Songkran Number Cards - Odd and Even
I created these Songkran number cards to go with our 2 week Songkran Theme in the hope of making the concept of odd and even more visual for my students.
Download the file for free and laminate the number cards to use in class during your Numeracy lesson. A great way of linking Songkran to your Maths lesson!
A free cut and paste number resource. Perfect for a Chinese New Year Reception Numeracy activity - ordering numbers to 10 or to 20 depending on ability.
Give it a try and see if you like it!
Download for FREE!
Cut, laminate and use in a literacy center when introducing s,a,t,p,i,n cvc words.
Children sound out and blend the word and match it to the picture.
I stuck them on the back of a piece of furniture that divided the classroom and used it as a satation. I used velcro so the children could repeatedly stick and unstick the words to the pictures.
Great for beginning readers.
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Lots of fun Maths, rhyming and fine motor (scissor skills) Valentine’s Day themed activities to keep the little ones busy.
Mismatch Hearts - cut out the half hearts and make them whole again by sticking them back with their other half - fine motor/scissors skills.
Number bonds to 10 - count the coloured hearts and then the white ones, write the sums in the boxes.
Making 10 - fill the blank heart to make 10.
Counting hearts - count the hearts and write the number on the hearts above each box.
Colourful Hearts - colour in the correct number of hearts.
Ordering numbers to 10 - cut out the numbers and put them in order - fine motor/scissor skills.
Ordering numbers from smallest to largest - cut out the numbers and order them from smallest to largest - fine motor/scissor skills.
Cut out the hearts and fill the empty hearts with their matching pattern.
Symmetry - draw the other half of the heart.
Rhyming hearts - colour all the hearts that rhyme with RING in red.
Write down/cut out 6 words that rhyme with heart and stick them on the heart.
“Cat” rhyming words - colour in blue the words rhyming with cat and help baby fish swim back to his friends.
Doodle more flowers in the vase.
Cut out the hearts and sort them from lightest in colour to darkest.
Download for free and let me know what you think. Please leave a review.
Introducing the perfect classroom resource for young learners! These meticulously crafted flashcards and PNG files have been created specifically for 4-6 year olds learning English as a second language and struggling with phonics. The resource is also ideal for those with speech and language needs, making it an inclusive and accessible learning tool.
The flashcards have been color-coordinated to visually aid children and help them retain information better. Two new sounds are introduced each week, and the material for those sounds is designated a specific color combination. For instance, the material for “s” and “a” is yellow and black, while the material for “t” and “p” is green. The resource covers a wide range of phonetic sounds and corresponding vocabulary words. There are 10 flashcards for each beginning sound. 260 flashcards and png files in total.
The flashcards should be printed and laminated for durability and longevity, ensuring they can be used repeatedly. They can then be placed on a keychain, which allows children to conveniently carry them around and practice their initial sounds and vocabulary words at any time. The PNG files can be used to create digital activities on Seesaw to reinforce learning.
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5 activities to accompany the storybook “Whatever Next!” (book not included).
Cut the words and label the pictures.
Draw the other half of Baby Bear.
Write about what Baby Bear Did.
Write about what you would take to the moon.
Whatever Next! Wordsearch.
Looking for a Christmas-themed activity for the last week of school? Here’s a fun cutting activity that the kids will love.
Both pages should be printed.
Children can colour the scarf, hat, and gloves before cutting them out and sticking them on the snowman.
excellent for learning and practicing scissors skills!
The Christmas Tree
The colours on the Christmas tree have faded. Children decorate the Christmas tree by cutting out colourful baubles and sticking them on it.
Christmas number-to-quantity matching
Print, laminate, and cut
Children take turns matching numerals to quantities.
For use in creating your own Seesaw or Boom Card activities, these images are also available in png format.
This is perfect for a Reception class. It includes Valentines themed number ordering, matching patterns and even a bit of doodling. A super fun way to practice scissor skills and fine motor skills on Valentines Day! Please leave a review.
Are you looking to link your Loy Krathong theme to Numeracy?
Download these krathong number cards for free, cut and laminate them to have in your Numeracy Center during this colourful Thai celebration .
Happy Loy Krathong!
Have fun making silly rhymes with your students! I love rhymes and created this little booklet as a little extra activity to go with our rhyming topic.
No prep needed!
This resources includes:
8 rhyming worksheets starting with words, simple sentences and then moving on to more challenging sentences where the children need to come up with their own rhyming senteces and words.
Answer key
It can get quite tricky to come up with new ways to teach the Reception tricky words. Here is a fun way to learn the first 6! The caterpillar is eating away all the leaves and the words are about to disappear. Help the tree by giving it new leaves with visible tricky words. Please leave a review.
NO PREP needed!
This is ideal for a Kindergarten class when celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week. Everything is there ready for you, no prep needed.
Included in this resources:
Planning around 9 different Nursery Rhymes these include:
Humpty Dumpty
Incy Wincy Spider
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Wind the Bobbin Up
Hey Diddle Diddle
The Muffin Man
Two Little Dicky Birds
Round and Round the Garden
Nursery Rhyme cards to laminate before use
Daily Nursery Rhyme activities
Let me know what you think! Please leave a review.