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Mathematics Worksheets Galore Shop

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(based on 54 reviews)

I have been in education since 1983 and am presently in a management position at an Independent Preparatory School in the United Kingdom. I have taught and been in leadership positions in both the private and state sector in South Africa and the United Kingdom. I have produced and adapted hard copy lessons and PowerPoint lessons for a number of years and will be updating the "Maths Worksheets Galore" shop on a regular basis.




I have been in education since 1983 and am presently in a management position at an Independent Preparatory School in the United Kingdom. I have taught and been in leadership positions in both the private and state sector in South Africa and the United Kingdom. I have produced and adapted hard copy lessons and PowerPoint lessons for a number of years and will be updating the "Maths Worksheets Galore" shop on a regular basis.
Equations for Years 6 and 7 - Worksheet

Equations for Years 6 and 7 - Worksheet

Equations "Balancing the Scales" This 30 question worksheet is inclusive of the answers. Ideal for classwork, a test or for prep. The questions are preceded by examples and simple step-by-step explanations. Graded from easy to more challenging ...
Squares, Cubes and Square Roots

Squares, Cubes and Square Roots

Worksheet can be used as classwork after this concept has been taught or for prep/homework. Answers supplied to all 43 questions. Subdivisions: Calculate the value of the square and cube numbers Determining the square root of a given number Selecting squares and cubes from a supplied list of numbers Sum of and difference - squares and cubes Mathematical sleuth - clues and you need to find the square and cube numbers
Construction of Angles and Lines (Revision)

Construction of Angles and Lines (Revision)

Construction of Angles and Lines (Revision) How to construct/draw lines: Construct a line segment of a given length Construct an angle Bisect an angle Draw a perpendicular bisector Draw a perpendicular line at a point on a line Draw a perpendicular line from a point above/below the line Draw parallel lines How to construct/draw angles: Constructing when given 3 sides (SSS) Constructing when given 1 side and 2 angles (SAA) Constructing when given 2 sides and 1 angle (SSA) Constructing a 90 degree angle, a side and a hypotenuse The revision sheet is divided into 3 columns viz. INSTRUCTION / METHOD / CONSTRUCTION One question and answer supplied
Year 7 and 8 Algebra Quiz - 30 Questions

Year 7 and 8 Algebra Quiz - 30 Questions

This PowerPoint presentation can be utilised as an individual or group activity. The 5 rounds are graded, starting with a 'warm-up' battery of questions progressing to the more challenging algebra questions at the end. All of the questions are followed by an answer slide. There are 5 sets of x6 questions encompassing:- Gathering 'like terms' / Simplification Expanding of brackets Factorising Solving equations Substitution Negative/positive rules applicable
Ratio and Proportion Worksheets and Recipes "on the side"

Ratio and Proportion Worksheets and Recipes "on the side"

This jam-packed booklet contains loads of worksheets relating to ratio and proportion and is ideal for differentiated work in class, for homework/prep or for fun activities involving the whole family. You may want to get your family together for this one as there is some cooking / baking involved. Just don't allow your class to con their folks into believing that the baking is part of their homework! My lot did and I had a few banana loaves to sample the next day and a whole lot of explaining to one or two mums! Enjoy!
Examination Practice Paper Number 2: Year 6 and/or 7

Examination Practice Paper Number 2: Year 6 and/or 7

This is the second in the series of 80 mark tests that will be appearing in my store. These tests will be set on a termly basis so that by the end of the year you will have a battery of revision tests to give to your students prior to their final examination. You may choose to utilise these tests as an actual examination and together with a 20 mark mental arithmetic test you will have an examination mark out of 100. This test incorporates:- Basic operations Fractions, decimals and percentage Order of operation Number patterns Word problems - multiplication and division of fractions Algebra Transformations: Translating, rotating, reflecting and enlargement (centre of enlargement / scale factor) x and y axes Angles Square, cube numbers, factors, multiples Ordering fractions Mean, median, mode Speed, distance, time
Mathematics Powerpoint Bundle

Mathematics Powerpoint Bundle

This bundle of 13 Mathematics PowerPoint lessons contains:- 1. A Year 7 and/or 8 Algebra Quiz - individual or group activity ( 5 x 6 question slides and answers included) 2. Algebra - Substitution 3. Equivalence 4. Fraction Revision - all you will need to know about fractions 5. M&M - Ratio, pie chart, probability - class activity - ideal for group work 6. Number - a massive PowerPoint resource relating to revision of all things 'number' 7. Probability - extend your pupils with this PowerPoint 8. Scatter graphs 9. Solving inequalities - x3 separate PowerPoint presentations on this topic 10. Straight line graphs - y = mx + c - drawing line graphs from a table 11. Ratio
"Greater than, less than or equal"

"Greater than, less than or equal"

Introducing Angela and Antonio - two alligators who will put your students to work as they attempt to work out 'greater than' or 'less than' May be used to consolidate a lesson taught relating to 'greater than' or 'less than', as homework and even a class test. 5 pages of worksheets and the answers are supplied for ease of marking.
 Examination Practice Paper Number 3: Year 6, 7 or 8

Examination Practice Paper Number 3: Year 6, 7 or 8

This test paper is the 3rd in a series of test/examination papers available. pdf and word document versions included. Word document included so that you might make any adjustments to questions. Questions are followed by a suggested mark scheme. The test/examination is an 80 mark paper containing the following topics:- Basic operations BIDMAS/BODMAS Decimal fractions - multiply and divide Multiples Factors Squares Cubes Product of prime factors Percentage Fractions Algebra: simplifying like terms; multiplication and division (indices, positive and negative numbers); equations Calculating missing angles Pie chart Probability Calculating surface area Average/Mean This can be used as revision for a final examination and/or to test acquired mathematical knowledge.


This workbook is sub-divided into easy to follow explanations and follow up exercises that can be utilised as homework/prep, classwork and/or self study in preparation for a pending examination or class test. This first in the series of Algebra Workbooks contains the following:- An Introduction to Algebra 10 Reasons Why Algebra is Actually Important Pre-Algebra Worksheets 8 Worksheets - these may be ignored should your students already be well-versed in matters relating to Algebra. The Construction of Algebraic Expressions (Answers included) 28 Questions Like Terms (Answers included) 28 Questions Multiplying and Dividing: Rules applicable (Answers Included) 40 Questions (Multiplication) 30 Questions (Division) Removing/Expanding Brackets (Answers Included) 30 Questions Factorising Fully (Answers Included) 30 Questions Equations “Balancing the Scales” (Answers Included) 40 Questions Substitution – Positive and Negative Numbers (Answers Included) 30 Questions Two Assessment Tests – 40 Marks each 112 pages in total, this book may be subdivided into sections and photocopied when the need arises. This workbook can be used in Years 6 and 7 for extension purposes and in Years 8 and 9 for revision.


8 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on 'Gathering Like Terms'. This is a section from the ALGEBRA BOOK 1 available in my shop. 30 Questions and Answers These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8 Extension/enrichment for Year 6 Ideal for home schooling lessons Classwork
Examination Practice Paper Number 1: Year 6 and/or 7

Examination Practice Paper Number 1: Year 6 and/or 7

This is the first of many papers that I will be setting that could be utilized for revision, prep, homeschooling or even your examination paper for the autumn term. This resource includes questions relating to:- Basic operations (fractions decimals inclusive) Adding subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal and common fractions Interchanging - fractions, decimals and percentage (table) Percentage of ... Factors, prime factors, multiples, square and cube numbers BIDMAS, BODMAS, PEMDAS Basic algebra - gathering like terms Angles Speed, distance, time nth term / sequence Mean, mode, median and range Negative numbers Probability Shapes Word problems


Section 2: 8 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on 'Gathering Like Terms'. 30 Questions and Answers These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8 Extension/enrichment for Year 6 Ideal for home schooling lessons Classwork Section 3 12 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on Solving Equations 40 Questions and Answers These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8 Extension/enrichment for Year 6 Ideal for home schooling lessons Classwork Section 4 20 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on 'Multiplying Out' brackets and Factorising. 60 Questions and Answers 30 - Substitution: Positive Numbers 30 - Substitution: Positive and Negative Numbers These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8 Extension/enrichment for Year 6 Ideal for home schooling lessons Classwork Section 5 Test A: 40 marks Test B: 40 Marks Answers included. Topics tested:- Gathering Like Terms/Simplifying Expressions (including Multiplication and Division) Multiplying Out Brackets Factorising Formulae Substitution - Positive and Negative Integers Solving Equations An ideal assessment test for Years 7 - 9 (Revision) Home schooling test. Classwork after all the above-mentioned topics have been dealt with. Homework/Prep Extension/Enrichment in Year 6 On completion of these two tests the teacher will be able to analyse areas that may need extra attention in class and further consolidation exercises should then be set.


This PowerPoint can be used for revision purposes or as a lesson starter. This 86 slide PowerPoint includes 10 multiple-choice questions relating to:- 1. Changing Decimals to Percentages 2. Changing Common Fractions to Percentages 3. Percentage Increase and Decrease 4. Multipliers 5. Percentages of a Given Amount 6. Reverse Percentages I have used this successfully in class as a group activity - Percentage Quiz
Year 7 Spring Term Mathematics Assessment Test /100

Year 7 Spring Term Mathematics Assessment Test /100

This assessment test (70 marks) incorporates a mental arithmetic test (30 marks) The topics assessed are:- Probability Percentages Speed, Distance, Time Conversion between fractions, decimals and percentages Fractions (problem solving) Algebra: gathering like terms, substitution, equations, multiplying out brackets, factorising Angles Transformations: translating, rotating, reflecting, enlargement by scale factor Graphs - correlation Easily utilised for a prep Enrichment in Year 6 Answers supplied


11 pages include ... Impossible or certain Likely or unlikely Throwing a fair regular dice Alphabet probability Jack of Diamonds is a hard card to find Probability letters Probability test - 25 marks Extra worksheets ...