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Welcome to JB Resources on TES! At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.




Welcome to JB Resources on TES! At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.


To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Hardiness (Kobasa, 1979) The Three Cs: Commitment, Challenge and Control Research into Hardiness Kobasa’s Research (1979) Maddi’s Research (1987) Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: Short answer questions Activity: Concepts - Developing Hardiness Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: Planning 16 Mark Essay Questions Plenary: Consolidation question


To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Type A Personality Traits Type B Personality Traits The Western Collaborative Group Study (WCGS) Video: Friedman & Rosenman’s Research (1959) Type C Personality Traits Activity: Quick Quiz (with answers) Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: Evaluation Question Plenary: Consolidation question
A-Level Psychology - MEASURING STRESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - MEASURING STRESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Self-Report Measures of Stress The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) by Holmes & Rahe (1967) Creating the SRRS Scale Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Hassles and Uplifts Scale by Kanner et al. (1981) Creating the Hassles and Uplifts Scale Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Physiological Measures of Stress Skin Conductance Responses (SCR) How SCR works Tonic Conductance and Phasic Conductance Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Activity: Concepts - Measuring Stress at Work Plenary: Consolidation question
A-Level Psychology - WORKPLACE STRESS AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - WORKPLACE STRESS AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Research into Workplace Stress The Job-Demands Control Model (Karasek, 1979) Research into the Effects of Control The Whitehall Studies by Sir Micheal Marmot Video: The Whitehall Studies Bosma et al.'s research Research into Workload and Control (Johansson et al., 1978) Exam Practice Questions with Mark Scheme: Short answer, Application questions Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice Questions with Mark Scheme: Evaluation worksheet Plenary: Consolidation Question If you would like to support my shop and enjoyed using JB Resources today, a review would be greatly appreciated.
A-Level Psychology - DAILY HASSLES AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - DAILY HASSLES AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: What are Daily Hassles? Primary and Secondary Appraisal Life Changes, Daily Hassles and Illness Research into Daily Hassles: Kanner et al. (1981) Exam Question with Mark Scheme: Application Question Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Question with Mark Scheme: Evaluation question Activity: Quick Quiz Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - LIFE CHANGES AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - LIFE CHANGES AS A SOURCE OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Life Changes Life Changes and Illness The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) by Holmes and Rahe (1967) Video: The SRRS Research into Life Changes and Illness (Rahe et al., 1970) Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Outline and Evaluate question (6 marks) Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - THE ROLE OF STRESS IN ILLNESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - THE ROLE OF STRESS IN ILLNESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Video: How Stress can make you Sick The Immune System Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity Immunosuppression Research: Chronic Stress and The Immune System Study 1: Exams (Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 1984) Study 2: Caregivers (Kiecolt-Glaser, 1991) Cardiovascular Disorders (CVDs) CVDs and Acute Stress: Wilbert-Lampen et al. (2008) CVDs and Chronic Stress: Yusuf et al. (2004) Activity: Concepts - Stress and Healing Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer questions Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation question
A-Level Psychology - THE PHYSIOLOGY OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

A-Level Psychology - THE PHYSIOLOGY OF STRESS [Stress Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: What is Stress? Video: What is General Adaptation Syndrome? The General Adaptation Syndrome (Seyle, 1936) Stage 1: Alarm Reaction Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Exhaustion Acute Stress: Sympathomedullary Pathway (SAM Pathway) Chronic Stress: The Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA Axis) Video: 2-Minute Neuroscience - The HPA Axis The Effects of Cortisol Negative Feedback Loops Activity: Complete the Diagram Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: MCQ, Application, Outline Questions Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: Evaluation Plenary: Consolidation Question


7 Resources
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Topic Cognition and Development: The 7 lessons are included in this bundle are: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget’s Stages of Intellectual Development Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development Baillargeon’s Explanation of Infant Abilities Selman’s Levels of Perspective-taking Theory of Mind The Mirror Neuron System *Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
A-Level Psychology - THE MIRROR NEURON SYSTEM [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - THE MIRROR NEURON SYSTEM [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions The Role of Mirror Neurons Video: Dr. Dan Siegel - Explains Mirror Neurons Mirror Neurons and Intention Mirror Neurons and Perspective-taking Mirror Neurons and Human Evolution Mirror Neurons and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Planning 16 Mark Essays with Application Activity: Cognition and Development Topic Review Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - THEORY OF MIND [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - THEORY OF MIND [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Theory of Mind Intentional Reasoning Tasks False Belief Tasks The Sally-Anne Task (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985) Video: What is Autism? Sally-Anne Studies, ToM and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Testing Older Children and Adults Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer, Application questions Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: 6 Mark question Model answer Plenary: Consolidation question
A-Level Psychology - SELMAN'S LEVELS OF PERSPECTIVE-TAKING [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - SELMAN'S LEVELS OF PERSPECTIVE-TAKING [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Selman’s work on Perspective-taking Perspective-taking Research (1971; 1976) - Procedure and Findings Selman’s Stages of Development (1976) Level 0 - Socially Egocentric Level 1 - Social Information role-taking Level 2 - Self-reflective role-taking Level 3 - Mutual role-taking Level 4 - Societal and conventional role-taking Summary Table of Selman’s Levels of Perspective-taking Activity: Spenny and Lauren’s Computer time Later Developments to Selman’s Theory Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Planning 8 Mark with Application Questions Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - BAILLARGEON'S EXPLANATION OF INFANT ABILITIES [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - BAILLARGEON'S EXPLANATION OF INFANT ABILITIES [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Early Research on Knowledge of the Physical World Violation of Expectation (VOE) Experiments Procedure Findings Other VOE Studies Baillargeon’s Theory of Infant Physical Reasoning Activity: Concepts - Children’s understanding Physical Properties Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Planning 16 Mark Questions Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - VYGOTSKY'S COGNITIVE THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - VYGOTSKY'S COGNITIVE THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development Cultural Differences in Cognitive Abilities The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Scaffolding Five Aspects of Scaffolding (Wood et al., 1976) Strategies for Scaffolding (Wood et al, 1976) Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Video: Piaget vs. Vygotsky Activity: Comparing Piaget and Vygotsky’s Cognitive Theories of Development Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Planning a 16 Mark Essay with Application Plenary: Consolidation Question
A-Level Psychology - PIAGET'S STAGES OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - PIAGET'S STAGES OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Piaget’s Stages of Intellectual Development Overview of Stages The Sensorimotor Stage (0 - 2 years) The Pro-operational Stage (2 - 7 years) Video: Conservation Experiment Example Conservation Video: The Three Mountains Experiment (Egocentrism and Perspective Taking) Egocentrism Class Inclusion Stage of Concrete Operations (7 - 11 years) Stage of Formal Operations (11+) Optional Video: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Activity: Summary Table (with answers) Exam Practice Questions with Mark Scheme: MCQs, Short answer, Application Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Exam Practice: Planning an 8 Mark Question Plenary: Consolidation Question*
A-Level Psychology - PIAGET'S THEORY OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

A-Level Psychology - PIAGET'S THEORY OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT [Cognition and Development Topic]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Topic overview: Cognition and Development Defining Cognitive Development Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Schemas: Unit’s of Knowledge The Motivation to Learn: Disequilibrium and Equilibrium How Learning Takes Place: Assimilation and Accommodation Activity: Concepts - Schemas at The Zoo (with answers) Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question Activity: Evaluation worksheet Evaluation points Activity: Key Term Match Plenary: Consolidation Question


8 Resources
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Topic YEAR 2 RESEARCH METHODS: The 8 lessons are included in this bundle are: Case Studies and Content Analysis Reliability Types of Validity Choosing a Statistical Test Probability and Significance Statistical Testing Reporting Psychological Investigations Features of Science *Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
A-Level Psychology - FEATURES OF SCIENCE [Year 2 Research Methods]

A-Level Psychology - FEATURES OF SCIENCE [Year 2 Research Methods]

To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt). Key content covered in this Lesson: Key Questions Thomas Kuhn’s Theory of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts (1962) Activity: Concepts - Psychology as a Science Theory Construction and Hypothesis Testing Video: Karl Popper, Science & Pseudoscience Popper’s Theory of Falsifiability (1934) Replicability Objectivity and The Empirical Method Exam Practice Questions with Mark Scheme: Features of Science Plenary: Consolidation Question