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Differentiated maths resources supporting those who follow White Rose.




Differentiated maths resources supporting those who follow White Rose.
Year 5 - Summer - Decimals Week 1- Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style

Year 5 - Summer - Decimals Week 1- Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style

Year 5 Decimals week 1 - worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mat! NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0: Step 1 - Use known facts to add and subtract decimals within 1 Step 2 - Complements to 1 Step 3 - Add and subtract decimals across 1 Step 4 - Add decimals with the same number of decimal places Step 5 - Subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places This pack also includes resources from 2020/21: One week of decimal maths covering: In depth planning and starters included L1 – Adding decimals within 1 (place value charts) L2 – Adding decimals within 1 (column addition) L3 – Subtracting decimals within 1 (place value charts) L4 – Subtracting decimals within 1 (column subtraction) L5 – Adding and subtracting decimals within 1- drawing representations to check calculations Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters L1 - Adding Decimals within 1 L2 - Subtracting Decimals within 1 L3 - Complements to 1 L4 - Adding Decimals - Crossing the Whole L5 - Adding Decimals with the same d.p
Year 1 Summer - Position and Direction Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 style

Year 1 Summer - Position and Direction Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 style

Year 1 Summer - Position and Direction Differentiated Resources - White Rose 3.0 style Differentiated worksheets, editable planning, teaching slides, practical activities and support mat. Step 1 - Describe Turns Step 2 - Describe Position - left and right Step 3 - Describe Position - forwards and backwards Step 4 - Describe Position - above and below Step 5 - Ordinal Numbers **This pack includes resources from 2020/21: Summer term, block 3- We have broken down the steps and provided 8 differentiated lessons to use depending on your class needs. Two activities also included. Finding a quarter of a turn Finding a half of a turn Finding three quarters of a turn Finding a full turn A mix of the above Describing a mix of turns Grid activity Left and right Above and below Activity- left, right, in front, behind
Year 3 - Place Value Bundle

Year 3 - Place Value Bundle

6 Resources
Everything you need to teach Year 3 Place Value can be downloaded here in one pack! Maths Vocabulary Cards Place Value Assessment 16 Differentiated lessons 10 Differentiated Reasoning Tasks Week 1 L1- Hundreds L2- Represent Number to One Thousand L3- Hundreds, Tens and Ones L4- Hundreds, Tens and Ones L5- Number Line Week 2 L6- Estimate on a number line to 1,000 L7- Estimating on a number line- finding the closest number L8- 10 more and 10 less- pictorial L9- 100 more and 100 less- pictorial L10- Comparing objects – pictorial Week 3 L11-Comparing numbers using comparison symbols L12- Comparing numbers- Missing values L13- Ordering numbers using comparison symbols (pictorial and numerals) L14- Ordering numbers (cutting number cards) L15- Ordering numbers- Digit cards- what is the greatest/smallest number you can make? L16- Counting in 50s
Year 2 Place Value Bundle

Year 2 Place Value Bundle

7 Resources
Everything you need to teach Place Value for Year 2! Editable Teaching Slides Maths Vocabulary Cards Reasoning Tasks 17 Differentiated Lessons Week 1: L1- Count objects to 100 and read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words L2- Count objects to 100 and read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words L3- Represent Numbers to 100- Bead strings L4- Represent Numbers to 100 – Variety of Pictorial Representations L5- Partition Tens and Ones – Part Whole Models Week 2: L6 – Tens and Ones – Matching partitioned numbers L7 – Tens and Ones – Part whole models L8 – Place Value Charts L9 – Place Value Charts- Completing L10 – Comparing Objects Week 3: Year 2- Week 3 Place Value differentiated worksheets L11- Comparing numbers using words L12- Comparing numbers using comparison symbols L13- Ordering numbers using a number line L14-Ordring numbers (cutting out) L15- Ordering numbers (objects) L16- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s L17- Counting in 3s
Year 5 - Summer - Converting Units - Steps 1-6 - White Rose 3.0 Style

Year 5 - Summer - Converting Units - Steps 1-6 - White Rose 3.0 Style

Year 5 - Summer - Converting Units - Steps 1-6 - White Rose 3.0 Style Differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, editable planning and support mats Step 1 - Kilograms and Kilometres Step 2 - Millimetres and Millilitres Step 3 - Convert Units of Length Step 4 - Convert Between Metric and Imperial Step 5 - Convert Units of Time Step 6 - Calculate with Timetables
Year 3- Summer - Week 1 - Shape Resources - White Rose 3.0 Style

Year 3- Summer - Week 1 - Shape Resources - White Rose 3.0 Style

Year 3- Summer - Week 1 - Shape Resources - White Rose 3.0 Style Teaching slides, editable planning, differentiated worksheets, support mats Step 1 - Turns and angles Step 2 - Right angles Step 3 - Compare angles Step 4 - Measure and draw accurately Step 5 - Horizontal and vertical Includes resources from 2020/21: Week 1 L1- Turns and Angles L2- Right Angles L3- Compare Angles L4- Draw Accurately L5- Horizontal and Vertical
Year 2- Summer - Position and Direction - Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style

Year 2- Summer - Position and Direction - Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style

Year 2- Summer - Position and Direction - Differentiated Resources - WR 3.0 Style Teaching slides, worksheets, editable planning and support mat! Step 1 - Language of position Step 2 - Describe movement Step 3 - Describe turns Step 4 - Describe movement, turns Step 5 - Shape patterns with turns **INCLUDES 2020/21 RESOURCES: Week 1 Includes in depth planning and starters L1- Practical Lesson on Turns L2 -Describing Movement L3- Describing Movement L4- Describing Turns L5- Describing Turns
Year 1 Time Steps 1-6 White Rose 3.0 Style Differentiated Resources

Year 1 Time Steps 1-6 White Rose 3.0 Style Differentiated Resources

Year 1 Time Steps 1-6 White Rose 3.0 Style Differentiated Resources Teaching slides, editable planning, differentiated worksheets, practical activities and support mats. Step 1 - Before and After Step 2 - Days of the Week Step 3 - Months of the Year Step 4 - Hours, Minutes and Seconds Step 5 - Tell the Time to the Hour Step 6 - Tell the Time to the Half Hour **Includes bonus sheets from 2020/21: 11 Fluency differentiated sheets for time- covers: L1- Language- before and after L2- Days of the week L3- Read a clock face- time to the hour L4- Matching clocks and times- to the hour L5- Drawing hands on a clock- to the hour L6- Read a clock face- half past the hour L7- Matching clocks and times- half past the hour L8- Drawing hands on a clock- half past the hour L9- Read a clock face- mixed hour and half past L10- Drawing hands on a clock- mixed hour and half past L11- Activity- seconds, minutes and hours L12- Comparing duration of time
Year 5- Spring Term - Block 1- Multiplication and Division Teaching Slides- White Rose Style

Year 5- Spring Term - Block 1- Multiplication and Division Teaching Slides- White Rose Style

Year 5- Spring Term – Multiplication & Division Fluency & Reasoning Slides Covers the following National Curriculum Objectives: Multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts. Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one or two digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for 2 digit numbers. Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the use of the equals sign.