in pairs if necessary). LA pupils could be given less challenging cards so they can still experience success. I have packs for calculating change from £1, £10 and £20, available with this pack in a bundle: Change Games Bundle Other popular KS2 Maths resources: Mental Maths Bundle Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle Thank you. For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
Money Games Change from Ten Pounds

Money Games Change from Ten Pounds

Money Games (Calculating Change from Ten Pounds): differentiated, illustrated four-in-a-row boards, each featuring 36 prices in UK currency (sterling) for finding change from £10, plus a 20-card loop card / dominoes set. Printable fun for starters, early finishers activities, revision etc. FOUR IN A ROW A fun, strategic activity for consolidating this key money / financial / shopping skill. Ideal for maths lessons or Money Week skills practice. Originally designed for Key Stage 2 (KS2), Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (Y3 / Y4 / Y5 and Y6), depending on ability. In Scotland, it’s for Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7. Includes: 2 PDF files 2 standard game boards (featuring different items and prices from each other) 2 lower ability boards (same as above but less challenging calculations) Answer grids for at-a-glance checking by pupils or teacher Teacher notes Laminate and use again and again. Children work as pairs against pairs or one against one to get 4 correct answers in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It works especially well if they roll a dice to find which column they must pick a calculation from (columns numbered 1-6). If there are no questions left in a column, skip a go or roll again. Imagining that they pay for each item with £10, pupils use a different coloured whiteboard pen to record on the board the change due for each of their transactions or add an initial or symbol if both teams are using the same colour. I recommend printing in A3 but A4 is okay too. The LA versions have a star next to the title. Print on different coloured card or paper if required. LOOP GAME / FOLLOW ME CARDS / DOMINOES A 20-card set that can start with any card. A child reads the ‘I spend’ part first as they make their ‘purchase’ with others working out if they have the relevant ‘I give you’. Use as a game for groups or as a whole class starter or plenary (in pairs if necessary). LA pupils could be given less challenging cards so they can still experience success. I have packs for calculating change from £1, £5 and £20, available with this pack in a bundle: Change Games Bundle Other popular KS2 Maths resources: Mental Maths Bundle Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle Thank you. For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
French Calendar Puzzles / Worksheets (Days, Months, Dates)

French Calendar Puzzles / Worksheets (Days, Months, Dates)

Beginners KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6 and 7) French Language Calendar (Le Calendrier) vocabulary writing activities (worksheets and puzzles) for revision of days, months and dates. Students practise months of the year (les mois de l’annee), days of the week (les jours de la semaine), saying the date (la date), and key phrases: ‘Quelle est la Date?’ and ‘C’est quel jour?’ 3 worksheets, 3 crossword puzzles and a word search.   My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in: * Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6) * Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8) * Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada * May suit others, depending on experience   Differentiated versions of almost all activities. These resources will help you plan multiple lessons. The first two worksheets come in differentiated versions. The one-star versions are for younger, lower ability, or less experienced students. They include sentence starters and / or less challenging questions. Worksheet 2 is more challenging than the others, with a very short reading comprehension and questions related to yesterday’s and tomorrow’s date. Worksheet 3 (Anagrams) is not differentiated. All 3 crosswords come with and without supporting word banks. The word search comes in 2 versions too, one for older or higher ability students where they can write the French words on the lines once they have found them in the word search and an easier version with the first three letters of the French words provided. Within the Zip file are two PDF files, one containing the worksheets and the other the puzzles. These resources can be used in any English-speaking country (UK and US date versions where relevant). The puzzles include: A simple crossword for days of the week (Les jours de la semaine) A simple crossword for months of the year (Les mois de l'annee) A larger crossword combining days of the week and months of the year A word search for days and months Solutions for all 4 puzzles As the first crossword is very small, two are included on one page. I would be very grateful for a review if you get a spare moment. Many thanks. Explore more French basics resources: Huge French Basics Bundle French Basics Worksheets and Puzzles Bundle Please visit FullShelf Resources
Maths Early Finisher Activities Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE 1

Maths Early Finisher Activities Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE 1

4 Resources
These puzzles worksheets make fun early finisher challenges for Upper KS2 (Y5 / Y6) children especially. Please check the previews to assess suitability. Suits Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland. Great for early finishers, starter tasks, homework and revision. Includes puzzles for : Rounding (7 puzzles) Fractions (6 puzzles) Multiplication (8 puzzles) Negative Numbers (3 puzzles - and loop cards and word problem cards) PRINT AND GO! This bundle provides puzzles at different levels and on different concepts to suit a range of abilities. Includes Answer Versions. All puzzles are in PDF format. The Negative Numbers pack also contains Word Problem Cards and a Loop Game in addition to the puzzles. You might be interested in my other puzzles worksheets bundles: Maths Puzzles MEGABUNDLE Maths Hidden Word Puzzles BUNDLE 2 Maths Hidden Word Puzzles BUNDLE 3 MORE DETAILS ABOUT BUNDLE 1: Rounding: To the nearest 10, 100, 1000, whole number, one and two decimal places, nearest pound (dollar version also included) Fractions: Equivalent fractions, simplest form / simplifying, fractions of quantities, mixed numbers and improper fractions Multiplication: times tables, doubling, multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000, multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100. Negative numbers: Increasing and decreasing temperature (Celsius), simple subtraction calculations with mostly negative answers, addition and subtraction of negative and positive integers. The negative numbers pack includes a loop game and self-check word problem cards alongside 3 puzzles. Similar to codebreaker puzzles, a maths-related word is revealed after completing calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing errors. Then they assemble letters from the circled boxes to reveal the hidden maths word. Puzzles can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. (In the rounding puzzles students find the numbers that don’t round to specified target numbers and in some of the fractions puzzles, students must find non-equivalent fractions etc). In many puzzles there is an extension question / challenge linked to the hidden word, which in some cases may require a little research if time. Students often forget or avoid checking their work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves. Thank you for your interest in my resources. I do hope your students enjoy using these puzzles. Please consider giving a review on TES if you get a spare moment. I would be so grateful. I have lots more engaging, time-saving Maths games and puzzles in my TES store: Please visit FullShelf Resources.
Maths Puzzles Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE

Maths Puzzles Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE

12 Resources
12 packs in one! Fun challenges for revision, early finishers, revision activities, starter tasks, homework etc. These puzzle worksheets revise a big variety of concepts, giving you ideal tasks to use throughout the year. There are 74 Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5 / Y6) or Early KS3 Maths / Numeracy puzzles worksheets in this hugely discounted bundle and each puzzle focuses on one concept so you can use them throughout the year for consolidation. They also work well as warm ups and morning activities. Whether working as individuals or in pairs or small groups, your students will enjoy the challenge of competing to be the first to find the hidden word. Originally designed for revision of prior learning and consolidation of new concepts in Year 5 and Year 6, there are puzzles here to suit a range of classes from mid to upper Key Stage 2 to early KS3. Great for differentiation. Many would suit Year 6 Maths SATS revision too. All puzzles are in PDF format. 74 puzzle worksheets (and full answer keys) for Rounding, Negative Numbers, Multiplication, Division, Decimals, Fractions, Percentages, Angles, Area and Perimeter, 2D and 3D Shape, Time and Converting Units of Measure are all included here. SAVE money and time with this BUNDLE, packed full of Hidden Word / Spot the Mistakes Numeracy Puzzles, which are an engaging alternative to standard worksheets, to give yourself a huge bank of no prep printable resources. You'll dip into it again and again over the years, for puzzles to suit a range of classes and abilities from Year 4 up. There are puzzles on different levels and different concepts in each individual pack. For more information see below, or click on the individual resources. To suit different teachers and classes, these puzzles are also split into 3 smaller bundles, while some are available in further bundles alongside related games and activities. You can explore my TES shop or click on these links to the smaller bundles: BUNDLE 1: Maths Hidden Word Puzzles BUNDLE 1 Rounding: To the nearest 10, 100, 1000, whole number, one and two decimal places, nearest pound (dollar version also included) Fractions: Equivalent fractions, simplest form / simplifying, fractions of quantities, mixed numbers and improper fractions Multiplication: times tables, doubling, multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000, multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100. Negative numbers: Increasing and decreasing temperature (Celsius), simple subtraction calculations with mostly negative answers, addition and subtraction of negative and positive integers. The negative numbers pack includes a loop game and self-check word problem cards alongside 3 puzzles. BUNDLE 2: Maths Hidden Word Puzzles BUNDLE 2 Percentages: Decimal and Fraction Equivalents, Percentages of Quantities / Amounts, Percentage Increases and Decreases Decimals: Ordering, Mental Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Decimals Division: Dividing Using Times Tables, Halving, Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, Dividing by multiples of 10 and 100. Time: Telling the Time (Analogue), Converting Words to Digital, 12 and 24 Clocks, Converting Units of Time (Seconds, Minutes, Hours), Durations / Elapsed Time). BUNDLE 3: Maths Hidden Word Puzzles BUNDLE 3 Angles: Angle Types / Names (Acute, Right, Straight, Obtuse & Reflex), Measuring Angles up to 180 degrees, Measuring Angles up to 360 degrees, Angles Between the 8 Compass Points and Missing Angles (Vertically Opposite, Adjacent, Straight Line and Around a Point) Area and Perimeter: Squares, Rectangles, Right-Angled Triangles and Compound Shapes Converting Units of Measure: Length, Volume / Capacity, Weight (Mass), Ordering, Converting Measurements for Mental Addition and Subtraction calculations Shape: 2D Shape Names, Types of Triangles, Angles in a Triangle / Missing Angles, Properties of Quadrilaterals (includes symmetry, angles, parallel sides etc.) and Names and Properties of 3D Shapes / Objects For differentiation, there are additional less / more challenging versions of some puzzles. Similar to codebreaker puzzles, a maths-related word is revealed after completing calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing errors. Then they assemble letters from the circled boxes to reveal the hidden maths word. (In the rounding puzzle students find the numbers that don’t round to specified target numbers and in some of the fractions puzzles, students must find non-equivalent fractions etc). In many puzzles there is an extension question / challenge linked to the hidden word, which on some may require a little research if time. Students often forget or avoid checking their work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves. Thank you for your interest in my resources. I do hope your students enjoy using these puzzles. Please do consider giving a review on TES if you get a spare moment. I would be so grateful. Please visit FullShelf Resources.
French Family Ma Famille Worksheets

French Family Ma Famille Worksheets

Beginners KS2 / KS3 writing activities for a My Family / La Famille topic: 3 worksheets, a crossword puzzle, a word search and 2 vocabulary support pages for consolidation and revision of family members vocabulary in French and linked phrases.   My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in: Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6) Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8) Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada May suit others, depending on experience   Differentiation: one of the worksheets and the 2 puzzles are included in two versions to suit different abilities. Answers included for all. All are in PDF format within the Zip File.   SAVE: Available in a French Family BUNDLE with a French Family Lesson Presentation and French Family Games. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: French Family and Pets BIG BUNDLE French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2 French Worksheets MEGA BUNDLE YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE… 24 French Family and Pets Role Play Cards   Includes these family members: le frere (brother), la soeur (sister), le fils (son), la fille (daughter), le pere (father), la mere (mother), le bebe (baby), le grand-pere (grandfather), la grand-mere (grandmother), le beau-pere (stepfather), la belle-mere (stepmother), le demi-frere (stepbrother), la demi-soeur (stepsister), l’oncle (uncle), la tante (aunt), le cousin (male cousin), la cousine (female cousin), les jumeaux (twins), enfant unique (only child). ‘Mon’ and ‘ma’ are also used to say ‘my father’, ‘my sister’ etc.   The worksheets also practise answering questions about families such as Qui est-ce? (Who is this?), Tu as des freres ou des soeurs? (Do you have any brothers or sisters?) and Combien de personnes il y a dans ta famille? (How many people are there in your family?). Giving names, ages and information about where people live is also consolidated alongside family vocabulary.   MANY MORE FRENCH TOPICS TO EXPLORE… French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1 French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Vocabulary Revision Worksheets Puzzles

French Vocabulary Revision Worksheets Puzzles

Fun French vocabulary puzzles! There are 8 fun puzzles worksheets for revision of beginner French vocabulary at KS2 or KS3. These no prep printable activities include differentiation, vocabulary support and full answer keys. They are great for back to school, start of term, end of term, early finishers tasks etc. They include words from topics such as: Body Parts / Les Parties du Corps Calendar / Le Calendrier et Quel est la Date? Clothing / Les Vetements Colours / Les Couleurs Describing People / Les Descriptions Physiques Family / La Famille Food and Drink / La Nourriture et Les Boissons Greetings and Introductions / Les Salutations et Je me Presente Numbers / Les Nombres Pets / Les Animaux de Compagnie School / L’ecole Classroom Vocabulary / Les Objets de la Classe Sport and Hobbies / Le Sport et Les Passe-temps Weather / La Meteo   My French basics resources are made for students beginning French and near beginners in Years 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and equivalents, depending on experience and ability. Please check previews to assess suitability.   Contained in this 35-page PDF file: 8 puzzles worksheets (3 versions of each) Full answer keys Vocabulary list to support students who require it Teacher instruction page   SAVE by getting this in French Revision Worksheets BUNDLE, which also contains French Comprehension Worksheets   Students translate numbered English words and enter into the grid. The letters in the shaded boxes, reading from top to bottom, form a French sentence. Students write this on the lines at the bottom, placing one letter on each dash (slashes separate the words), and translate it. Choose which version you require for your students, depending on age, experience and ability: The 1-star versions have some of the letters added to the grid to support students, the 2-star versions just have the first letter of each word (or if the first letter is in a shaded box, the rest of the word has been supplied instead), while the 3-star versions (hardest) feature entirely blank grids. You can also differentiate by supplying the vocabulary support list to students who require it. This approach works especially well with the 2-star puzzles as students can use the first letter of any word they don’t know to find the French translation relatively quickly. MORE TIPS: Students could work on these puzzles in groups or mixed ability pairs. To use again, laminate and use dry-wipe pens. Students could be encouraged to use French dictionaries or the Internet for words they do not know. They could also use them to check the meaning of the hidden sentence.
French Sports & Hobbies Role Play Dialogue

French Sports & Hobbies Role Play Dialogue

KS2 / KS3 French Beginners speaking activity for revision of Les Sports et Les Passe-Temps / Les Loisirs vocabulary and phrases. 24 printable dialogue cards (en anglais et en francais) plus vocabulary support pages for Upper Primary and Early Secondary. Students practise giving opinions, saying how often they do activities, using ‘jouer’ and ‘faire’ etc. These scripted French conversations about leisure activities, interests and sport are a good stepping stone to more independent oral work / role-playing. My French basics resources suit students beginning French and near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 and equivalents. PDF format. Please see the preview to check suitability. SAVE by purchasing this in my French Sports and Hobbies Big Bundle, which includes presentations, flashcards, worksheets, puzzles, printable games and activities, introducing and reviewing the same core vocabulary and phrases as these role-play cards. You may wish to get packs from the big bundle individually: Sports in French Presentation and Flashcards French Sports Worksheets Sports in French Games French Sports BUNDLE French Hobbies Presentation and Flashcards French Hobbies Worksheets French Hobbies Games French Hobbies BUNDLE The role-play cards focus on 18 sports and 18 hobbies / leisure activities and linked phrases and questions. Sports: badminton, baseball, basketball, cricket, football, American football, golf, ice hockey, rugby, tennis, table tennis, running, horse riding, gymnastics, cycling, karate, swimming, skiing. Hobbies / recreational activities: aller au parc, aller au cinema, cuisiner, danser, dessiner, écouter de la musique, faire du camping, faire du jardinage, faire les magasins, faire du patinage, faire de la photographie, jouer de la guitare, jouer du piano, jouer aux jeux de société, jouer sur l’ordinateur, lire, regarder la télé, sortir avec mes amis. Print and laminate. Pairs translate the conversation on their card into French, practising speaking it together. The 6 English language pages are designed to be printed back-to-back with the 6 translation pages for self-checking. If preferred, print translations as separate cards.
Decimals Place Value Game Year 5 / 6

Decimals Place Value Game Year 5 / 6

KS2 well-differentiated Four-in-a-Row Game Boards and cards for consolidation of decimal place value understanding and ordering decimal numbers (1, 2 and 3 decimal places). Ideal for starters, warm ups, early finishers activities etc. Originally designed for Key Stage 2 Y5 and Y6 - or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland. PDF format. Full instructions included. Please check the previews to see if it is suitable. SAVE by purchasing this as part of a BUNDLE: Place Value Activities BUNDLE KS2 Maths Games BUNDLE Decimals Activities BUNDLE DECIMAL NUMBERS FOUR IN A ROW: • Two sets of 54 decimal number cards featuring numbers from 0.001 to 2.01 (1 set includes numbers up to 2 decimal places, the other up to 3 decimal places) • Two A3 Four in a Row boards. The 1 star version was originally designed to go with the cards to 2 decimal places, while the more challenging 2 star version was designed for the cards to 3 decimal places. However, both sets of cards would work with either board. It works especially well in A3, however, you could scale down the board to A4 and use the smaller card set supplied. You could have pairs take on other pairs. Each team of two starts with a set of cards (print each set on different coloured card if you don’t have coloured printing that would allow you to print the different coloured cards supplied, then laminate to use again and again). It works well if each team shuffles their cards, puts them in a pile and takes one from the top at a time, which they then put down on the board if there’s a suitable empty box. They aim to get four of their cards in a row. Each box has a stipulation about the numbers that can be placed on it (no tenths, < 1.5, > 0.31, < 0.56, five hundredths etc). To save printing you could split a set between 2 or 3 boards as a single team won’t require all 54 cards. The cards can also be used separately from the game boards for ordering activities. Other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources: Mental Maths Bundle Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Bundle Please explore more: FullShelf Resources
French Body Parts Worksheets

French Body Parts Worksheets

KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) Beginners French writing activities to help you plan a Body Parts in French Les Parties du Corps unit: 8 worksheets and puzzles (with differentiation, answer keys and vocabulary support), including labelling activities, jumbled words, translation activities, crossword, grid puzzle and spot the mistakes puzzle. Enough for multiple lessons, these French basics pages help to teach and revise a core set of 18 body part names, with some activities including an extended range. There are additional versions of 7 of the worksheets and the puzzles for lower ability or less experienced students with word banks or the start of words printed etc. Full answer keys and instructions included. All 30 pages are in PDF format within the Zip file. Please check the detailed previews to check if these resources are suitable for you.   INCLUDED IN THIS WORKSHEETS PACK: VOCAB SUPPORT: The words for this unit have been divided into a core set of 18 words (List A) and 18 additional words (List B). Worksheets 1, 2 and 5 focus on words from List A. The 2 labelling worksheets and the puzzles also contain some of the words from List B. There’s a word mat for the List A words in 3 versions, including eco-printing options, a list page for both A and B and a combined list too. 5 WORKSHEETS: With full answer keys and all in 1- and 2-star versions. The 1-star versions are for lower ability, younger or less experienced students and contain support such as word banks or the start of missing words. Includes jumbled words, translations, and labelling worksheets. GRID PUZZLE: Students put the French body part words into the grid to reveal a related sentence in the shaded boxes. There’s a supported, one-star version with the first letter of each word and a two-star version without this support. HIDDEN WORD PUZZLE: Students work individually or in pairs or small groups to find translation errors with body parts vocabulary. When they find one, they circle the letter printed in the same box. At the end, they rearrange the circled letters to make another body part word. CROSSWORD PUZZLE: The clues involve students completing French phrases. An easier, one-star version gives students the first three letters of each word that they need to write into the grid. Accents not included. TEACHER INSTRUCTION PAGE   INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS BUNDLE French Body Parts BUNDLE, which also contains: French Body Parts Games French Body Parts Presentation   ALL BODY PARTS RESOURCES INCLUDED IN: French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Jobs Les Metiers Worksheets

French Jobs Les Metiers Worksheets

Writing activities for a Jobs and Careers in French / World of Work (Les Emplois / Le Travail) unit. There are 10 worksheets and puzzles, with differentiated versions, answer keys and vocabulary support pages (38 pages in total). Use these activities for main lesson tasks, sub plans, homework, early finisher tasks, and assessment to consolidate key vocabulary and linked phrases and questions. Most pages are based around a core list of 21 jobs, however two of the puzzles feature jobs from an expanded list of 39. Includes activities on what jobs people have and what jobs you would like to do in the future. PDF format. My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in: Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6) Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8) Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada May suit others, depending on experience Please check the previews to assess if they will be suitable. SAVE by purchasing this as part of a French Jobs BUNDLE, together with: French Jobs Presentation and Activities French Jobs Games and Activities INCLUDED IN THIS RESOURCE: Vocabulary pages: There’s a word mat (over 2 pages) of French words with images for a core range of 21 jobs, together with a one-page list of these 21 jobs, and an expanded list with an additional 18 jobs. French job names are given for masculine and feminine versions where applicable. There’s also a table of key questions and sentences. These pages can also be used as prompts for classroom speaking activities. Please note that these vocabulary pages are also contained in my Les Métiers Games and Activities packet. 7 worksheets, all differentiated two ways using a star system. The one-star version is the least challenging, for lower ability, younger or less experienced students. Includes jumbled words, translation tasks, fill the blanks tasks and a short reading comprehension. 3 puzzles - There’s a grid puzzle, word hunt puzzle and hidden word puzzle. The first two puzzles are differentiated; the first letter is given for each word in the word hunt puzzle and some letters are already entered into the easier grid puzzle. Full answer keys YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1 French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2 French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Halloween Worksheets

French Halloween Worksheets

C’est l’halloween! KS2 / KS3 printable writing activities for a French Halloween unit. Introduce spooky vocabulary this October with these 5 differentiated no prep worksheets and puzzles, plus a vocabulary support page in different versions. My French Basics / FSL resources suit students beginning French or near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 or 7 and equivalents. The 20-page PDF file includes all answer keys. Please check the preview to see if these resources meet your needs. SAVE by purchasing this together in a French Halloween BUNDLE, along with my Halloween Games and Halloween Presentation and Flashcards pack. Halloween Worksheets Vocabulary mat in different versions, including eco-printing options. You may wish to print and laminate it or display it on a screen to support those who require it while completing the worksheets and puzzles. Please note that the mat is also included in the games pack for this topic. 2 worksheets (with answer keys). Worksheet 1 features jumbled words and comes in 3 versions to suit students of differing ability or experience. The one-star version has the start and end of words already printed for the students, the two-star version has the first letter of each word printed, and the three-star version is more challenging, with only un/une printed. Worksheet 2 is a comprehension drawing challenge in a one-star version with a word bank and a two-star version with no word bank and an extra challenge. In the grid puzzle, students translate the vocabulary and enter the words into the grid. The shaded boxes should contain words to complete the sentence at the bottom of the page. Students should write one letter on each of the dashes. There’s a one-star version with half the letters filled in already, a two-star version with the first letters of each word filled in (or where the first letter is in a shaded box, other letters are provided instead), and a three-star version with a completely blank grid. For the crossword and word search puzzle, there are one and two-star versions puzzles with the one-star being a more supported version for lower ability or less experienced students. Accents are not included in these puzzles. All answer keys included Thanks for your interest in my resources. Here are some more French BUNDLES you might like: Huge Basics Bundle Classroom Objects Clothing
Bonfire Night Maths

Bonfire Night Maths

Fun KS2 mental maths puzzles for Bonfire Night / Fireworks Night / Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November. For Year 4, 5 and 6, these make ideal fun starters / warm ups, early finishers challenges and homework during the fireworks season! There are 6 printable mental maths puzzles worksheets, with no prep required: 3 puzzles (Set A) originally designed for Year 6 and Year 5 and 3 more (Set B) originally designed for Year 4 - and Year 3 if all concepts have been covered. Both sets work well in the same class for differentiation. Set A might also suit some early KS3 classes. PDF format within the Zip file. Full answer keys. You might like: Halloween Maths Puzzles Worksheets Christmas Mental Maths Puzzles SAVE by purchasing as part of these BUNDLES: Halloween Maths Activities BUNDLE Halloween and Bonfire Night Puzzles BUNDLE Autumn and Winter Maths Puzzles BUNDLE An engaging alternative to worksheets, these make ideal starter, early finisher or homework activities for this time of year. Similar to codebreaker puzzles, a Bonfire Night-related word is revealed after completing mental arithmetic calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing mistakes. Then they assemble letters from the circled boxes to reveal the word. Puzzles can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. Students often forget or avoid checking their work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves. Concepts include: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Times Tables, Doubling and Halving, Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100, Place Value, Negative Numbers, Fractions, Percentages and Decimals (Not all concepts feature in Set B) More Hidden Word Numeracy Puzzles in this value KS2 bundle: Maths Hidden Word Puzzles Explore my Crossnumber Puzzle packs: Place Value Puzzles Mental Maths Puzzles Year 5 / 6 Mental Maths Puzzles Year 4 / 3 Thank you. FullShelf Resources
Winter Story Prompts Creative Writing

Winter Story Prompts Creative Writing

20 winter themed Key Stage 2 (KS2) or early KS3 imaginative / creative writing story starters cards, featuring high quality photo prompts, vocabulary banks with descriptive words, prompt questions and more. Ideal for the winter months, with ideas for cold and snowy day stories, winter holidays and wintry setting descriptions. There is no reference to Christmas so you can use them with students who don’t celebrate Christmas and use in January and February as well as in November and December. These full-page story generators can be used across a range of abilities and ages, especially in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Y4 / Y5 /Y6/ Y7), to spark ideas for stories. They’re great for reluctant writers and they have a dyslexia friendly format. PDF format (not editable for licensing reasons). You can purchase this as part of this Creative Writing Story Prompts BIG BUNDLE 100 Prompts! Use as warm ups, early finishers activities and as a framework for free writing sessions Each of the 20 A4 cards features a visual element (photo / picture stimulus), a starter sentence or part-sentence to help launch children into their fiction / narrative writing Prompt questions to get ideas going A word bank and suggested openers to add variety to their writing A box at the bottom reminds students to read their work aloud, check for full stops and capital letters and common spellings UK and US English versions included, with spellings and references to ‘full stops’ and ‘periods’ etc amended as appropriate Designed to offer maximum support for dyslexic learners and those with similar barriers to learning. Verdana font and spacing used are both dyslexia-friendly and the background colours are designed to reduce glare. Both the UK and US cards are also included with the background colours removed and could be used if printing on dyslexia friendly paper or card. Could be used to support the writing of a full story Could also work well as a regular tool to support struggling writers in one-to-one or small group sessions, where students write a few sentences inspired by the prompts, without worrying about completing a story   MORE LITERACY RESOURCES… KS2 Writing Writing and Grammar Activities Complex Sentences Cards Full Stops and Capital Letters Cards Improving Sentences Worksheets
Pets in French Games Activities

Pets in French Games Activities

KS2 / KS3 French Beginners printable speaking games and activities for your French Pets unit (Les Animaux de Compagnie - also known as Les Animaux Domestiques). Students practise 12 domestic animals in French and linked questions and answers (As-tu un animal?). My French basics resources suit students beginning French and near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 and equivalents. Please check the previews to see a sample. The 12 pet words featured are: cat, dog, rabbit, snake, hamster, guinea pig, horse, parrot, mouse, goldfish, turtle, lizard. PDF format. Full instructions included. SAVE by purchasing this as part of my French Pets BUNDLE, which also includes my French Pets Worksheets and French Pets Presentation and Flashcards. Or purchase as part of my French Family and Pets BIG BUNDLE, along with 24 French Family and Pets Role Play Cards. INCLUDED IN THIS RESOURCE: VOCABULARY This page features the 12 French pet words together with images of the animals, to support students playing the games, if required. Display on screen or print. Included with and without background colour. FOUR IN A ROW 2 different game boards. Print and laminate. First to get four in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - wins. Students roll dice, then choose a pets word from that number column and say it in French. If correct, use a dry-wipe marker to put a symbol or initial in that box. ‘I HAVE…WHO HAS?’ This loop game reviews phrases alongside some numbers. Print and laminate the 30 illustrated cards, which form a continuous loop. AS-TU UN ANIMAL? There are 36 game cards (18 identical pairs). Students are given a card each and must move around the room, trying to find the player with the matching card. To find this, one player asks “As-tu un animal?”. The other replies with the information on their card (e.g. “J’ai un chien et un lapin” / “J’ai deux lézards” etc) and vice versa. There are 2 versions. The first set includes French prompts for lower ability or younger students. The other is in English only. BINGO / NOUGHTS AND CROSSES 8 different cards for a group game of Bingo (teacher or student could read out words) or Tic Tac Toe / Noughts and Crosses, with students taking it in turns to say aloud a French pets word from their card. If cards are laminated, students could write on them with a dry-wipe marker. Thanks for your interest. More to explore: KS2 / KS3 FRENCH MEGABUNDLE