Students will design and create a windmill to see which team has the most efficient windmill. This is a fun an simple activity.
Here is what is in the packet:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Prototype Worksheets
3. Results/Review Worksheet
Here is what you get:
1. A map activity about Alexander the Greats empire
2. Short one page read about wether Alexander the Great was a villain or a hero.
3. A graphic organizer for Alexandr the Great to determine if he was a Hero or Villain with questions.
4. A list of Alexander the greats accomplishments and interesting facts.
5. A political cartoon activity with questions.
6. A short read about Alexander Battling Porus and the Elephant Army in India with questions. Includes some primary sources.
7. Alexanders Primary source speech at the Hydaspes River in India with questions.
8. History Space Worksheet
9. Confucius Youvid Worksheet
10. Confucius Instafame worksheet
11. Confucius on Kicker worksheet
A few of these worksheets are sold separately, but the best deal is this packet.
The Challenge:
Your team has been employed the National Space Agency to design and build a rocket prototype.
Your task is to design, build and test a rocket that not only goes the furthest distance, but is also the most accurate at 25 yards. The furthest flying rocket will win one of the challenges and the most accurate rocket will win the other. Can you win both challenges?
Here is what is in the activity:
1. A teachers guide to help students through the design and testing process of their rocket challenge.
2. Two prototype worksheets to help students with the design of their rocket.
In this stem challenge students will build a boat to move items from one side of the room to another. This is a really simple Stem challenge that is fun and exciting.
What is in the packet:
1. STEM Challenge teacher lesson page
2. Prototype worksheet
3. Results/Reflection worksheet
The Salem Witch Trials packet contains the following items:
A worksheet that explains how to identify a witch and how to get out of being accused of witchcraft. Includes answer key.
A Historical Detective Log that has questions for students to answer as they examine the primary sources of the Salem Witch Craft Trials.
There are 3 primary source documents that look at three different people tried in Salem of witchcraft that include their fates.
There is a video link with questions to a modern day theory as to why people in Salem acted so weird at the time.
There are 9 pages of resources in total.
Students will compete in this STEM challenge to determine who has the best catapult bast on range and accuracy. This is a fun one day activity that is really easy and fun to teach.
The packet includes:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Prototype Worksheets
3. Results/Reflection Worksheet
This is a fun activity that will teach students how to determine if a website is a reliable resource or not. The students will view several websites to determine if the website is real or fake. The activity comes with a two pages. The first page talks about how to identify unreliable and fake Internet sites with a list of websites for the students to check out. The next page is a worksheet that helps students analyze and reflect on how they determined whether or not a website is real or fake.
This lesson comes with three primary sources that explore how Hernan Cortes could have been seen as a hero or a villain. After reading the primary sources students will decide if Hernan Cortes was a hero or a villain? They will then write an essay defending their answer based on what they have read.
This lesson comes with three primary source readings, a guide on how to write a five paragraph essay, a rubric, and sentence starters for struggling writers.
Here is what is in the packet:
Informational worksheet about the causes and effects of the Spanish Flu.
5 primary sources on the Spanish Flu.
A Historical Detective Log that logs the evidence of the Spanish Flu from the primary sources with follow up questions.
Final judgement worksheet.
Answer Key.
Read 3 different primary sources about Hernan Cortes and the Aztecs. These primary sources look at the Spanish greed for riches, land and gold and how the Aztecs had a lot of enemies that Hernan Cortes will exploit to defeat the Aztecs. After reading the primary sources have the students answer the questions about the readings.
This is a complete kit with tips to run your School Talent Show.
Here is what you get in the Talent Show kit which is in Microsoft Word and is easily editable to adjust to your school event:
1. Talent Show Audition Rubric
2. Talent Show Pamphlet
3. Talent Show Permission Slip
4. Talent Show Poster: Announcing Event
5. Talent Show Teacher/Sponsor guide
6. Talent Show Poster: Advertising Auditions
7. Master of Ceremonies Script to run the event
8. Talent Show Tickets
This is a game like Jeopardy that is very fun for the students. Your students will learn about different land forms, Geography terms and continents. I love to use this as a review as well when teaching. You can also easily edit questions to fit your needs.
Writing a decent persuasive essay can be hard for students but with this simple format students will learn to master it. The seven page packet contains detailed paragraph by paragraph instructions on how to write a 5 paragraph essay and win your argument. It also has a list of writing prompts that they can choose from. The packet also contains sentence starters and suggestions for struggling students and a detailed rubric. You could do this lesson several times picking a different prompt each time until your students master persuasive writing.
Learn about Confucius in a fun and exciting way.
There are six lessons on Confucius.
Here is what is in the packet:
1. Analyzing famous quotes from Confucius worksheet with answer key.
2. Confucius political cartoon worksheet
3. Confucius on Kicker worksheet
4. History Space worksheet
5. Confucius on Instafame
6. Confucius on Youvid
This packet includes two lessons. One is a primary source from Eisenhower discussing D-Day and addressing his troops with follow up questions. The other is a Primary Source from Roosevelt giving a prayer instead of a speech while D-Day is under way with follow up questions.
This is a great STEM activity with little prep compared to other STEM challenges. Students will go through a simple design process to build a paper tower to see how high it can go.
What you get:
1. Teachers guide on how do the STEM challenge.
2. Prototype worksheet (2 pages)
3. Results and reflection worksheet.
This PBIS MATRIX packet is editable to meet the concerns and needs of your school. These are great to put up around the school to reinforce PBIS school wide expectations. Here is what is in the packet:
3Rs PBIS Matrix Set (Respectful, Responsible, Ready to Learn)
1. PBIS Bathroom Matrix in 3Rs
2. PBIS Bus Matrix in 3Rs
3. PBIS Classroom Matrix in 3Rs
4. PBIS Hallway Matrix in 3Rs
5. PBIS Library Matrix in 3Rs
6. PBIS Cafateria Matrix in 3Rs
7. PBIS School Wide Matrix in 3Rs
SOAR MATRIX (Scholars, On Task, Accountable, Respectful)
1. PBIS Bathroom Matrix in SOAR
2. PBIS Bus Matrix in SOAR
3. PBIS Classroom Matrix in SOAR
4. PBIS Hallway Matrix in SOAR
5. PBIS Library Matrix in SOAR
6. PBIS Cafateria Matrix in SOAR
7. PBIS School Wide Matrix in SOAR
This is a fun game to help teach students how to be safe online. There are several questions that go through different online scenarios dealing with online friends, cyberbullying, pop ups and scams, strong passwords, and other online safety tips.
Have fun playing a game while teaching online safety!
Students will use the design process Journal and App Lab to create an App that helps someone in society. The design process Journal is in PowerPoint that will help guide the students through the design process, developing ideas and creating an app. There is also links to Introduction to App Lab so students can learn the program and App Lab where the students will create their app. App Lab is a simple program where students can design and create apps. There is also links to a few help videos as well.
Objective: Students will create an App that solves a problem in society using the Design Process Journal and App Lab to design, build and record the results of the App they created.
Have fun learning or reviewing the Salem Witch Trial playing a fun trivia game.
This game is in PowerPoint and can easily be edited if you want to change a question or two.