Year 5 Decimals week 1 - worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning.
Includes support mat!
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 1 - Use known facts to add and subtract decimals within 1
Step 2 - Complements to 1
Step 3 - Add and subtract decimals across 1
Step 4 - Add decimals with the same number of decimal places
Step 5 - Subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
One week of decimal maths covering:
In depth planning and starters included
L1 – Adding decimals within 1 (place value charts)
L2 – Adding decimals within 1 (column addition)
L3 – Subtracting decimals within 1 (place value charts)
L4 – Subtracting decimals within 1 (column subtraction)
L5 – Adding and subtracting decimals within 1- drawing representations to check calculations
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L1 - Adding Decimals within 1
L2 - Subtracting Decimals within 1
L3 - Complements to 1
L4 - Adding Decimals - Crossing the Whole
L5 - Adding Decimals with the same d.p
Year 1 Summer - Position and Direction Differentiated Resources - White Rose 3.0 style
Differentiated worksheets, editable planning, teaching slides, practical activities and support mat.
Step 1 - Describe Turns
Step 2 - Describe Position - left and right
Step 3 - Describe Position - forwards and backwards
Step 4 - Describe Position - above and below
Step 5 - Ordinal Numbers
**This pack includes resources from 2020/21:
Summer term, block 3- We have broken down the steps and provided 8 differentiated lessons to use depending on your class needs. Two activities also included.
Finding a quarter of a turn
Finding a half of a turn
Finding three quarters of a turn
Finding a full turn
A mix of the above
Describing a mix of turns
Grid activity
Left and right
Above and below
Activity- left, right, in front, behind
Everything you need to teach Year 3 Place Value can be downloaded here in one pack!
Maths Vocabulary Cards
Place Value Assessment
16 Differentiated lessons
10 Differentiated Reasoning Tasks
Week 1
L1- Hundreds
L2- Represent Number to One Thousand
L3- Hundreds, Tens and Ones
L4- Hundreds, Tens and Ones
L5- Number Line
Week 2
L6- Estimate on a number line to 1,000
L7- Estimating on a number line- finding the closest number
L8- 10 more and 10 less- pictorial
L9- 100 more and 100 less- pictorial
L10- Comparing objects – pictorial
Week 3
L11-Comparing numbers using comparison symbols L12- Comparing numbers- Missing values
L13- Ordering numbers using comparison symbols (pictorial and numerals)
L14- Ordering numbers (cutting number cards)
L15- Ordering numbers- Digit cards- what is the greatest/smallest number you can make?
L16- Counting in 50s
Everything you need to teach Place Value for Year 2!
Editable Teaching Slides
Maths Vocabulary Cards
Reasoning Tasks
17 Differentiated Lessons
Week 1:
L1- Count objects to 100 and read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words
L2- Count objects to 100 and read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words
L3- Represent Numbers to 100- Bead strings
L4- Represent Numbers to 100 – Variety of Pictorial Representations
L5- Partition Tens and Ones – Part Whole Models
Week 2:
L6 – Tens and Ones – Matching partitioned numbers
L7 – Tens and Ones – Part whole models
L8 – Place Value Charts
L9 – Place Value Charts- Completing
L10 – Comparing Objects
Week 3:
Year 2- Week 3 Place Value differentiated worksheets L11- Comparing numbers using words
L12- Comparing numbers using comparison symbols
L13- Ordering numbers using a number line
L14-Ordring numbers (cutting out)
L15- Ordering numbers (objects)
L16- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
L17- Counting in 3s
Year 5 - Summer - Converting Units - Steps 1-6 - White Rose 3.0 Style
Differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, editable planning and support mats
Step 1 - Kilograms and Kilometres
Step 2 - Millimetres and Millilitres
Step 3 - Convert Units of Length
Step 4 - Convert Between Metric and Imperial
Step 5 - Convert Units of Time
Step 6 - Calculate with Timetables
Year 1 Summer - Place Value to 100 - Steps 1-5 - White Rose 3.0 Style Resources
Editable planning, teaching slides, differentiated worksheets, practical activities and support mats.
Step 1 - Count from 50 to 100
Step 2 - Tens to 100
Step 3 - Partition into 10s and 1s
Step 4 - The number line to 100
Step 5 - 1 more, 1 less
Also includes resources from 2020/21!
Year 2- Summer - Position and Direction - Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style
Teaching slides, worksheets, editable planning and support mat!
Step 1 - Language of position
Step 2 - Describe movement
Step 3 - Describe turns
Step 4 - Describe movement, turns
Step 5 - Shape patterns with turns
Week 1
Includes in depth planning and starters
L1- Practical Lesson on Turns
L2 -Describing Movement
L3- Describing Movement
L4- Describing Turns
L5- Describing Turns
Year 4 - Summer - Position and Direction - Differentiated Resources White Rose 3.0 Style
Editable planning, teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and support mat!
Step 1 - Describe position using coordinates
Step 2 - Plot coordinates
Step 3 - Draw 2D shapes on a grid
Step 4 - Translate on a grid
Step 5 - Describe translation on a grid
Year 1 Time Steps 1-6 White Rose 3.0 Style Differentiated Resources
Teaching slides, editable planning, differentiated worksheets, practical activities and support mats.
Step 1 - Before and After
Step 2 - Days of the Week
Step 3 - Months of the Year
Step 4 - Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Step 5 - Tell the Time to the Hour
Step 6 - Tell the Time to the Half Hour
**Includes bonus sheets from 2020/21:
11 Fluency differentiated sheets for time- covers:
L1- Language- before and after
L2- Days of the week
L3- Read a clock face- time to the hour
L4- Matching clocks and times- to the hour
L5- Drawing hands on a clock- to the hour
L6- Read a clock face- half past the hour
L7- Matching clocks and times- half past the hour
L8- Drawing hands on a clock- half past the hour
L9- Read a clock face- mixed hour and half past
L10- Drawing hands on a clock- mixed hour and half past
L11- Activity- seconds, minutes and hours
L12- Comparing duration of time
Missing numbers can be tricky to understand, so we have compiled missing number questions from previous SATs paper to allow children to practice and understand how to solve these calculations.
Year 5- Spring Term – Multiplication & Division Fluency & Reasoning Slides
Covers the following National Curriculum Objectives:
Multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.
Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one or two digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for 2 digit numbers.
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context.
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the use of the equals sign.
For those following white rose, we have made teaching slides for fluency- Year 1, Spring term, weight and volume (block 4).
Visit our facebook page for more resources!