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Flabulous Phonics

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A resource site for phonics and much more! all made and used in my own classroom with success. The games are very useful for homework and close to the phonic screen.




A resource site for phonics and much more! all made and used in my own classroom with success. The games are very useful for homework and close to the phonic screen.
Phonic Games Year 1 Seagull Attack. Test your phonic skills playing games

Phonic Games Year 1 Seagull Attack. Test your phonic skills playing games

We love to play games during phonic sessions, we have sen known to take them outside for playtimes (even older children come and ask for the too!) i send these home to boost confidence and practise. This game is Seagull attack! How to play Each player can have 1 or more cones to collect their ice cream scoops . Shuffle the cards and place face down in the centre of the table. Take it in turns to turn over. Find the sounds and read the word. If they read the word keep it. If not return to base of the pile. Build your ice cream but watch out for seagulls attack. If you turn this card over all your ice creams have to go back into the shop! The winner is the player with the most ice cream scoops!
Phonics Olympic Games  2022 Phonic Screen build up fun!  Year 1 Year 2

Phonics Olympic Games 2022 Phonic Screen build up fun! Year 1 Year 2

New Certificate made for 2022 and uploaded! Event table top sign uploaded - all it says is event for you then write the activity they are doing. i have added nonsense split digraphs to the resource as well for 2022! Are you ready to take part in the phonic Olympics. Lots of activities to complete and have fun with. A Phonic Passport for recording achievements. I have left the pages blank so you can choose who you want to use them. These are new- i didn’t use them last year- a new venture this year. we will record times etc! perhaps they can self evaluate - which sound do they need to practise? may even send home with a game to play and parents to record? Last year i bought the small trophies from tescos and the children were awarded once the challenges were completed! They loved it. Maybe medals this year , although they did like the trophies I have revamped some of the games for this year Including a range of phonic speed words (nonsense and real) these cover Split Diraphs ea ee ay ai ow ou ay ai oi or aw au air are or ar ra ro (mine muddle these so a sheet just with these to check!) or ar igh ie i-e ur er ir spilt digraph sorting cards- one set i sent home to play and the other i played in the classroom. Two hoops read and sort… get the iPad timer going! They love it! Things that you will need to get- glitter and tray for glitter writing fly swots (poundland finest!) for sound splatting i have included a photo of the resources i used last year.
Gruffalo RWI Letter & sounds  bundle Phonics Handwriting Games

Gruffalo RWI Letter & sounds bundle Phonics Handwriting Games

3 Resources
this year my phonics will be themed around the Grufflo / Gruffalo Child. I have made some games to play with the initial sounds and tricky words and some hand writing sheets. the games are a lot of fun- i am following the Hot Potato game rules which my kids and parents LOVED. bundle for £4 instead of £6
Letters and sounds phase 2/ 3 initial sounds fortune paper phonic games Reception Year 1 EYFS Phonic

Letters and sounds phase 2/ 3 initial sounds fortune paper phonic games Reception Year 1 EYFS Phonic

Print and fold to make paper fortune style phonic games. it is the old fashioned game i played as a kid! choose number and open and close choose number and segment and blend the word underneath. my Year 1 children loved last years nonsense words ones , class 2 did as well!! so thought this year for phonics table i would do the same but for reception sound recognition and segmenting and blending skills. use at school or take home- ours went into the playground too! covers s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e r u h b f l j v w x y z qu zz ll ss each has two fortune games with cvc vc cvcc words to read.
Hot Potato games 9  in total Reception letters & sounds phase 2 /beginning 3 plus tricky words EYFS

Hot Potato games 9 in total Reception letters & sounds phase 2 /beginning 3 plus tricky words EYFS

Year 1 LOVED this game lat year to support their phonics and decoding skills. This year i have made an initial sound version of the game to support our phonics sessions. i have followed the letter and Sounds pattern satp inmd gock eru ck hbfl jvwx zqu z zz ss ff ll zz A very easy game to play. turn ver cards says sound but if you get a hot potato you loose all the card you have correctly said! a variety of uses phonics session 1-1 intervention Early Bird Phonic table Send home
Phase 2  Phase 3 Common exception Tricky word watches and flash cards EYFS Year 1 Letters & Sounds

Phase 2 Phase 3 Common exception Tricky word watches and flash cards EYFS Year 1 Letters & Sounds

i have made some tricky / common exception word watches. There are some flash cards and also some sheets with our words to find. One idea is to give children a selection of watch sand ask them t find a friend and mark it off one of the sheets(they are in groups of 5) or a watch a day. i was colour in a star each time they say the word correctly! Over to you! i have uploaded two sets- they are in different orders (i think!) at least 20 watches, 20 flash cards and tick sheets with 5 per sheet one set of flash cards comic sans- other set twinkle font, similar to sassoon
Count and Clip cards  Place a peg on the correct numeral following 1-1 counting. Reception Maths Y1

Count and Clip cards Place a peg on the correct numeral following 1-1 counting. Reception Maths Y1

Two sets of Count & Clip Cards activity to practice and reinforce 1:1 counting skills and number recognition. 1-10 west and 10- 20 set. An added bonus is that little fine motor muscles are being strengthened plus those pegs can be a little tricky so also works on their persistence skills too! HOW TO PLAY: print the cards and laminate count each item- i use whiteboard pens so they can cross them off as they count clip the correct number pick a new card!
Hot Dog game for phonics Mixed sounds.. a super game for working towards phonics screen

Hot Dog game for phonics Mixed sounds.. a super game for working towards phonics screen

Hot Dog rules 1. Shuffle the cards and place face down next to the dogs bowl 2. Youngest player to start the game 3. Turn over a card, segment and blend the word. If correct the player keeps the card 4. The game moves to the next player 5. If the player turns over the card with the bone and bowl on it all their cards are returned to the big dog bowl. 6. Play continues until all the cards have been used 7. The winner is the player who makes the most complete dogs!
Hot Potato Game phonics Year 1 / Reception phonic sounds oi / oy IMPROVED with nonsense words

Hot Potato Game phonics Year 1 / Reception phonic sounds oi / oy IMPROVED with nonsense words

here’s how to play Hot Potato! • Print, laminate and cut out all of the cards. There are over 70 word cards! • Bundle them into a deck of cards and shuffle. • Turn the cards face down on the table. Children take it in turns to turn over the top card. • If the child can read it then he/she can keep it. • If a child gets the “Hot Potato” card then he/she must give back all of the cards!! The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. We also have a mat where the returned cards go rather than back into the pile to make the game shorter!
Hot Potato Game sounds or ar ore oor Year 1 Phonics new and improved version!  inc nonsense words

Hot Potato Game sounds or ar ore oor Year 1 Phonics new and improved version! inc nonsense words

here’s how to play Hot Potato! • Print, laminate and cut out all of the cards. • Bundle them into a deck of cards and shuffle. • Turn the cards face down on the table. Children take it in turns to turn over the top card. • If the child can read it then he/she can keep it. • If a child gets the “Hot Potato” card then he/she must give back all of the cards!! The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. We also have a mat where the returned cards go rather than back into the pile to make the game shorter!
Letters and sounds Make a row of 4  game. match the coloured alien to sound  phase 2-5 sounds

Letters and sounds Make a row of 4 game. match the coloured alien to sound phase 2-5 sounds

I made these for the classroom last year as we lead up to the Phonics screen. The KIDS loved them... i had to make sets to send home! idea of the game. Each child / player has a base card and the alien cards are placed faced down in the middle of the table. take it in turns to turn over. If you have the red alien, find the red sound you base card. if you find and say it colour it in, place the alien back in play. game continues until we have completed the row of four- or in our case until they coloured in every sound!! it was well loved. thought you may like to buy and use it too x
Hot Potato Phonics game ee family  Phonics screen games year 1

Hot Potato Phonics game ee family Phonics screen games year 1

here’s how to play Hot Potato! • Print, laminate and cut out all of the cards. There are over 50 word cards! • Bundle them into a deck of cards and shuffle. • Turn the cards face down on the table. Children take it in turns to turn over the top card. • If the child can read it then he/she can keep it. • If a child gets the “Hot Potato” card then he/she must give back all of the cards!! The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. We also have a mat where the returned cards go rather than back into the pile to make the game shorter!
decodable book 7 pages long Phonics Year 1 RWI st 2 sound 'ow' blow the snow

decodable book 7 pages long Phonics Year 1 RWI st 2 sound 'ow' blow the snow

One book- 7 pages Blow the snow 'ow' decodable words with sound button plus nonsense words Senetnces with common exception words samples can be seen on Facebook page Flabulous Phonics. the sample images on here only have a couple of the pages! https://www.facebook.com/flabulousphonics/ also available as set of 11 books £6