Hello! My name is Georgina, welcome to my TES shop!
My resources are tried and tested and edited if I find I can improve them. There's a range of KS3, KS4 and KS5 with individual lessons and full units of work.
I am both a Geography and RS teacher so please scan through what I've got!
Hello! My name is Georgina, welcome to my TES shop!
My resources are tried and tested and edited if I find I can improve them. There's a range of KS3, KS4 and KS5 with individual lessons and full units of work.
I am both a Geography and RS teacher so please scan through what I've got!
This is a KS3 scheme of learning on Ecosystems and world biomes compromising of 11 lessons. It is designed for a range of SEN and stretch and challenge needs.
Details of what to do on each slide are in the notes section of each slide. All YouTube videos are embedded on the slide with matching hyperlink. This resource is full of diverse tasks including gap fills, discussion tasks, literacy skills and debates. There is also a full decision making exercise lesson. This resource includes all handouts needed and a end of topic quiz with matching mark scheme.
This costs £2 which works out at less than 10p per handout and lesson.
25 lessons on AQA A Level Coasts topic:
Intro to coasts
Coasts as a system
Wave refraction and currents
Sediment Cells
Coastal erosion
Landforms (carousel lesson)
Capri case study
Depositional landforms
Revision lesson
Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes
Sea Level Change
Emergent and submergent landforms
H and S engineering
H and S Case study Holderness
Sustainable management approaches
Holderness DME
The Sundarbans
Cover work
Exam Questions and skills practice
A01 knowledge test with mark scheme
Also includes past exam questions and answers
100 days of 5-10 minute revision materials. QR codes take students to BBC bitesize reading, quizzies or videos on YouTube.
All activities are under 10 minutes so perfect for students who struggle to focus!
This is a scheme of learning designed for KS3 with stretch and challenge and SEND students in mind. What to do with each slide is written in the notes section underneath each slide and all the handouts are included.
What is development
How is development measured?
HDI and uneven development
Uneven development Democratic Republic of Congo case study
DRC Decision making exercise lesson
The pattern of global trade
Fast Fashion lesson 1
Fast Fashion lesson 2
Global food supply
Map skills on the River Severn. Includes compass direction, 4 and 6 grid references and scale. Also includes a range of rivers understanding questions.
Scanned copy of map needed included (print to A3)
Can be used with a GCSE class or a high level KS3.
Answers included - so an ideal cover lesson!
This worksheet combines 6 figure grid references with geographical knowledge of Europe. Students will be both following 6 figure grid references and finding them out.
This worksheet has been used with years 7-10. Students will need a map of Europe displayed on the board (or most students have a map of Europe in their school planners).
A FULL unit of work for KS3 rivers and map skills
Includes assessment and answers
12 lessons
Water cycle
Long profile
River Tees (choice of documentary or oracy lesson)
River processes
5 and 6. 4 and 6 Grid references
Meanders and Ox bow lakes
Contours, relief and scale
11 and 12. Assessment and Review
Welcome to Lagos episode 2: Makoko
Link on top of the worksheet (available on You Tube)
Documentary questions with answers provided.
Works well will KS3 development/slums/Nigeria and KS4 Changing Economic World/ Development/Nigeria
20 questions included ranging from 4 and 6 figure grid references to OS Map symbols.
For this resource you need the blue GCSE geography AQA textbook as the map is on page 36.
Good for cover work as answer sheet is provided,
General map skills not linked to any particular topic.
FULL topic on Sikhism for KS3.
Easy to follow PPs and sheets. All answers to tasks included.
Good for none specialists
What is Sikhism
Guru Nanak
Guru Granth Sahib
Khalsa and 5Ks
Topic consolidation so far
Story of the turban and its importance
Vaisakhi festival
Email me/ message on Twitter if there are any issues! Handle is on my TES author page
Full topic for KS3 Population. Created for non specialists so easy to follow.
People on the move (push/pull, global movements etc)
Climate refugees: Example of Bangladesh. Includes guided reading sheet and climate graph work
Economic migrants: Global picture of movement for better jobs/quality of life
War and migration (example of Syria)
Refugees and asylum seekers: Examples of Qater, Azerbaijan, Papua New Guinea, Ukraine and Yemen
Migration in England: Rural to Urban migration, includes population pyramids
Life in a refugee camp: Documentary with question sheet and lesson content
HANDOUTS: Designed to be printed A5 to save on printing!!
This worksheet combines 6 figure grid references with geographical knowledge of Europe. Students will be both following 6 figure grid references and finding them out.
This worksheet has been used with years 7-10. Students will need a map of Europe displayed on the board (or most students have a map of Europe in their school planners). Or alternatively an Atlas.
To make it easier students should first colour in all the sea/water blue. This will help them differentiate between land and ocean. They could also label all the countries to begin with.
Booklet and lessons for home learning/cover.
This resource is a full scheme of learning for earthquakes targeted for year 9/GCSE. The resource includes 5 lessons. Each PowerPoint directs students to complete a task in the booklet provided. These lessons can be online or in class.
The formatting and font used in both the PowerPoints and the booklet are accessible for range of SEN. There is also a booklet full of stretch and challenge activities.
Each PowerPoint is easy to follow for home learning or in class learning. Students will need access to Kerboodle/AQA textbook (pictured in the PowerPoints) if this isn’t possible the information for the task can be found freely online.
Intro to unequal world
Measures of development
Population Pyramids
Causes of uneven development
Wealth and health
Reducing DG - Fair Trade
Reducing DG - Tourism (NOT INCLUDED - textbook lesson)
Reducing DG - Aid
Reducing DG - Debt relief/intermediate tech
Revision and ESQ
Carbon cycles intro
Carbon transfers
Physical causes of increase
Human causes of increase
Carbon budget
Impacts of climate change
Additional lesson of measuring the carbon content in trees (good for NEA)
No lesson on case study for topic.
Additional reading resources e.g. articles not included due to copyright.
A full GCSE AQA Rivers scheme of work:
Drainage basin
Fluvial processes
Upper course landforms
Middle course landforms
Lower course landforms
Causes of flooding and hydrographs
River Tees landforms case study
Hard engineering carousel lesson
Soft engineering
Banbury Case Study
Revision resources
Structure of the Earth
Continental Drift
Plate margins
Why was Haiti so deadly
Comparing Haiti and Japan
Why live in a disaster zone
Monitoring predication and planning
Earthquake proof buildings
A mix of videos, written, and pop up work.
Past exam questions and exam style questions incorporated throughout
Homework also incorporated
This resource is a full 6 lesson climate change topic looking at:
What is climate change?
Natural causes of climate change
Human causes of climate change
Global impacts of climate change
Managing climate change (mitigation)
Managing climate change (adaptation)
This resource includes both online learning and in class learning lessons. There are stretch and challenge activities included in each lesson. The formatting, font and explanations of these lessons is also accessible for a range of SEN students.