This is a presentation I created for my Year 13 Spanish that follows the key aspects that Edexcel wants them to address in their essay and how to apply them to Lorca’s play. These are:
*Themes and issues
*Language and style
*Plot and structure
*Form and genre
*Characters and relationships
*Reception and interpretation
This is a workbook I have created to introduce the play to my Year 13 Spanish students.
It includes the following headings:
*Overview of Lorca's life
*La Generación del 27
*Lorca's most important plays
*'El crímen de Níjar', the story that inspired Lorca to write 'Bodas de Sangre'.
*Overview of Bodas de Sangre
*The tragedy
*Main characters of the play
*The use of color in Bodas de Sangre
*The symbols
The booklet also includes 12 different exercises and the answers.
Essay phrases for A level Spanish students. My students find it really useful and I always make them use six or seven of these sentences per essay. Also I would tell them which ones to use and then they will have to write the essay using the ones I have told them.
The phrases are divided in different categories: connectors, opinions, phrases that require subjunctive, introducing an argument, developing an argument and concluding.
This is a poster collection I have created to display in my classroom that contains the following topics:
Adjectives of personality
School subjects
I am also including a display that I did about the days of the week and and months of the year.
Hope you like it!
This is a resource I have created for my Year 10 group. In this resource, you will have an explanation of how colour agreement works in Spanish. The resource comes with two activities: one for them to choose the correct form of the colour, and a second one which is a translation. This second activity is related to school uniform, so a vocab table with the pertinent vocab is also included.
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
This is a 17-pages workbook I have created for my Year 12 students this year according to the new exam and specification given by Edexcel.
Having a look at the sample materials, I have realised the way they ask questions have changed a little bit. They are not asked their opinion on something irrelevant, it is always something to do with the Spanish or Latin American cultures. For example, they are not asked "Do you like music?" but "What do you think about Spanish music?". Following this I have created this booklet which includes questions on all topics and a brief explanation of the exam.
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
This resource includes a vocab page with all the words related to means of transport and a worksheet with ten exercises to revise this topic. Amongst them you will find reading, translation or a crosword.
This resource is good to revise for GCSE (old and new spec).
Thank you very much, hope it helps!
This is a worksheet aimed at Year 8 low ability groups to revise food.
The worksheet includes a variety of activities as well as a vocab list for them to check while completing it.
Hope it helps.
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).