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HumanitiesResources' Shop

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We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!




We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!
*FULL LESSON* A-Level Sociology Feminist View of Family - Revision Mock Exam Feedback and Exemplars

*FULL LESSON* A-Level Sociology Feminist View of Family - Revision Mock Exam Feedback and Exemplars

This 60-minute A-Level Sociology Lesson includes all the resources for a 20 mark AQA Family and Households mock exam and/or revision resource. The lesson includes one 20 mark question on the feminist view of the family, great thought-provoking starter activity; AO1 Graffiti task where students deconstruct the question and add as many AO1s they know to the board; several students’ examples where your students assess the paragraph together (e.g. can you spot the ‘conceptually detailed knowledge’?); ‘Key Term Challenge’. Students then get a chance to either write their own response to the question or, depending on how you use this lesson, redraft their own answers.
Assembly: How do Conflicts Impact on Us? Assembly ideas about war, conflicts

Assembly: How do Conflicts Impact on Us? Assembly ideas about war, conflicts

This is a full assembly looking at the issues around CONFLICT. The assembly starts with a brief video clip which is shown as students arrive or as the first part of the assembly. The video plays music and shows images about evacuation as a result of conflict. The next part deals with the sub-questions ‘What’s the difference between ‘conflict’ and ‘war’?’ and ’ Why do conflicts happen’. Detailed slides follow with a case-study example of Syria. The final part of the assembly looks at historical conflicts and a video shows how Europe has been shaped by wars and conflicts over the past 1000 years. Examples of charities are displayed and the assembly ends with a video clip from Save the Children showing what the conflict in Syria could be if it happened in London. Please rate this 5 stars if you enjoy the resource!
*FULL LESSON* Do Mass Media Impose American Values and Life-Styles on the World? A-Level Sociology

*FULL LESSON* Do Mass Media Impose American Values and Life-Styles on the World? A-Level Sociology

This full 60-minute lesson (including a 10-mark exam question for homework) teaches students about globalisation and how far Mass Media impose western or American values and life-styles on the world. The lesson includes a booklet with a range of activities which students work through. This lesson also features provoking questions to prompt discussion, as well as video clips dealing with the hybridisation of Western culture in the Arab world. Key words and theories include: global culture, cultural homogenisation, cultural/media imperialism, hybridisation, hybrid culture, Flew (2002), Sklair (2012), Kellner (1995), Ritzer (2008), Fenton (1999), Compaine (2005), Tomlinson (1999).
*FULL LESSON* Why did Businesses Grow 1750-1900? Industrial Revolution KS3

*FULL LESSON* Why did Businesses Grow 1750-1900? Industrial Revolution KS3

This 60-minute lesson covers the growth of businesses and birth of towns during the Industrial Revolution. Students start by examining a piece of statistics on population growth which is supported by a list of questions to help guide their thinking. There are further activities in this lesson including: - UPDATE: now with a peer-assessment task and Checklist! - labelling task on how towns grow (excellent as homework and perfect for low attaining students as well as SEND). Challenge questions are included to stretch the middle and high prior attaining students. - a video clip informs students about the impact of factories on towns and cities like Birmingham which is also supported a range of questions. - Card sort and/or factor activity: students read a range of cards and have to decide which factor each belongs to; - An extended writing task immediately follows the card sort/ factor activity. If you enjoy the lesson do rate us too : ) !
*FULL LESSON* Why did Soldiers Carry on Fighting in the Trenches? WWI KS3 KS4

*FULL LESSON* Why did Soldiers Carry on Fighting in the Trenches? WWI KS3 KS4

This 60-minute lesson gets students thinking about why soldiers continued fighting even though it was a sometimes harsh reality being on the front line. Students will reach a judgement on the most significant cause / consequence of events, they will be challenged to explain the interrelationship between causes. There is also an activity where students summarise why soldiers were willing to continue fighting. High challenge. Knowledge-Rich. Exciting! Tasks: - Analysing sources and linking those to Kitchener’s FOUR MAIN AIMS . - Examine the main REASONS why soldiers continued fighting and develop an hypothesis why they did using a handout. A brief ranking task is follows. - mind-map tasks using evidence.
*Full Lesson* Why had Life Changed in Britain by 1923? Industrial Revolution KS3 Change  Continuity

*Full Lesson* Why had Life Changed in Britain by 1923? Industrial Revolution KS3 Change Continuity

This 60-minute lessons gives students time to explore how Britain changed between 1750 to 1923 by challenging them to work through a series of engaging tasks. This could be used as the first lesson of a Unit on the Industrial Revolution or as part of an in-depth lesson on change and continuity. - comparing how transport, how villages/towns and cities were powered, how people lived and more - defining 'revolution' and elaborating on that definition with the help of a video clip - a fact sheet and worksheet gives the class time to investigate how agriculture, medicine, hygiene and education changed - source analysis of a painting - map analysis comparing Manchester through time. Try our other lessons on the Industrial Revolution: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-full-lesson-why-did-businesses-grow-1750-1900-industrial-revolution-ks3-11814720
MASSIVE BUNDLE! The Media - Sociology - A-Level - Revision Bundle

MASSIVE BUNDLE! The Media - Sociology - A-Level - Revision Bundle

3 Resources
THREE MASSIVE RESOURCES! This Revision Bundle Covers the A-Level Sociology Unit of The Media. Three lessons revising the knowledge and understanding (AO1. AO2 and AO3) of the Sociology of The Media Revision including 31 detailed slides. Each of the following topics will be revised in great depth: Topic 2: The relationship between ownership and control of the mass media; Topic 3: The mass media, globalisation and popular culture; Topic 4: The processes of selection and presentation of the content of the news. Sets of approximately 40 FLASHCARDS which help students to revise key terminology for A-level Sociology The Media: the relationship between ownership and control of the media the media, globalisation and popular culture new versus traditional media Keywords and definitions such as: Mass culture The production of works of art and entertainment designed to appeal to a large audience Collective intelligence Shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making This MASSIVE resource includes two flashcard packs: 7 A4 pages of keywords and definitions students can use to quiz to test each other or themselves. The second resource includes 147 PAGES of Keywords and Definitions the teacher prints and spreads around the classroom. Students work in groups to match the correct keyword with the correct definition!
Medical Innovations and Advances during World War One - Medicine Through Time - British Sector

Medical Innovations and Advances during World War One - Medicine Through Time - British Sector

This reading comprehension task deal with the significant advancements in medical science that played a crucial role in improving the survival rates and post-war rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. Medical Innovations and Advances during World War One - Medicine Through Time - British Sector - Paper 1 This task is linked to the British Sector Paper 1 of Medicine Through Time. It is created as a reading comprehension for GCSE History students and comes with follow-up questions and correct answers (on a separate slideshow), but it could also be used as homework, a lesson task or a cover resource. Resources included: Reading Comprehension Word and PDF versions Instructions and Peer Assessment slide with Correct Answers Key knowledge covered: the Thomas Splint X-ray machines Development of facemasks Dr. Harvey Cushing and brain surgery
How did the American West change between 1835 to 1895?

How did the American West change between 1835 to 1895?

How did the American West change between 1835 to 1895? This reading comprehension task is a great introcution to the GCSE History course of the American West. It provides a short, engaging overview divided into three mini ‘chapters’ of how the American West changed over time. Each ‘chapter’ also includes brief accounts from different Plains Indian accounts during the period. It is created as a reading comprehension for GCSE History students and comes with follow-up questions and correct answers (on a separate slideshow), but it could also be used as homework, a lesson task or a cover resource. Resources included: Reading Comprehension Word and PDF versions Instructions and Peer Assessment slide with Correct Answers Key knowledge covered: The Early Settlement of the West 1835-1862 The Development of the Plains 1862-1876 Conflicts and Conquest 1876-1895
Reading Comprehension: Wound Treatment - Medicine Through Time - British Sector - Paper 1

Reading Comprehension: Wound Treatment - Medicine Through Time - British Sector - Paper 1

Advancements in World War I Medical Care: Pioneering Techniques in Wound Treatment This reading comprehension task is written like an article, deals with ‘Pioneering Techniques in Wound Treatment, linked to the British Sector Paper 1 of Medicine Through Time. It is created as a reading comprehension for GCSE History students and comes with follow-up questions and correct answers (on a separate slideshow), but it could also be used as homework, a lesson task or a cover resource. Resources included: Reading Comprehension Word and PDF versions HPA/MPA version LPA Version Instructions and Peer Assessment slide with Correct Answers Key knowledge covered: The Carrel‐Dakin method The Thomas Splint Mobile X‐ray Units Petit Curies Blood Transfusions and the Blood Bank at Cambrai Advancements in Brain Surgery Plastic Surgery