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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

This resource contains a guide to seven films, which have been specially selected to be accessible to learners aged 7-19. The guides include discussion questions and activity ideas to encourage learners to ask and answer questions about films that reflect different cultures and ways of life around the world. The flims and languages featured in the resources are; Wadjda (Arabic), La Famille Belier (French), Max Minsky und Ich/ Max Minsky and Me (German), La Juala de Oro/ The Golden Dream (Spanish), Goodbye Lenin! (German) and Carlitos y el Campo de los Suenos/ Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime (Spanish). Visit the Into Film website to download the accompanying European Day of Languages PowerPoint presentation with accompanying clips.
Book to Film and Back Again - A FILMCLUB Guide

Book to Film and Back Again - A FILMCLUB Guide

During National Storytelling Week explore some of the greatest stories in celebrated children’s books from the classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to the action-packed Stormbreaker. Directors have adapted novels into films and have made them more accessible to reluctant readers due to the all-inclusive nature of the medium of film. Supported by NAPE (nape.org.uk) & Scholastic Book Clubs (scholastic.co.uk) this resource is aimed at engaging KS2 children and especially reluctant readers to spark discussion é encourage them to read the original text for themselves. www.filmclub.org
Into Film Fairy Tales Resources for Key Stage 1

Into Film Fairy Tales Resources for Key Stage 1

Celebrating the ancient art of storytelling, and fairy tales that have inspired great films, these two new resources are designed to support literacy for Key Stage 1. Each features five films hand-picked by Into Film curators, accompanied by teachers’ notes, discussion questions, recommended activities and a worksheet which can be photocopied for use in class or a school film club. Start an Into Film club in your school to access the films included in this resource for free: www.filmclub.org and to go www.intofilm.org to find out more about the new charity (formally FILMCLUB and First Light)
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

A selection of films with discussion and activity ideas celebrating languages around the world. The resource has been designed for use to celebrate European Day of Languages, which takes place on 26 September each year. The resource can also be used at any time to support the Languages curriculum and Film Club programming. To start your free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Spotlight on Dance

Spotlight on Dance

This resource is for AQA GCSE and A level Dance/Expressive Arts students. The resource contains a Student Pack to support students to prepare, plan and record their final presentation, and for A level students to engage in critical analysis and appreciation of the Set Work. The guide provides easy-to-use planning tools and suggested stimulus film content to inspire and enable students to fulfil the specification requirements. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs
Roald Dahl Day assembly

Roald Dahl Day assembly

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day, Into Film has produced this assembly which looks at the author's birthday on 13th September and his beloved story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (voted by you as the number one fiction book all children should read before leaving Primary school!). The PowerPoint presentation contains teacher notes, embedded film clips, questions and stimulus for a whole school activity. More Roald Dahl on Film resources can be found at www.intofilm.org/roald-dahl To start your free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Wellbeing: a discussion guide for risky behaviours

Wellbeing: a discussion guide for risky behaviours

An activity guide to help teachers select appropriate films and lead effective activities and discussion to explore smoking, drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs and sex and relationships. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it.
Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

Designed to be used with Edward Scissorhands, this resource, aimed at students aged 11-14, provides simple-to-use activities that are a fun way to start a film club. The activities allow learners to explore key themes of empathy, tolerance and respect for all, while developing their literacy skills.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - 19th Century Novels on Film

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - 19th Century Novels on Film

Into Film has partnered with the National Association for Teaching English (NATE) to produce a new resource centred around Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and the 1999 film adaptation starring Patrick Stewart as Ebeneezer Scrooge. The resource also contains generic teaching approaches that can be applied across all 19th century texts. Download the the accompanying PowerPoints on the Into Film website from this link www.intofilm.org/19th-century-novel Start a free film club and order the films to watch in your classroom today at www.intofilm.org/clubs.
Dunkirk assembly

Dunkirk assembly

Connect your students with the heroic events surrounding Dunkirk via Christopher Nolan's action thriller, Dunkirk with our brand new assembly. Targeted at 12-16 year olds, this assembly PowerPoint presentation includes exclusive clips from the film and information and facts on Operation Dynamo. The full Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge resource is available at the following links: https://www.intofilm.org/dunkirk You can also enter your school into The Dynamo Challenge competition. Task your students to create a group 3D art installation to commemorate the events at Dunkirk, submit a photo to competitions@intofilm.org OR tweet us @intofilm_edu and be in with a chance of the artwork being displayed at Dover Castle alongside the costumes from the film! The deadline for entries is midday on Friday 21 July 2017. Read more about the terms and conditions for entering. Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge was produced by Into Film and SUPER., in partnership with Warner Brothers.
Parliament Week: Women in Democracy

Parliament Week: Women in Democracy

As an official partner with Parliament Week FILMCLUB aims to give you the tools to explore stories of democracy through film with your students. This year we have handpicked thirteen films to engage and excite, relating to the theme: Women in Democracy. We have also suggested several activities to help young people engage with and better understand parliamentary democracy. To find out more about film education charity FILMCLUB and discover how to get a club started in your school, go to www.filmclub.org
Book to Film resource for clubs

Book to Film resource for clubs

This resource covers a range of films from Hugo and Coraline to Private Peaceful to explore popular book adaptations on film. It is the perfect way to kick-off or refresh your club with a range of exciting films and activities to aid discussion. For more information on starting an Into Film club, please visit www.intofilm.org/clubs
Gattaca: Science literacy resource

Gattaca: Science literacy resource

Using film as the stimulus, and set in modern-day scientific contexts, this series of resources can be used in the classroom to help develop students' scientific literacy. They help students to apply their scientific knowledge and skills to issues in the modern world. The question sets focus on the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for scientific literacy as set out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Gattaca acts as a good stimulus for conversations around genetic modification and ethics in science. Please visit the following website in order to download the PowerPoint presentation that accompanies this PDF and to rent the DVD for free: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/21
Spotlight on Music - Secondary

Spotlight on Music - Secondary

This resource contains adaptable activity ideas and outlines to support teaching and learning focussed on film score and soundtrack analysis, music appreciation and creating soundtracks for film and moving image. Activities focus on the examples of Meet Me in St Louis, 633 Squadron, Jaws, West Side Story and Fantasia. A supporting PowerPoint containing relevant film clips is available at www.intofilm.org/resources/68. Time codes are provided throughout, so that the resource can be used with your own copies of the films, and activities can easily be applied to films of your choice. Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org
Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - Secondary

Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - Secondary

This Into Film resource, designed to be used across third and fourth level in Scotland, explores a range of issues and curriculum areas through the film, Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle. It has been created in partnership with Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, the agency charged with co-ordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland. These teachers' notes should be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation found at http://www.intofilm.org/seachd-gaelic-resource. To find out more about Into Film and start a film club visit: www.intofilm.org.
Suffragette -Social Changers

Suffragette -Social Changers

This resource, produced in partnership with National Schools Partnership and Pathe, provides a lesson plan for students to work with the new British film Suffragette (12A) and collections from The Museum of London to research and discuss historical and contemporary social changers, who have, and continue to campaign for gender equality. This resource is designed to be used Suffragette, -Social Changers Lesson PowerPoint presentation and worksheets, which can be accessed at www.nationalschoolspartnership.com/suffragetteresource.php You can also access a resource and PowerPoint presentation for the Suffragette -Social Changers - assembly. Suffragette starring Carey Mulligan, Anne-Marie Duff and Meryl Streep, opens in cinemas on 12 October. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help others teachers to use it.
HOME - Space Explorers

HOME - Space Explorers

To celebrate the cinema release of HOME on 20 March (also a solar eclipse), National Schools Partnership with Into Film bring you an exciting science and literacy resource for adventurers aged 7-11 ahead of British Science Week 2015 (13-22 March). 'Space Explorers' has everything you need to engage your pupils in learning about the solar system. Download the accompanying PowerPoints, exclusive videos and information about the exciting 'Space Stories' competition at the following link: http://nationalschoolspartnership.com/home_resources/
Spotlight on Drama

Spotlight on Drama

This resource contains a student pack for teachers to print off and provide for GCSE and A level Drama/Expressive Arts students. The pack contains guidance and activity sheets to support students in preparing for and recording their final performance. Units covered include: lighting design; set design; costume, hair and make up; sound design; and capturing the performance on a recording device. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs
Reel to Real :Much Ado About Nothing

Reel to Real :Much Ado About Nothing

This resource was specifically created for our Reel to Real education project with the learning department of the V&A Museum. These film-focused activities are designed based on the 2013 adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing for use in English, drama and related subjects with students aged 11-18. It is particularly suitable for supporting the study of the play Much Ado About Nothing in English at Key Stage 3, GCSE and Third and Fourth levels with clear links to Assessment Objectives such as to ‘relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts’. This resource may also be used to support students approaching the play at Advanced level. It comprises of a set of comprehensive teachers’ notes with worksheets, and the accompanying Reel to Real: Much Ado About Nothing PowerPoint presentation includes clips from the film and exclusive interviews with the cast and crew of the film. Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org This film is now available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/17755
Big Hero 6: Film Guide

Big Hero 6: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Big Hero 6 (2014), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion. This film is now available to stream for free at Into Fim+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18310