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Jenny Godfrey's Shop

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I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!




I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!
Going for Goals Year 3/4

Going for Goals Year 3/4

This is my medium term plan and a workbook I created about Going for Goals. Loosely based on SEAL for Y3/Y4. Workbook makes sense when used with planning. Enjoy!


IWB for whole class introduction, also with warm up where children order the vocabulary for addition and subtraction to prepare for 'how many more' etc which is used in data-handling. Then worksheets. Differentiated. Hope even a little EAL friendly.
Minibeast report, VCOP, comprehension & cloze

Minibeast report, VCOP, comprehension & cloze

Year 2 resource to revise features of reports. We used the report as basis for all our work. First lesson - Cut up report and get children to stick it back together using the features. Second lesson - Work in mixed ability partners and find VCOP in the report's text. Third lesson - Differentiated comprehension questions and cloze for the lower able. Good SATS revision on vocabulary and features to use when writing a report as we have to write about nocturnal animals...
Map Symbols

Map Symbols

EAL friendly map symbols resource. PDF: Introduce to class that this is a seaside map (slightly adapted) and get them to find map symbols in paris. IWB: Talk about symbols with children. Word Doc: Children can now find the photos for the symbols and the correct words. They match them.
Maths KS1 SATs Revision Slides

Maths KS1 SATs Revision Slides

I have gone through previous SATs papers and have looked at some questions that I think my class would find hard. I then rewrote the questions using different numbers. See what you think - we used them as mental oral starters and also plenary questions in our revision...
Year 2 Poem Planning, Resources Patterns on a Page

Year 2 Poem Planning, Resources Patterns on a Page

This is the plan and the resources for the 2 Week topic Patterns on a Page.\nMost resources are provided in the attachment 'poem Sheets' and are differentiated as well and have some resources for EAL.\n\nLessons include:\n- exploring poetry\n- performing poetry\n- finding rhymes\n- creating poems (with repeating pattern, shape poems, acrostic poems)\n- 2 poem comprehension lessons and sheets
Coins Bingo

Coins Bingo

This is a 4x4 bingo game which I did for my yr 1 and they really loved it. Just stick pictures of 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins on a dice and they can play. Resource includes 6 different sheets (enough for a table group).
Possessive Apostrophes

Possessive Apostrophes

These handouts are differentiated and all about the Simpsons! Children add apostrophes and re-write sentences using them. Learning objective on the handouts too. 2 pages per ability.
George's Marvellous Medicine

George's Marvellous Medicine

Here some worksheets which I made when teaching GGM by Roald Dahl to my year 2 class. It is mostly differentiated. Some of it is accompanied by the notebook. Lessons include: - asking questions - comprehension - nouns and verbs (past and present tense) S.P.A.G. teaching - up-levelling activity - character descriptions (including appropriate choice of vocabulary and planning sheet)
SEN Behavior Reward Chart

SEN Behavior Reward Chart

I use this with all three of my SEN children. On a monday morning they come to school and it's on their desk. They then choose reward/treat for Friday afternoon that they will get if they have mostly ticked all sessions on the timetable for the week. It works really well and can easily be adjusted. Their 1:1 are very good at helping them reflect about their work.
Self and Peer Marking Prompts

Self and Peer Marking Prompts

Made this sheet for my year 1 and 2 team to help them with self-marking and peer-marking in English lessons. I laminated these posters and put them in their table boxes where they can easily use them. Also, as it is very visual, it is suitable for EAL learners.
FIFA World Cup Mapping Participating Countries Geography

FIFA World Cup Mapping Participating Countries Geography

A very quick worksheet on a powerpoint that printed in A3 will allow children to map the 32 participating countries - there is a key at the bottom with numbers so children can colour in the country and instead of writing its long name, just number it. powerpoint can be used as lesson starter as all countries are listed again there (with their flags) and a political world map is attached for explaining how to map. Enjoy/