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In my 8th year of Primary teaching. Phase Leader of years 4,5 & 6. Much of my shop is display materials, closely linked to aspirations and supporting learning within the classroom.




In my 8th year of Primary teaching. Phase Leader of years 4,5 & 6. Much of my shop is display materials, closely linked to aspirations and supporting learning within the classroom.
KS2 English Grammar Display Harry Potter

KS2 English Grammar Display Harry Potter

2 Resources
These sets of Harry Potter posters are a brilliant way to engage children in grammar as well as consolidating their knowledge of word classes and writing features. I have these in my classroom and we refer to them throughout SPaG and English lessons. Children will often look to them for ideas or to remind them of the different names of the grammatical features.
Harry Potter Word Class Posters set of 10

Harry Potter Word Class Posters set of 10

A5 posters to decorate any classroom, with word classes on them with examples taken from different Harry Potter books. We have these up in my classroom and use them as a tool during lessons, and the children are used to using them as a reminder for the different grammatical elements they will need for writing and for their SPaG tests. Visual learning and reminders are a great way to enhance that sticky knowledge we want our children to have. Having concrete reminders on the wall are a brilliant way to give children ownership of their own learning. Harry Potter is always a fun and engaging way to reach the children too.
Roman Numerals pastel display KS2

Roman Numerals pastel display KS2

A great addition for any Maths Working Wall in a Key Stage 2 classroom. Pastel in design, I love having these in my classroom and they’re really useful for children to look back on to support them in consolidating roman numerals.
emotion check-in slips

emotion check-in slips

These emotion check-in slips are a great resource to use in conjunction with a worry box. We keep these next to the worry box and children tick the emotion that they are feeling and then write a short sentence about why they feel this way. It’s easy for you as a teacher to quickly see how they are feeling and it’s great for the children to know that someone will speak to them about their feelings.
Halloween bunting in colour and with black and white copies

Halloween bunting in colour and with black and white copies

Halloween bunting perfect to decorate any classroom or to hang during a Halloween party. With 4 black and white copies too so children can colour their own bunting sheets in as a filler activity in the run up to half-term. I have used these for a few years now and it’s a fun way to get into the Halloween spirit.
Classroom Management table points Avengers

Classroom Management table points Avengers

This Marvel Avengers classroom management table points display is the perfect way to combine children’s interests with working together as a team. Simply put the children’s names into the editable display, print and laminate. It’s a great way to visually show positive praise and encourage classroom routines such as transitions and listening respectfully while in the classroom. Each table is named after an Avengers character, and then the teams ‘compete’ all week to get points and see which table wins at the end of the week. I do an individual winner and a table winner at the end of each week. The table names are made to fit into an Ikea Tolsby frame, and I often stick them onto the table tidies too so that any adult that enters your room can easily use the table point system to engage the class.
Football Multiplication Game with Match Attax

Football Multiplication Game with Match Attax

Perfect full lesson game for end of unit or end of term fun. This game tests the column addition skills of the children by getting them to roll a dice and multiply either the attacking number, or the defense number, depending on whose turn it is. Multiplication crosses the tens, and can be up-leveled by adding 2 dice so that the children are multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. The aim of the game is for the children to see who can cross the pitch board game first. Each player has 15 Match Attax cards and different coloured football pieces. The children will take it in turns to be the ‘attacking’ player. They will roll the dice and multiply the number on the dice by the number for ‘attack’ on their player’s card. The opposite player will then roll their dice and multiply that number by the number for the ‘defense’ on their player’s card. The child with the highest score wins and gets to place their football onto the pitch. The children put their cards to the bottom of the pile and it’s now the other child’s turn to be the ‘attacker’. This is continued until one player has reached the opposition’s side of the pitch. Included in the download are - Powerpoint explaining the rules visually to children, instruction sheet for the children, 30 different Match Attax card images on PDF, the football counters pdf and the board game on an A3 word document. Download, print and laminate for a great lesson. I use this at the end of every half-term and the children love it while still keeping a purposeful working environment.
book tracker bookmark editable

book tracker bookmark editable

This bookmark I use with my students so they can track which books they have read throughout the year. Since I have started using the bookmarks in the classroom, there’s been a noticeable improvement in the children wanting to read more so they can write the names of the books and colour the shelves of the bookmark on. The back has an editable name slot so they are easy to identify. I print them onto card, and they are used throughout the year.
Boho multiplication maths display

Boho multiplication maths display

This wavy checkerboard design is a great edition to any working wall. We use it specifically from year 4 - year 6 to consolidate children’s knowledge of times tables and multiplcation. It is good to use when skip counting, or going through times tables with children. Visuals are a brilliant way to get children to know more and remember more. Seeing the patterns of the numbers will help children to remember and understand how times tables work.
Electricity unit of work with sheets yr4

Electricity unit of work with sheets yr4

I made this smart board and corresponding booklet unit of work for my year 4 class last year. I used it again this year and made some adjustments to it as needed. Electricity is such a fun topic for children and this booklet and smart allows them to combine their knowledge of electrical circuits with design elements. There are work sheets included for a whole term as well as a brief smart too. We used it to build their knowledge gradually of circuits, and then how to properly draw a circuit and add buzzers, motors and lights. It all culminated in a final design project where they needed to follow a specification of a house that needed a doorbell, light bulb and a switch! They absolutely loved this and it is also a National Curriculum requirement for this year group.
Number bonds to 5 activity bundle

Number bonds to 5 activity bundle

3 different activities to help children to consolidate number bonds to 5. Great for children in KS1, or for using with children working at the pre-key stage standards. ____________________________________________________________________ I planned these activities to be used with children working at Standard 4, as a way of consolidating number bonds to 5 and supporting them with their subitising skills. ____________________________________________________________________ There are 2 work sheets and 1 card game which can be laminated and reused throughout the year for consolidaiton.
interactive KS2 clock display

interactive KS2 clock display

A display to support telling the time, perfect for any Maths working wall. All you need to do is print it, laminate and cut it and then add a split pin to the clock hands to make it interactive. It comes with time cards to decorate around the edge and show the different times, e.g 5 past, 10 past ect. The clock edge is also split into 60 to show how time is counted in 60 minutes. I use this with my class with conjunction with our White Rose time unit, but also throughout different lessons and to get the children to go and change the time on the interactive clock. For example, I might ask one child to set the clock to lunch or home time and then we look at how we know they are correct or how to help them to get it right.
Christmas English, Maths and French bundle!

Christmas English, Maths and French bundle!

3 Resources
This set is perfect for the end of a busy term in the run up to Christmas. The Abridged version of A Christmas Carol has been re-written to make it shorter and easier to grasp for children, with images included. There are sets of worksheets and reading comprehension questions to accompany the book. The Grinch Maths is 2 days worth of smart boards and worksheets, aimed to support all children in the Maths lesson. Again, this is great for keeping some structure for the last 2 days of term. The Christmas French vocabulary poster is a lovely display and visual aid and we use it to play bingo with, to create art work and to play labeling games around the room.
KS2 writing features display Harry Potter

KS2 writing features display Harry Potter

6 posters all with examples of different linguistic writing features, ready to display in any Primary or English classroom. Including things such as metaphors, similes, personification and alliteration, they are a great visual aid to have in the room to remind children what the features are and consolidate their understanding of them.
KS2 writing features display Harry Potter

KS2 writing features display Harry Potter

A5 posters to decorate any classroom, with writing features on them with examples taken from different Harry Potter books. We have these up in my classroom and use them as a tool during lessons, and the children are used to using them as a reminder for the different grammatical elements they will need for writing and for their SPaG tests. Visual learning and reminders are a great way to enhance that sticky knowledge we want our children to have. Having concrete reminders on the wall are a brilliant way to give children ownership of their own learning. Harry Potter is always a fun and engaging way to reach the children too.
Printable positive Teacher notes in rainbow boho

Printable positive Teacher notes in rainbow boho

Teacher mail is a positive reinforcement tool to support behaviour management in any classroom. Quick and easy way to communicate with parents and support the classroom environment. Tick off positive behaviours for individual children and write a short comment to send home to parents. Instant positive reinforcement to support in class behaviour and create a purposeful working environment. With the eye-catching design, children and parents enjoy putting these positive notes on display in the home. It is a great way to enhance communication with parents without picking up the phone.
bookflix display with book corner labels

bookflix display with book corner labels

Display lettering and book corner labels all in the style of Netflix. We use this as an interactive display where the children choose which books are the top 5 or the most popular and we change them depending on the cohort’s preferences. The book corner labels are a really easy way to keep the books organised, and the book monitor display we change regularly too so the children all take ownership of their learning.
learning hexagons display

learning hexagons display

These hexagons are great to display what you and your class are currently learning. I laminate these so they can be cleaned and written on each term, and they lock together on the wall as a reminder of what we are learning about at any moment. Great for recall.