I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book, and it includes many picture to help students to visualise the content. In this unit we talk about humoural treatments bloodletting (phlebotomy), purging, bathing, as well as herbal remedies including theriaca.
This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book, with the addition of many visual aids. This unit is an introduction to the Black Death: causes, spread, casualties.
This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book, with an addition of many pictures and diagrams to increase the understanding of the content. This lesson is about religious , supernatural and natural causes and treatments of the Black Death.
This is a presentation based on the Edexcel GCSE History book. It has many pictures and diagrams, as well as couple of YouTube links to improve the comprehension of the topic. This lesson covers supernatural and religious causes of disease in the Medieval England, story of Job and suffering, religious society, the Church's role in medical care, leprosy and astrology.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History book. It contains many pictures to visualise the content for all ability pupils. This unit is about the origins of the Theory of Four Humours, balance of humours, dominative humour and theory of opposites. The presentation has two links to YouTube videos.
This presentation is based on Edexcel History of Medicine book, and it has many pictures to visualise the content of the course. This unit is about the influence of Galen and Hippocrates, the role of the Church, the idea of miasma and use of urine charts.
This resource is based on GCSE History of Medicine book. By adding up many pictures and diagrams to increase the understanding of the course. This unit is on the treatment in Renaissance: theory of transference, herbal remedies, remedies from the New World, chemical cures (alchemy and chemical remedies).
This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book. There are many pictures and couple of video links added up to visualise the content of the course to all ability pupils. This unit is about the inflence of printing press and the work of the Royal Society.
This presentation is based on GCSE History book, and by adding up many visual clues it will be accessible to all ability pupils. This lesson is about the new ideas in medicine during Renaissance: people (Paracelsus, Frascatoro, Harvey, van Helmont, Hooke, Sydenham, Leeuwenhoek, Paré, Vesalius), discoveries (human anatomy), changing ideas that influenced medical knowledge.
This presentation is based on GCSE History book. The content of the course is enriched with many pictures to increase the understanding of the course. There are couple of YouTube links to explain visually some aspects of the lesson. This unit is on Humanism in Renaissance and Thomas Sydenham,
This is a presentation based on GCSE History book, with many pictures to increase the understanding of the lesson. This unit is about the idea of prevention of illness, the way it changed from the Medieval times, and what ideas continued in the Renaissance.
This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book. The content of the lesson is enhanced by adding many pictures to visualise the lesson. This unit is on the medical care in the Renaissance: apothecaries, surgeons, physicians and home care.
This resource is based on GCSE History of Medicine book. By adding many pictures and links to short videos the content of the lesson is more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about Edward Jenner and development of smallpox vaccine, as well as reactions from the public and short and long term impacts of vaccination. There are three links to short YouTube videos about the development of the vaccine.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine. Each unit has many pictures and diagrams to make the lesson more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about the work of Louis Pasteur, his Germs Theory, as well as brief notes on works of Joseph Lister, and John Tyndall, and role of dr Henry Bastian in spreading their discoveries in Britain. There are links to two videos one about Louis Pasteur and second one about Joseph Lister.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History book, and by adding up pictures and couple of video links this lesson is accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about the basic overview of the causes of illness in 18th and 19th centuries. It contains 2 video links one about the Enlightenment and one of spontaneous generation.
This is a presentation for Unit 2 of Edexcel GCSE History The Weimar Republic. The main aim of this resource is to make the content of the course more visual, by adding pictures, photos, diagrams, maps, and video links, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource can be used as a teaching resource, revision for students, or in Flipped Classroom style a pre teaching resource for students.
This unit covers the early career of Adolf Hitler, joining the DAP (German Worker’s Party), setting up the Nazi party (NSDAP) and the Twenty Five Point Programme, Hitler’s personal appeal and speeches.
This is a presentation for Unit 2 of Edexcel GCSE History The Weimar Republic. The main aim of this resource is to make the content of the course more visual, by adding pictures, photos, diagrams, maps, and video links, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource can be used as a teaching resource, revision for students, or in Flipped Classroom style a pre teaching resource for students.
This lesson covers the early development of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) its organisation, leadership, and the role of SA (STURMABTEILUNG).
This is a presentation for Unit 2 of Edexcel GCSE History The Weimar Republic. The main aim of this resource is to make the content of the course more visual, by adding pictures, photos, diagrams, maps, and video links, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource can be used as a teaching resource, revision for students, or in Flipped Classroom style a pre teaching resource for students.
This is the introduction to UNIT 2: Hitler rise to power: birth, family and WW1 career.
This is a bundle of presentations for Unit 1 of Edexcel GCSE History The Weimar Republic. The main aim of this resource is to make the content of the course more visual, by adding pictures, photos, diagrams, maps, and video links, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource can be used as a teaching resource, revision for students, or in Flipped Classroom style a pre teaching resource for students.
This is a presentation for Unit 1 of Edexcel GCSE History The Weimar Republic. The main aim of this resource is to make the content of the course more visual, by adding pictures, photos, diagrams, maps, and video links, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource can be used as a teaching resource, revision for students, or in Flipped Classroom style a pre teaching resource for students.
This lesson is presenting changes in life of women in the Weimar Republic until 1929: the right to vote, changes to employment, leisure, and division in the German Society over the rights of women.