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Transition to Secondary School

Transition to Secondary School

Top Tips for Tansitioning to Secondary School. Also, some useful strategies fr reducing stress and anxiety. We hope this resource is useful for your students. Aimed at Year 6.
Quiz Time!

Quiz Time!

3x 10Q quizzes. 10x questions about dissney films 10x questions about Pokemon 10x questions about Marvel Suitable for 7-9 year olds Written for a Year 2 class. Hope you enjoy this resource.
Using WhatsApp Safely

Using WhatsApp Safely

A top tips poster for using WhatsApp safely. Useful reminders for any children aged 7-13. Hope this resource is useful for your pupils. Thanks.
The 7 Continents of The World

The 7 Continents of The World

A 200 word paragraph about each continent. Suitable for 5-8 year olds. Was written for a Y2 class. Hope this resource is helpful for teaching about climate, weather, landmark, food and people of each continent. Thanks.
Ancient Romans Comprehension

Ancient Romans Comprehension

200 words per information text - each has 5 comprehension questions directly linked to the text. Topics include: Introduction to Ancient Rome Ancient Roman Clothing Roman Food 2000 years ago! The Roman Army Jobs in Ancient Rome An excellent resource for 7-10 year olds. It was planned for a Year 3 and Year 4 class. Word document is editable.
Farming Information Text

Farming Information Text

1000 words of information about Farming. Topics covered are: Farmers Tractors Farm Animals Sheep Dogs Farm to Fork Suitable for ages 5-9 year olds. Has been planned and written for a Year 2 class. Lovely information with suitable simple images.
The 6 Key Religions Information Text

The 6 Key Religions Information Text

Information suitable for 8-11 year olds. Covers all 6 of the key religions of the world. Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism. Word version so it can be edited. Enjoy!
40 Facts about The Vikings

40 Facts about The Vikings

40 interesting facts about the Vikings. Would make a great starting ‘talking point’ for the class or as a stepping stone into a new topic. Could also be used as a way to embed more facts into an information text.
Amazon Rainforest Facts

Amazon Rainforest Facts

40 Cool facts about the Amazon Rainforest. This would make a good starting resource for an information text or stepping stone into the topic of forests.
40 Castle Facts

40 Castle Facts

40 impressive facts about castles. This would be a great starting place for an information text on castles or just to find out more about castles generally. hope you enjoy!
Report Comments

Report Comments

10x unique report comments to be copied, pasted and edited into school reports. All comments are based on behaviour, attitude and/or effort.
Animals, including humans Y5

Animals, including humans Y5

A Smart Notebook packed with lesson slides and links to appropriate Year 5 videos. Covers Y5 National Curriculum objectives for ‘Animals, including humans’. Lessons covered: Can I explain how a baby changes physically as it grows, and also what it is able to do? Can I explain the changes that takes place in boys and girls during puberty? Can I describe the changes as humans develop to old age? Can I explore an important scientist? (Sir John Charnely) Lessons follow the ‘red dot / my turn - your turn’ approach. Lessons are built upon the mastery approach and use direct teaching methods. Resources include: SmartNotebook (67 pages), snippd lesson slides (word docs) and useful resources.
Adding Fractions Smart Notebook

Adding Fractions Smart Notebook

A simple Smart Notebook with example adding fractions questions. Adding simple fractions with different denominators. Adding mixed numbers. 2 word problems at the end. Word document of ‘follow me’ red dot questions added too.
Quality Texts List

Quality Texts List

A List of High Quality Texts to be used in KS2 Just some of the topics covered include - Romans, Greeks, Mountains, Volcanoes, Anglo Saxons, WW1, WW2, Ancient Maya, Early Islamic Civilisation, Mighty Maps, Settlement and Trade. Covers all Year groups from Y3 to Y6. Over 15x quality texts for each year group. Specifically linked to the National Curriculum mandatory topics. Other exciting topics covered. Download is Word Version (can easily be edited). A long list of texts also given - not specifically linked to year groups.
Light - Science Planning for Year 6.

Light - Science Planning for Year 6.

5 Planned Lessons. *** Linked to the National Curriculum Programme of Study for KS2 Y6 2014 and beyond.** All internet links created in August 2018 and still working. NC based learning challenges and success criteria for every lesson. Easy to follow and edit (Word version). Created by Y6 teacher. Lots of video links and activity links added in. Covers everything Y6 children need to know for the Science topic of LIGHT.
Gymnastics Assessment Primary

Gymnastics Assessment Primary

Here are 3 Primary School Phase assessment sheets which use the new (2014) National Curriculum objectives. Some objectives have been added to create a broader and more diverse range of targets. A quick and easy way of tracking progress and skills for every student in the Primary Phase. Easy tick list objectives and a more detailed explanation of each objectives for teachers with limited gymnastics knowledge. ALL 3 sheets included: KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. Word Documents that can be edited.
Science Fiction Story Planning Y5/6 - Beegu

Science Fiction Story Planning Y5/6 - Beegu

This planning unit is for 2 weeks worth of work. Designed for a Y5/6 class - based on the picture book Beegu! You do not need the book to teach from this plan as writing examples and images are given on the resource sheets. Lessons covered in planning include: L.C - Can I use adverbials in a text? L.C - Can I use subordinating conjunctions? L.C - Can I use relative clauses? L.C - Can I use semi colons and colons? L.C - Can I use adjectives to describe a setting? L.C - Can I plan a science fiction story? L.C - Can I draft and edit my own writing? L.C - Can I write a science fiction story? EXCELLENT EXAMPLES of sentences/ work from children are for : L.C - Can I use adverbials in a text? L.C - Can I use subordinating conjunctions? L.C - Can I use relative clauses? L.C - Can I use adjectives to describe a setting?
Where Monsters Lie Literacy Planning

Where Monsters Lie Literacy Planning

2x weeks of Literacy Planning linked to the novel 'Where Monsters Lie' by Polly Ho-Yen. A brilliant Y5+ text that links well to mysteries and fictional units. Planning is designed to teach several key aspects required for writing a fictional mystery story. All objectives linked to the Year 6 Writing ITAF 2016 Lessons included are: 1. Capital Letters, Full Stops and Question Marks. 2. Non-fictional features (in a diagram of the raft) 3. Key Dictionary Work 4. Conjunctions 5. Punctuating Speech 6. Powerful verbs and adverbs 7. Expanding noun phrases 8. Creating atmosphere through description 9. Features of a mystery story & 10. Learning Objectives for the writing stage (left blank for your own personalisation). Different classes will focus on different learning features.
Materials Science Planning Year 5/6

Materials Science Planning Year 5/6

Six lessons planned out with internet links that work (Sept 2017!) Covers all of the Y5 objectives (new curriculum 2014+) that must be taught for Year 5. This was planned for my Y5/6 class. Word format means that you can edit and adjust as you need to. All lessons have Learning Challenge, Starter, Main Tasks, Plenary and Resource List.