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GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West
This lesson contains:
A task to introduce the reasons why people went West using a map of my own creation (editable on the PPT) and annotating the Mormon trail, California Trail and Oregon Trail with info from the PPTs. The slides will give info on the importance of the Oregon Trail also, and why it was traversed.
A introduction to the belief of Manifest Destiny.
A worksheet task to study the reasons people went West and to sort them by importance as pushes and pulls, but also overall.
A task to study what problems the migrants faced along the way. This can be extended by looking at the Donner Party using the information provided and answering some comprehension questions on this.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives
This lesson contains:
An introduction to the ‘open range’ and why the cowboys moved from working on the range rather than performing cattle drives.
A task to study the reasons why the cattle drives ended and the role of cowboys declined. Students read the information provided and put the reasons into order of importance.
A discussion of the winter of 1886-87 and the consequences of the great ‘die-up’.
An opportunity to study the role barbed wire played in the decline of cowboys by studying an exam exemplar and picking out facts and importance words in the answer, then having a go at their own exam question using similar criteria.
A plenary crossword with the keys words from the cattle ranging and cowboys lessons.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher Files
2 x Word Files
USA L1 - Were 1920's Americans Living the 'American Dream?'
This lesson contains:
A starter to discuss what students know about America and what comes to mind when they think about it. It’s a good intro to the topic as a whole as somethings they know about will come up in the course.
A discussion about the American Dream and what they think it means, or offers. Students study a short excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. This is followed by two videos from YouTube which give different interpretations. Students then summarise, in their own words, what this is.
An informative video full of footage from the 1920’s showing the boom years. Students note-take on a mind map of features of the booming 1920’s.
An activity to study information on a handout about people’s experiences in the USA in the 1920’s and use it to complete a worksheet showing on one hand, on the other, those that lived, or didn’t live, the American Dream.
A plenary for a judgement on the enquiry question.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
1 x Publisher File
GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded
This lesson contains:
A starter quiz based on previous learning.
An overview of the chain of evacuation. The teacher than takes the students through each of the RAD, Dressing Station, CCS and Base Hospital. There is a short video and students take notes in the boxes on their flow chart sheet. The answers are also there with facts to help students improve their notes afterwards.
An activity to study about who provided the care, which includes the RAMC and FANY. Students then have an opportunity to attempt a ‘two features’ exam question.
A plenary challenging students to determine which picture relates to each place on the chain.
Extra exam questions for all types, including a long exam question, on this topic.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L6 - New Treatment Methods on Western Front
This lesson contains:
A recall starter task based on previous learning.
An overview of the major treatments used, and students complete the questions as they work through.
Students work through the methods of dealing with infection, including wound excision and the Carrel-Dakin Method.
Students look at the Thomas Splint via an informative video and the use of mobile x-rays. Students then complete the questions.
Blood transfusions and transfusion kits are covered, as are brain surgery and plastic surgery. There is a video about plastics before students complete questions on these methods and uses.
An opportunity to do exam questions to practice on treatments. There are all different types covered.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
Treaty of Versailles - Consequences Knowledge Organiser
This is an editable and printable knowledge organiser for the Treaty of Versailles. It is excellent when printed in A3 (and laminated if you can!) or even as A4 and can be used at KS3 level or KS4 GCSE!
USA L6 - What Was Life Like in the Great Depression?
This lesson contains
A starter to recap the recent Wall Street Crash to set the scene for the lesson. This comes with information on the slides to go back over the effects of the Crash.
A discussion task for students to argue about what President Hoover should do. The students will be surprised when they find out he chose to do nothing.
A task for students to study a series of sources about what life was like. There are a combination of quotes, charts and images. Students document what each ‘pack’ of sources tells us about life in the depression.
An optional task if time allows to read an article and answer some questions on a table (provided) to summarise the devastating effects of the Depression.
A plenary to describe two features of the Depression.
1 x Powerpoint Presentations
2 x Word Files
1 x Publisher File
1 x Publisher Info File
USA L7 - Did the New Deal Help Everyone?
This lesson contains:
A starter that recalls the Wall Street Crash and the Depression.
An introduction to Roosevelt and his election campaign to solve the Depression. This includes a quote about a New Deal. Students might consider ways he might help the economy recover.
An activity to study a series of information sheets. Students can have these in groups or move around the room. They use the info to complete a worksheet with the different ‘alphabet agencies’ that were created by Roosevelt to solve the problem. Students record what each tried to achieve.
A task to study information about the effects of the New Deal on different social groups in the USA. Students then weigh up whether all groups benefitted, or not and why. There is extended writing to be done on this, guided on the board.
A plenary to match the alphabet agency to the job it did.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Powerpoint Files
1 x Publisher File
1 x Word File
GCSE Germany L12 - Early Nazi Party
This lesson contains:
An overview of Adolf Hitler’s frustrations after WW1.
An activity to describe the goals of the early DAP and Anton Drexler.
A mind mapping activity to use the information on the sheet and the PPT to make notes on Hitler’s personal appeal, the 25 Points, the SA, the new leaders in the Party and the organisation of the new NSDAP under Hitler, including the salute and the swastika.
A plenary review task to discuss whether the changes to the early party paid off and brought in members.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
Tudors - Did Mary Queen of Scots Deserve to Die?
This lesson contains:
A starter to see how much students already know about Mary Queen of Scots.
An overview of Mary and her life using some slides and a YouTube video which summarises her marriages etc. Students complete a multiple choice questionnaire as they go.
A discussion of what Elizabeth should do with her cousin when Mary arrived in England in 1568.
An information gathering exercise, using info sheets which can be used in groups or as a carousal, so that students can complete info about the 4 major plots/threats and judge each one for how much Mary was to blame.
A plenary to judge whether Mary should have been executed.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
WW1 L12 & L13 - Why Do Historians Differ Over the Somme?
This lesson contains:
A taught segment on the differences between sources and interpretations.
An overview of what to consider when studying sources.
A run through of how to study interpretations and why they differ. There is an example of two images with two different things in it. Some in the class will see different things.
An exercise for students to write down what happened last lesson, then the teacher can take different interpretations of the same lesson from different experiences. This helps illustrate the point.
A recap of the Somme battle and an introduction to the lions vs donkeys argument.
A depth study of two sources that differ. Students analyse the nature, origin and purpose.
A depth study of two interpretations that differ. Students study them, determine the viewpoint and what they are saying about the guilt over the Somme.
A final judgement about the reasons the two interpretations studied differ.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
1 x Word File
WW1 L7 - Were the 'Conchies' Cowards?
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider the lyrics of a song and whatit shows about the person’s feelings of war.
A background into who the conchies were and an exercise to consider why they disliked war.
An overview of conscription and the need for more troops, while there were exemptions allowed and how they could be achieved.
A consideration of what happens to those who get their exemptions denied, and a consolidation exercise to bring it all together.
An activity to read 6 short case studies, real examples, and to assess their exemption case. Students decide the verdict, then find out what really happened afterwards.
A final judgement of whether conchies were misunderstood or cowards.
1 x Powerpoint Presentations
2 x Word Files
2 x Publisher Files
Stuarts - What Were the Impacts of Witch Hunts
This lesson contains:
A starter task that has questions that can be amended or altered based on what you have been previously teaching.
A quick reminder/discussion about why witches were scary to people in Europe at the time and what people worried might happen.
An introduction to Matthew Hopkins and his role in the witch craze. Students read the information sheet and use it to answer a couple of questions about him in full sentences.
A larger task to use the worksheet to label the different methods Hopkins used to discover the guilt of witches. Students look at familiars, herb use, pricking witches, waking witches, swimming witches, marks and moles and their actions as well. They have some extension questions to follow up on the information they have learned and extend their thinking.
An overview of how witches were then punished, followed by the modern cultural depictions of witches. There is then a short activity to read the later Witchcraft Act of 1735 and to summarise how it ended the witch craze, including information on the last cases tried in the UK.
A plenary to write a letter making arguments against Hopkins and his use of torture against witches as a way of summarising what they have learned.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
Civil War L3 – Who Fought in the Civil War?
This lesson contains:
A starter task that has questions that can be amended or altered based on what you have been previously teaching.
A brief introduction to the start of the war, and then students use the information presented on the PPT to complete the boxes on their worksheet to differentiate between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers, who they supported, what they wore and what their aims were.
An activity to study the information sheet and find out about the different way in which musketeers and pikemen fought, as well as then labelling the two different soldiers based on the descriptions on the sheet.
An activity to find out about the difficulty faced by soldiers when choosing sides. There are four large sources and for each, there is a question that analyses what is being said. The students answer these questions in their books with an extension to explain two reasons why soldiers found it hard to choose sides.
A plenary activity which can be done as a whole class on the board. There is a summary task on an interactive website from British Civil Wars. It is a drag and drop activity which can be done as a whole class discussion.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L2 - Elizabeth's Early Problems & Stigmas
This lesson contains:
A starter ‘do it now’ task to recap previous learning.
An introduction to what a ‘stigma’ is. This leads to a discussion about social stigmas. Then you can introduce the three Elizabeth had against her: legitimacy, gender and marriage.
A task to use the information sheet provided to create a mind map with the key information about each of the three problems, emphasising why each was an issue for her.
An activity to study a series of sources to discover whether Elizabeth has the force of character to overcome these social stigmas or not.
A final task to create a diamond 9 from a set of small info cards, each with a different problem Elizabeth had, which students cut out and stick down, with an extension to explain why they chose the top one she had to try and deal with first.
A plenary activity to summarise a point of learning.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
1 x Publisher File
1 x PDF Scan of the Answer Key