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Dorset-based Maths teacher.
Area of a Parallelogram and Algebra

Area of a Parallelogram and Algebra

I really liked Don Steward’s task on equable parallelograms (https://donsteward.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/equable-parallelograms.html) but wanted some questions that were a little bit easier for my Year 10 group, so I designed these. In each of paralleograms on the sheet, the area is equal to the perimeter. Students should use this fact to set up an equation, which they can solve to find the value of the unknown. Solutions are provided.
Equation of a Straight Line - Fill in the Gaps

Equation of a Straight Line - Fill in the Gaps

Designed for Higher GCSE Students to review their knowledge of equations of straight lines, in particular finding the equation: Between 2 points When given the gradient and a point When given a parallel line and a point Also requires an understanding of the relationship between the gradients of two lines that are perpendicular. In each line of the table, students are given some of the information about a straight line - and have to fill in the missing information!
Using Inequality Symbols in Calculations

Using Inequality Symbols in Calculations

A basic worksheet to ensure students are comfortable with the > and < symbols. Students are given 2 calculations to do, and must use the appropriate symbol to show which calculation gives the greater answer. The calculations involve integers at first, but move onto decimal calculations later. Solutions are provided.
Function Notation - Substitution Tarsia (including Composite and Inverse Functions)

Function Notation - Substitution Tarsia (including Composite and Inverse Functions)

A Tarsia activity to help students become familiar with function notation f(x), by substituting values into functions, composite functions, and inverse functions. There are 16 pieces to the puzzle - students substitute values into functions and match that piece up to its answer on another card. When completed, the 16 pieces form a square. To make things a bit more challenging, some functions do not have an answer to match with - these will go around the outside of the completed square. The 3 functions f(x), g(x) and h(x) that students need to complete the puzzle are in the PNG file - these can be projected onto the whiteboard while students work. Note that I haven’t provided students with the Inverse Functions - students must derive them on their own. Sadly, I was not able to upload the Tarsia file itself, just a pdf version, so you cannot make any edits yourself.
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions - Deliberate Practice (A-Level)

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions - Deliberate Practice (A-Level)

A task designed to make simplifying algebraic fractions a little more interesting. Students are given 24 expressions and must use them to create 12 algebraic fractions (no repeats). The aim is to create 12 algebraic fractions that can all be simplified. I’ve provided a solution to show it is possible, but there may be more than one solution! I’ve used this with a Year 12 class but it could also be suitable for able KS4.
Solving Equations with Brackets - Challenge Questions

Solving Equations with Brackets - Challenge Questions

4 questions that I created to challenge my more able Year 8 students when we covered solving equations with brackets. Requires knowledge of: how to find the area of a rectangle and triangle, how to divide a quantity in a ratio, and how to calculate the mean and range of a set of numbers. Answers are provided (and they’re fractions to make things a bit trickier!).
Calculating with Standard Form - Fill in the Gaps

Calculating with Standard Form - Fill in the Gaps

I designed this activity for my top set Year 10 class. It involves adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form. It is designed to be done without a calculator! Initially, students are given 2 numbers in standard form, a and b, and must calculate other values such as a + b, a x b etc., but progresses onto skills such as, if you’re given b and a ÷ b, can you work out a? Good for a higher-attaining group I think! Solutions are provided.
Plotting Basic Quadratic Graphs

Plotting Basic Quadratic Graphs

A simple, basic worksheet on plotting quadratics for weaker students. The variable appears in one place only, which makes filling in the table of values through substitution easier. I’ve included a co-ordinate grid and solutions to the task.
Factorising (Single Brackets) - Algebraic Product Puzzles

Factorising (Single Brackets) - Algebraic Product Puzzles

The same idea as these excellent Don Steward tasks (https://donsteward.blogspot.com/2014/12/algebraic-product-puzzles.html) but extended to include factorising expressions where the common factor includes a variable. Students insert algebraic expressions into the grid so that each column and row multiplies to give the expression at the end - an example is given on the sheet to hopefully make this clearer. This is a problem solving task involving factorising! I’ve included a Powerpoint in case you want to make any changes to the task. Answers are provided on the Powerpoint.
Factorising Monic Quadratics - Codebreaker

Factorising Monic Quadratics - Codebreaker

I wanted a resource where students had to factorise monic quadratics that only had positive terms, so I created this task. Students factorise each of the given quadratics into double brackets. They cross off each bracket in the grid at the bottom of the page - each bracket appears multiple times, but it doesn’t matter which one they cross off. Once students have factorised every quadratic, their grids will probably all look different, but they will all have 8 letters left that weren’t crossed off that can be re-arranged to spell BUDAPEST.
Factorising Non-Monic Quadratics - Grid Tasks

Factorising Non-Monic Quadratics - Grid Tasks

I like to use the grid method for expanding double brackets, and then I use the grid method “in reverse” to factorise non-monic quadratics. To introduce this idea of working “in reverse”, I created these 2 worksheets. Students are already given the four terms inside the grid, and they have to determine what the brackets around the outside must be.
Angles in Parallel Lines - Solving Linear Equations

Angles in Parallel Lines - Solving Linear Equations

Having seen exam questions in the new GCSE that combine angles and algebra, I designed the following worksheet to challenge my top set Year 10 group. Students have to determine the value of x in each question. Later questions go beyond what I think we’re likely to see at GCSE. Answers are provided.
Ordering Fractions - Grid Challenge

Ordering Fractions - Grid Challenge

UPDATED 16/09/22: Changed the font and added solutions. Included pdf version of the task too. A Bronze/Silver/Gold differentiated resource where pupils are given a list of fractions and a square grid. They have to put the fractions in the grid so that every row and column is in ascending order. The suggested method for doing so is to find a common denominator. There are many possible solutions to the puzzles, but I have provided one possible set of solutions as this was requested in the comments. In all solutions, the smallest fraction must always go in the top left corner, and the largest in the bottom right.
Multiplying Mixed Numbers worksheet

Multiplying Mixed Numbers worksheet

A simple worksheet on Multiplying Mixed Numbers - nothing fancy. 12 questions for students to complete. Once students have completed a question, they cross off the answer at the bottom of the page - if they can’t find their answer, they’ve made a mistake somewhere. There are 15 answers, so 3 won’t be used.
Multiplying Mixed Numbers - Missing Digits

Multiplying Mixed Numbers - Missing Digits

A task I designed to challenge some high-ability students. There are 9 questions on Multiplying Mixed Numbers, each one missing a digit. Students have to work out the missing digit in each calculation. Each of the numbers 1 - 9 will be used exactly once. Answers are provided.
Expanding Double Brackets (Basic) - Matching Task

Expanding Double Brackets (Basic) - Matching Task

This activity is inspired by something I saw on the Mathspad website, but I wanted a simpler version to use in a first lesson with Year 7 on expanding double brackets. There are therefore no negatives in this activity, and the leading coefficient in the quadratics you obtain is always 1. The students are given a table of algebraic expressions and 15 quadratics they are trying to create. They pick 2 expressions from the table, multiply them together and see if they’ve created one of the quadratics. If not, they try again! Each expression can only be used once, although most expressions appear multiple times in the table. I’ve used this with a mixed ability Year 7 group, and it worked well. Weaker students can pick expressions at random and see what they get, whereas stronger students may start with the quadratic and ask themselves how they can create it - essentially factorising quadratics! Solutions are provided.
Factorising Quadratics puzzle (positives only)

Factorising Quadratics puzzle (positives only)

This was inspired by a task from Don Steward: https://donsteward.blogspot.com/2014/12/algebraic-product-puzzles.html I wanted some similar puzzles on Quadratics that were more accessible to weaker students, without any negative terms, so that’s what I created! Students have to fill in each blank cell with a bracket so that every row and column multiplies to make the quadratic expression at the end. Of course this could be done by random trial and error, but it makes much more sense to factorise the Quadratics! An example is given on the sheet to help students understand how the puzzles work. Answers are provided.
Converting Decimals to Fractions (Treasure Hunt)

Converting Decimals to Fractions (Treasure Hunt)

A Treasure Hunt on converting decimals to fractions ( which should be in simplest form). Print out the questions and place around the room. Students decide which card they want to start on. Students answer the question by converting the decimal to a fraction, and look for their answer at the top of a different card - this tells them which question to answer next. They then repeat the process, and if they’re correct, they should end up back at their starting point after 20 questions. Solution is provided.
Function Machines - Finding Inputs (Treasure Hunt)

Function Machines - Finding Inputs (Treasure Hunt)

A Treasure Hunt based on finding the input value in a function machine when given the output. Print out the cards and stick them around the classroom. Students pick their own starting point, answer the question, and look for their answer at the top of a different card. This tells them which question to do next, and then they repeat the process. They should end up back at their starting point if they get all the questions correct. Solution provided.