I am a former Head of Languages who now works part time teaching French and German. This allows me to write and publish high quality and sensibly priced teaching resources. My best selling resource on the TES is my primary French course, easyMFL, which is a complete Y3-Y6 French course with lesson plans, presentations and assessments. Unlike nearly every other publisher, I don't go in for expensive annual site licences - just buy once and get free updates as they become available.
I am a former Head of Languages who now works part time teaching French and German. This allows me to write and publish high quality and sensibly priced teaching resources. My best selling resource on the TES is my primary French course, easyMFL, which is a complete Y3-Y6 French course with lesson plans, presentations and assessments. Unlike nearly every other publisher, I don't go in for expensive annual site licences - just buy once and get free updates as they become available.
The only up-to-date (Curriculum 2014) complete Primary French Course! Lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, assessments - it is all here!
Buy the complete Year 6 course and save!
This is the complete easyMFL course for Year Six, containing Units 19-24. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations (with audio) for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available.
If you would like to try before you buy, Year 3 Unit 1 is available free of charge! For a full course description and further information , check our website - easyMFL.com
Each unit is also available to purchase separately, and the Y3,Y4 and Y5 courses are also available to purchase either as individual units or as a complete course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
In this unit, pupils learn the French for different rooms and how to describe their bedroom in French.
This is the second half-term (Unit 20) of the easyMFL course for Year Six. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available. The remaining units and courses for Y3-Y5 are available on the TES website to purchase either unit by unit or as a discounted full course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
This is the second half-term (Unit 2) of the easyMFL course for Year Three. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available. The remaining units and courses for Y4-Y6 are available on the TES website to purchase either unit by unit or as a complete course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
This unit presents countries and revises both weather and activities so that pupils can write about a holiday.
This is the fourth half-term (Unit 22) of the easyMFL course for Year Six. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available. The remaining units and courses for Y3-Y5 are available on the TES website to purchase either unit by unit or as a discounted full course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
This unit introduces days, months and numbers 21-31. Pupils can then say when their birthday is in French!
This is the third half-term (Unit 3) of the easyMFL course for Year Three. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available. The remaining units and courses for Y4-Y6 are available on the TES website to purchase either unit by unit or as a complete course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
In this unit pupils learn basic dictionary and translation skills to be able to understand a fairy tale in French. There is even a video of the story for your class to watch! Each class will also make a display telling the story in French.
This is the fourth half-term (Unit 4) of the easyMFL course for Year Three. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available. The remaining units and courses for Y4-Y6 are available on the TES website to purchase either unit by unit or as a complete course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
The only up-to-date (Curriculum 2014) complete Primary French Course! Lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, assessments - it is all here!
Buy the complete Year 4 course and save!
This is the complete easyMFL course for Year Four, containing Units 7-12. It contains full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations (with audio) for each lesson as well as worksheets and an end of unit assessment that is mapped against the new national curriculum for MFL. easyMFL is the most up-to-date and comprehensive primary French course that is available.
If you would like to try before you buy, Year 3 Unit 1 is available free of charge! For a full course description and further information, check our website - easyMFL.com
Each unit is also available to purchase separately, and the Y3, Y5 and Y6 courses are also available to purchase either as individual units or as a complete course.
N.B. Purchases prior to 7th February 2017 include full school licence. With the introduction of the TES school licence, the price of an individual licence has been introduced. If you plan on using our resources in your own classroom only, the heavily discounted personal licence is suitable for you. If you want to use the resources with other teachers in your school, you will need to purchase the school licence. Please email us ( sales@easymfl.com ) if you have any queries.
** This resource has been updated for Summer 2016! ** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2016-aqa-gcse-french-vocabulary-revision-timetable-11186011
17 units of revision to break down the most important 70% of the AQA GCSE French vocabulary list. Each unit is broken into Foundation and Higher tiers and both the French and English is provided.
Essential German phrases that pupils need to memorise to succeed in the controlled assessment tasks. I wrote this for my borderline students who were struggling with writing a whole draft and wanted to produce a B/C grade controlled assessment task without memorising whole scripts.
From January 4th 2016, there are 17 weeks until the AQA GCSE German Listening and Reading exams. Here is the most essential vocabulary broken down into 17 weeks of revision. I first made this a few years ago, and it increased our listening and reading marks considerably. Not the most exciting resource I have put together, but probably the most effective! If you have any requests or constructive feedback, please review this resource. Thanks!
I made this for a Y8 class to revise parts of the body. There is a PowerPoint which includes a link to a Youtube video to do a comprehension task on the included worksheet. There is also a crossword revising parts of the body with sports to finish off.
I have gradually refined this one sheet summary of the main tenses in French. All of my GCSE students have a copy of this in their exercise books to help with forming tenses when speaking and writing.