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Jenny Godfrey's Shop

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I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!




I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!
Minibeast report, VCOP, comprehension & cloze

Minibeast report, VCOP, comprehension & cloze

Year 2 resource to revise features of reports. We used the report as basis for all our work. First lesson - Cut up report and get children to stick it back together using the features. Second lesson - Work in mixed ability partners and find VCOP in the report's text. Third lesson - Differentiated comprehension questions and cloze for the lower able. Good SATS revision on vocabulary and features to use when writing a report as we have to write about nocturnal animals...
Year 2 Poem Planning, Resources Patterns on a Page

Year 2 Poem Planning, Resources Patterns on a Page

This is the plan and the resources for the 2 Week topic Patterns on a Page.\nMost resources are provided in the attachment 'poem Sheets' and are differentiated as well and have some resources for EAL.\n\nLessons include:\n- exploring poetry\n- performing poetry\n- finding rhymes\n- creating poems (with repeating pattern, shape poems, acrostic poems)\n- 2 poem comprehension lessons and sheets
Possessive Apostrophes

Possessive Apostrophes

These handouts are differentiated and all about the Simpsons! Children add apostrophes and re-write sentences using them. Learning objective on the handouts too. 2 pages per ability.
George's Marvellous Medicine

George's Marvellous Medicine

Here some worksheets which I made when teaching GGM by Roald Dahl to my year 2 class. It is mostly differentiated. Some of it is accompanied by the notebook. Lessons include: - asking questions - comprehension - nouns and verbs (past and present tense) S.P.A.G. teaching - up-levelling activity - character descriptions (including appropriate choice of vocabulary and planning sheet)
Self and Peer Marking Prompts

Self and Peer Marking Prompts

Made this sheet for my year 1 and 2 team to help them with self-marking and peer-marking in English lessons. I laminated these posters and put them in their table boxes where they can easily use them. Also, as it is very visual, it is suitable for EAL learners.
Past / Present - Chicken Licken

Past / Present - Chicken Licken

I always find my children have problems writing in the same tense consistently. This is what I used when we read 'Chicken Licken' to teach past and present tense.
RML Sets Phonics Cards / Assembly Certificate

RML Sets Phonics Cards / Assembly Certificate

These little cards were made for reception, year 1 and for some children in year 2, who are learning the RML phonics sets 1-3. They can take the big cards home to revise and use them in school to highlight the sounds they know already. When they have completed a set or all sets, they can be awarded the phonics card (certificate) in assembly. Set 1 phonics are called the fish sounds Set 2 phonics are called the seal sounds Set 3 phonics are called the whale sounds (Food chain, getting bigger - that way the children don't know if their animal means that they are on track or behind...) I hope you enjoy it and it's useful to you.
New Curriculum English - KS1 and KS2 Reading Objectives Grid / Coverage Map

New Curriculum English - KS1 and KS2 Reading Objectives Grid / Coverage Map

This is a document we produced to use for our guided reading sessions according to the new curriculum. It splits all curriculum objectives for each year group into:1. Decoding2. Comprehension / Retrieval3. Inference / Relate4. Language for Effect5. Themes and Conventions6. OthersEasy to use. One sheet per guided reading group :) Or could be adapted to make student individual booklets.
New Curriculum Phonics/Spelling Patterns Teaching Overview Year 2 (RML Link)

New Curriculum Phonics/Spelling Patterns Teaching Overview Year 2 (RML Link)

I had look at the new curriculum with regards to the phonics and spelling patterns that children have to be taught in year 2. We decided to use the RML flashcards and rhymes to teach the sounds, so this is a breakdown of what sounds are taught/recapped when, sticking to the order in which RML is taught. It goes hand in hand with the flashcards from RML with all the lovely rhymes. I have written down all the sound recaps and spelling patterns for year 2 from the new curriculum. For 2015/2016.
Non-chronological report revision KS1 SATs

Non-chronological report revision KS1 SATs

Lesson 1:Features of a report. Show children a report on the board. Talk about its features eg headings, subheadings, paragraphs and their jobs. Then give children a cut up report and ask them to put it back together and label the features. Challenge is answering questions about it. Eg What do I find in the third paragraph? (see notebook)Lesson 2:Vocabulary used in a report. Show children the report from yesterday. Go through what adjectives, connectives and openers are and ask children to investigate the report for VCOP. Record on sheet in mixed ability partners. Then write down one opener, adjective etc and make sentences about nocturnal animals orally.
New Curriculum Phonics Teaching Overview Year 1 (RML Link)

New Curriculum Phonics Teaching Overview Year 1 (RML Link)

I had look at the new curriculum with regards to the phonics that children have to be taught in year 1. From what I can see, it looks like the new curriculum year 1 sounds come mostly from phase 3 and 5 (or the equivalent set 2 and 3 of RML). We decided to use the RML flashcards and rhymes to teach the sounds, so this is a breakdown of what sounds are taught when, sticking to the order in which RML is taught. It goes hand in hand with the flashcards from RML with all the lovely rhymes.I have written down all the sounds for year 1 from the new curriculum but put them in the RML order and added spelling patterns. For 2015/2016.
Poster: How to Choose a Suitable Book

Poster: How to Choose a Suitable Book

Four easy steps, nicely illustrated.I made this to help my year 2 children to choose suitable books. They use it all the time now, especially when we go to the mobile library and choose books to take home. Also nice to display in the book corner. Enjoy.
Easter Picture Comprehension

Easter Picture Comprehension

A quick picture comprehension as Easter fun for my Year 2 class. Differentiated two ways but could easily be adapted more by changing the questions.\nHave fun.
Avengers Comprehension

Avengers Comprehension

This is a resource I made for my year 4 students. There is a below year group/SEN/EAL sheet attached as well as two sets of differentiated questions. The text is printable from the powerpoint.
Science Time Travel Comprehension and Activity

Science Time Travel Comprehension and Activity

This is a little comprehension I made for my year 4 when we discussed time travel and whether it was possible. It is not very long and not differentiated but they got a lot out of it and really enjoyed it. Plus there are a couple of follow up sheets attached for their science following the comprehension.
Valentine's Day Comprehension based on brief text message exchanges

Valentine's Day Comprehension based on brief text message exchanges

This comprehension is all about Valentine's Day. It is not differentiated this time but three pages long with 13 questions which could be answered in mixed ability partners. It is NOT based on an information text but rather on three text message exchanges of which there are mobile phone screenshots on there. 1) One between mummy and child wishing Happy Valentine's and saying I love you and the child thanking mummy for all she does. The questions are some retrieval and some higher order thinking questions. 2) One exchange between two best friends, one of them saying she feels lonely and depressed for not having a Valentine. The other friend cheers her up saying it's about having loving people and they swear by 'best friends forever'. We again have some retrieval question and some higher level thinking questions. There i also one about the convention of putting 'xxx' at the end of messages. 3. A message exchange between husband and wife wishing each other happy Valentine's. Husband says he has a surprise, the wife should have a vase at the ready and not eat too much during the day so she is hungry tonight. Children have to use inference to work out what the surprise is and there is a language based question as well. So the whole comprehension covers a lot of skill, hence it is thought for mixed ability pairs - recommended for KS2. Comprehension included as PDF and Word, plus pictures of the text message exchanges.
UEFA EURO 2024 Germany Comprehension

UEFA EURO 2024 Germany Comprehension

A two pages long information sheet with some facts about the past of the UEFA, this year’s tournaments and the mascot. This could be used for research (individually or whole class) when making posters/leaflets etc or as introduction for the comprehension. A 4 pages long comprehension based on the fact sheet. The text is on the top half of the sheet and questions are below for children to answer. It is differentiated in a higher and a lower comprehension - one with mostly retrieval and one with retrieval and some inference questions. PLEASE NOTE: This is only one resource. I also sell a pack of 6 UEFA resources (this one included) for £3.99 - search for ‘UEFA EURO 2024 Germany Activities’ by JennyGodfrey. THANK YOU.
Back to School Activity - (Summer) Holiday Selfies/Snapshots

Back to School Activity - (Summer) Holiday Selfies/Snapshots

This is an activity which I would suggest to use in KS1 as a first week activity when coming back to school in September. SHEET ONE There are four empty polaroids for children to draw in and lines beside them to describe their holiday/write a sentence. It is differentiated by scaffolding and outcome. Some children are more able to write about what happened without any guidance whereas others might need more structure eg first polaroid is 'who I saw', second polaroid is about 'games I played'... etc and soe others might just need to draw/label/talk about their holidays so there are different sheets for different groups. It works best copied and blown up to A3. SHEET TWO. Same as sheet one except for this time round all polaroids are selfies - phone/iPad outline. It is also a nice thing to display in your classroom in those first few weeks when topics have not yet started etc. Includes 2 differentiated worksheets plus two screenshots for you to see what sheets look like. Thank you.