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Completely Kindergarten's Shop

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Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!




Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!
Mastering 100 Sight Words

Mastering 100 Sight Words

This is a complete set for Kindergarten/First Grade! It's a program for teaching the first 100 High Frequency reading words called "I Scream for Sight Words". Every child can earn a colored scoop for every 10 words they master reading by sight. The goal is to get 10 scoops signifying 100 sight words. This pack includes the following: - Set of colored scoops with corresponding numbers. - Set of colored scoops with first 100 sight words (for teacher). - Set of ice cream cones. - Set of take home letters identifying which colored scoop the students are working towards. - Parent explanation letter. - Graph for tracking progress (for teacher). - Display banner for the classroom.
Brown Bear Math and Literacy Pack

Brown Bear Math and Literacy Pack

This 64 page pack is themed towards "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" This pack includes the following: -Brown Bear pattern cards and independent pattern activity. -Brown Bear ten frame activity/scavenger hunt. -Brown Bear dice (2) and “Race to the Top” recording sheet. -Brown Bear color spinners (2) and sight word recording sheet. -Brown Bear 4-12 number mats and teacher addition cards. -Brown Bear template for class book with student names. -Brown Bear independent reader and sequencing sentences. -Brown Bear number puzzles 1-10. -Brown Bear pocket chart animal and color sorting cards. -Brown Bear counting cards. -Brown Bear story sequencing flow map. -Brown Bear M&M graphing activity. All of these activities are great to do either whole group, small groups, and/or independently. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Display and Activity Pack

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Display and Activity Pack

This is a great resource for teaching the Very Hungry Caterpillar. This packet includes: All the types of food display puppets (can be re-sized for small centers) Caterpillar puppet Vocabulary words with ABC order activity Text-to-self writing Story sequencing flow map cut and paste Pocket chart words and picture match up The Very Hungry Student Class Book Cover The Very Hungry Student Writing Please make sure to rate and leave feedback
5 Little Monkeys Display and Activity Pack

5 Little Monkeys Display and Activity Pack

This is a 5 Little Monkeys Display and Activity pack for use when teaching the 5 Little Monkeys book. This pack includes: 5 Little Monkeys Bunting Display Banner All 5 Little Monkey Puppets (big and small) Bed Puppet Mama Monkey Puppet Plain Monkey Puppet 1 Color Printable 5 Little Monkeys Book 5 Little Monkeys Sentence Strips w/ Highlighted HFW (for pocket chart) Text-to-Self Connections Writing 5 Little Monkeys Bubble Map Please make sure to rate and leave feedback
Speaking and Listening Task Cards

Speaking and Listening Task Cards

This is a nice set of apple-themed task cards to support and encourage more speaking and listening in the classroom. Cards can be used during whole group, guided reading, or independent practice with fiction and some non-fiction texts. Each card contains a task that requires students to engage in some form of either speaking or listening. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback, and to check out some of my other great items on TPT! Task Cards include the following activities: *Peer Pair Share *Using Puppets *Tell Me Why *Who Am I? *Magic Mike *Swap a Scene *Be the Character *Teacher Questions *A Picture's Worth... *Four Words *Let's Take a Walk
Addition and Subtraction: Make Your Own Story Problems with Solutions

Addition and Subtraction: Make Your Own Story Problems with Solutions

These are two worksheets for making both your own addition and subtraction story problems. They also feature different math strategies to solve problems, to help teachers check for student understanding. Sample page is in red, gives an example of how to use the addition page. Strategies includes are draw a picture, complete the story problem, use a number line, make tally marks, use a ten frame and write the equation. MEETS COMMON CORE STANDARDS FOR GRADE K!
I Have Who Has Arabic Alphabet Game

I Have Who Has Arabic Alphabet Game

I Have Who Has is a great game to play whole class to practice numbers, additions/subtraction fact, sight words, or in this case, the Arabic Alphabet. Each student takes a card and reads which letter of the alphabet they have, followed by who has the next letter. EX: "I have A, Who has B?" (English Version) The child that has the corresponding letter reads their card and so on, until every card has been read. This pack includes: 1 set of cards with all Arabic words and letters 1 set of cards with English words and Arabic letters Please make sure to rate and leave feedback, and to check out some of my other great products! Thanks!
Student Surveys Bundle Pack

Student Surveys Bundle Pack

This is my bundle pack for my 3 student surveys. Buy them separately or all together in this pack to save $$$. Behavior Management: We all know the importance of differentiating curriculum to student learning styles. But how many of us actually apply that same principal to behavior management...not too many I bet. It is so simple to apply one behavior management system to the entire class, or sometimes our principal requires us to use a school wide model. However, we all know that our students are going to behave differently, and therefore we should be actively differentiating behavior management methods to best meet the needs of our students. Using this survey will give you additional data to help your classroom function more smoothly, and to show administrators why differentiating behavior management is important to the student development in class. Also a great thing to have on file during parent teacher conferences! Multiple Intelligences: This is a visual survey based on aspects of Howard Gardener's Multiple Intelligences I made for my ESL students to be used at the beginning of the school year. Given a language barrier it was a great tool that gave me insight into how my students like to learn, what materials they like to use, and what their favorite part of school is. While I used this survey for ESL, I feel it can be used for any mainstream/ESL grade level in the primary grades Each student completes the survey by either circling or coloring (whatever is easier depending on your students' abilities), one or more answer for each question. Make sure they understand not to circle every answer, but to pick only the ones that pertain to them. Once the survey is complete, you can use the teacher answer key to understand what the data means and how to effectively use it. I used my surveys to help me differentiate my lessons, how to manage my guided reading and writing more effectively, as well as how to motivate my students to complete their work. It also gave me good ideas about how to set up my seating chart, which students might work well together, and which of my more chatty students might need to be separated. And one extra bonus, this is a GREAT tool when it comes to observations and professional development, and you get asked about why you have differentiated in a particular way! Approaches to Learning: This survey allows you to best assist your students when it comes to their learning. It allows you to see if there are distractions that are slowing learning, how your students work at home, and where they feel most comfortable in class. This is a great assessment for data collection to justify differentiation in the class environment for administrators.
Behavior Management Student Survey

Behavior Management Student Survey

BEST BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SURVEY Owing to the popularity of my Multiple Intelligences Survey: How Do You Learn?, I created a new survey to be completed by students in class or at home with parents to show what they think and feel about classroom rules and behavior management techniques. We all know the importance of differentiating curriculum to student learning styles. But how many of us actually apply that same principal to behavior management...not too many I bet. It is so simple to apply one behavior management system to the entire class, or sometimes our principal requires us to use a school wide model. However, we all know that our students are going to behave differently, and therefore we should be actively differentiating behavior management methods to best meet the needs of our students. Using this survey will give you additional data to help your classroom function more smoothly, and to show administrators why differentiating behavior management is important to the student development in class. Also a great thing to have on file during parent teacher conferences!
Valentine's Kids Clipart

Valentine's Kids Clipart

This is a set of Valentine's Kids, boys and girls, for commercial and personal use. Perfect for your valentine's units. This set includes: 3 boys holding valentines 3 boys giving valentines 3 girls holding valentines 3 girls giving valentines 3 boys and girls exchanging valentines 5 blackline masters http://completelykindergarten.blogspot.com/ Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Valentine's Mystery Sight Words

Valentine's Mystery Sight Words

This Valentine's themed literacy center features 15 mystery message cards, each containing a code. Students must use the decoder to figure out the mystery sight word on each card, and then record it on the worksheet. This pack includes: 15 Valentine's themed sight word mystery cards 2 Valentine's decoders 1 recording sheet Answer key Great to use for literacy centers and aligned with Common Core! Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Makerspace Display Banner

Makerspace Display Banner

This is a display banner for your classroom Makerspace. Makerspaces, areas for allowing students to create and build with everyday materials, and they are growing ever more popular in classrooms around the world. This is a fun and engaging banner to have in your classroom's Makerspace area.
Materials: Testing Properties Experiment

Materials: Testing Properties Experiment

This is my "Testing Properties" experiment. Students will be shown 3 different types of materials: Plastic, stone, and wood. The students will do 3 tests on each materials to determine which one is the most useful in our day to day lives. They should test each material in flexibility, water resistance, and strength by having it support weight. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative material
Materials: Types of Rocks

Materials: Types of Rocks

This is a nice cut and paste activity that allows students to match types of materials/rocks. Great for assessing how we use different materials in everyday life.
Ocean Unit: My Vacation By the Sea Book

Ocean Unit: My Vacation By the Sea Book

This is a book I did as part of my Ocean Unit. My students read stories and watched videos about what people do at the beach. Then they used a Flow Map to come up with 3 different things they would do at the beach if they took a vacation. Check out my blog for sample book ideas: http://completelykindergarten.blogspot.com/2012/05/as-end-of-another-school-year-creeps.html This packet includes: 2 different covers (cut and paste photos of students in the camera lens) Blank Writing Page (make multiple copies if needed) Flow Map for story ideas 3 Writing Pages with sentence starters Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Prompts of Depth and Complexity Literacy Response Menu and Dice

Prompts of Depth and Complexity Literacy Response Menu and Dice

This is a 12 sided dice featuring all 11 of the Prompts of Depth and Complexity, and a Literacy Menu of Responses, including a FREE CHOICE spot. Students can apply this to any book they are reading or working on. Simply make the dice, and as students roll the dice they answer the question on the menu that relates to the Prompt of Depth and Complexity that they rolled. These are also great to use in a literacy center. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Word Problem Flow Map

Word Problem Flow Map

This is a great resource to use either whole group, small group, independent practice, or assessment. This is a versatile resource; either add a word problem into the blank box at the top, or allow students to create their own word problems. I currently use it in a blank method for my Gifted students to create their own story problems. The design for this flow map is to help students identify the key parts of a word problem. Most students tend to rush through, only looking for numbers and trying to solve an equation without really knowing the full extent of the problem. This flow map requires students to "Explain Your Brain" and work through a word problem in 6 steps. I had great feedback from my students, stating that this resource really helped them to slow down and word through a problem step by step! A great visual tool as well to assist your more visual learners. This packet includes a blank worksheet (either add your own word problem, or let students create their own) and a sample of how I used the worksheet.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Display/Activity Pack

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Display/Activity Pack

Another great literacy pack available. This one is wonderful to use while working with the story "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". Check out the free preview to get an idea of the contents. (Please note that not all items included in this pack are displayed in the preview). Here is what is included in this pack: 1 large coconut tree (to be assembled, should be 2ft tall) 1 set of display coconuts with 26 letters 1 set of colored letters to place in the coconut tree, or to act out the story for sequencing 12 pages of word family activities with writing 1 letter sort cut and paste 1 coconut tree designing activity with cut and paste letters 1 name writing with sentence stems 1 creative coconut tree writing 1 display banner Note: I do not own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, I merely created these resources to aid in teaching the fabulous book. Please purchase Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr to use in your class! FEEDBACK PLEASE!
Story Retell Road

Story Retell Road

A great independent or partner activity to retell the parts of a story. Comes with original clipart characters from my Book Literacy and Activity Packs. Also aligned with Common Core Standards for Kindergarten and 1st Grade. This packet includes: 1 brick road to be cut and pasted together (laminate for durability) A set of characters from popular stories, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Goldilocks, Gingerbread Man, and Elmer the Elephant. Students can use the characters and have them walk along the brick road retelling the parts of the story. Great visual to get students focused on this particular element of a story. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Testing Materials Experiment

Testing Materials Experiment

This is my "Testing Properties" experiment. Students will be shown 3 different types of materials: Plastic, stone, and wood. The students will do 3 tests on each materials to determine which one is the most useful in our day to day lives. They should test each material in flexibility, water resistance, and strength by having it support weight. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative material