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Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.




Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.


Power Point - to practice using the past tense in French (le passé-composé) with "la voix active" and "la voix passive" - to learn about the expression "se faire +infinitif" - to review parts of the body Basically, the gingerbread man is trying to run away from the bat. Little at a time, the bat manages to eat a piece of the gingerbread man (one hand, one harm, the second hand...). The students learn to say: "The bat ate one hand of the gingerbread man. La chauve-souris a mangé une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice. One hand of the gingerbread man has been eaten by the bat. Une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice a été mangée par la chauve-souris. The gingerbread man had one of his hand eaten by the bat. Le bonhomme en pain d'épice s'est fait manger une de ses mains par la chauve-souris." The rules about the tenses are clearly given in this PPT. All correct answers have been recorded properly by a native French speaker. At the end, you will find a listening activity in which you need to match each listening to its correct image. I have designed all the images by myself. This teaching resource can be used to review the past tense, extend knowledge using the passive form and learn new common expressions in French.