All my resources have been created to use with classes I teach. Often I've created resources because, for a particular topic, I haven't been happy with the number/standard of the examples in a textbook. Sometimes I've created worksheets for certain topics (e.g. graph transformations) because I feel my classes will make greater progress on a printed worksheet than trying to work from a textbook. I always aim to produce high-quality resources that improve the students' learning and understanding.
All my resources have been created to use with classes I teach. Often I've created resources because, for a particular topic, I haven't been happy with the number/standard of the examples in a textbook. Sometimes I've created worksheets for certain topics (e.g. graph transformations) because I feel my classes will make greater progress on a printed worksheet than trying to work from a textbook. I always aim to produce high-quality resources that improve the students' learning and understanding.
This simple worksheet can be used to introduce/practise using number lines to represent inequalities.
The worksheet starts with a reminder about the different inequality symbols and what they mean. There are then a few examples (to do with your students) of representing inequalities on number lines and writing down the inequalities represented by given diagrams. There is a short exercise with 16 of each type of question - answers are included.
These worksheets can be used to introduce and practise the new GCSE topic of equation of a circle (centred at origin) and the equation of a tangent to a circle.
The first worksheet starts with an activity that helps the students to realise that x^2 + y^2 = k is the equation of a circle and is followed by some questions to practise using it.
The second document is an 8-page worksheet which can be used to revise all the necessary skills/knowledge required before studying the equation of a tangent to a circle. Working through this first seemed to really help my GCSE group with this topic. Answers are included.
The third document is a 9-page worksheet which focusses on finding the equation of a tangent to a given circle at a particular point or with a particular gradient. All answers are included.
The powerpoint presentation can be used to introduce this topic, containing examples and explanations.
The notes and examples sheet can just be handed out as a reminder during the tasks, or later as a revision resource.
The first activity just requires the students to indicate on a grid whether each item is an equation, expression, identity or formula.
The second activity involves cutting out each item and putting/sticking it into the correct column on the answer table.
All answers are included.
The worksheet is a 20-page resource that covers everything your students need to know about straight lines and circles for the new A level. Each section has an introduction with the required knowledge or formulae, then there is an exercise full of questions for you to work through with your class or for them to do on their own (answers are provided). The questions in the exercises start with the basics and progress up to more demanding examination-style questions. In total there are over 100 questions for your students to work through and there is enough material here to fill several lessons.
The different sections cover: distance between 2 points, midpoints, gradient of a line, equation of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines, equation of a circle, tangents/normals to a circle, intersections of lines and circles, and determining whether 2 circles intersect, are disjoint or tangent to each other.
The assessment contains 12 questions covering all aspects of straight lines and circles, which could be used as either a homework or a test. Fully worked solutions are provided.
Here is an example of one of my A level resources that is freely available:
This 26-page resource covers all the required knowledge and techniques for binomial expansions with positive integer powers, as required for the new AS level. In every section it contains notes, explanations and examples to work through with your class followed by an exercise of questions for students to attempt themselves (answers included).
The types of questions included in the examples and exercises are:
1.Expand (ax+b)^n or (a+bx)^n
2.Find first 3 terms, in ascending powers of x, of the expansion of (a+bx)^n
3.Find the coefficient of x^k in the expansion of (a+bx)^n
4.Given the coefficient of x^k in the expansion of (a+bx)^n, find the value of a (or b).
5.Evaluating or simplifying nCr without a calculator
6.Given that (1+ax)^n = … find the value of n
7.Expand (ax+b)^n, hence expand (cx+d)(ax+b)^n
8.Use the first 3 terms of an expansion of (a+bx)^n to estimate k^n
In all there are over 100 questions in the various exercises for your students to work through.
This projectable and printable resource will save you having to create or write out any notes/examples when teaching the topic, and will make things easier for your students as they can just work directly on the given spaces provided for solutions. Answers to all exercises are included.
Also included is a 16-question assessment that can be used as a homework or a test. Fully worked solutions are provided.
Here is an example of one of my A level resources that is freely available:
These 2 resources cover all the required knowledge and techniques for the topic of vectors, as required for AS part of the new A level. In each section it contains notes, explanations and examples to work through with your class followed by an exercise of questions for students to attempt themselves (answers included).
The first resource is a 36-page booklet which covers the following:
1.Vector basics - translations, magnitude, unit vectors, angle between vectors
2.Parallel vectors and vector addition
3.Displacement and position vectors
4.Using vectors with points on a line (midpoints, check collinear, ratios)
5.Geometrical problems using vectors
The second resource is an 18-question assessment that can be used as a homework or test. Fully worked solutions to this assessment are provided.
Note - this does not cover the use of vectors in mechanics questions, only their application in pure maths.
This projectable and printable resource will save you having to create or write out any notes/examples when teaching the topic, and will make things easier for your students as they can just work directly on the given spaces provided for solutions. The comprehensive set of exercises contains around 100 questions for your students to complete. Answers to all exercises are included.
Here is an example of one of my A level resources that is freely available:
This is a tricky little topic so this worksheet may be useful extra practice for your class. Six questions, some with diagrams as an aid. Answers included.
This is a simple worksheet I created for my year 7 class to practise identifying different types of triangles and for them to work things out using their properties.
The first page is to work through with your class to complete the notes on each type of triangle and its properties. This includes how sides of equal length may be indicated on a diagram.
There is then a 2-page exercise for your class to attempt themselves. The questions include:
State the type of triangle from its diagram and given information
State the size of and unknown angle in a triangle (does NOT assume knowledge of angle sum being 180)
State the type of triangle from some information about some of its sides/angles (no diagram)
Considering what type(s) of triangle can contain, for example, an obtuse angle
Answers to the exercise are included.
This set of resources covers the whole topic of simultaneous equations at GCSE level, including all 3 methods of solving linear simultaneous equations, and solving linear and non-linear simultaneous equations.
These resources deal with problems where 2 or more items are chosen at random, we are given the probability of a particular outcome, and this is used to derive a quadratic equation that then needs to be solved.
The first resource can be used to teach the topic. It is in two sections - section A deals with selection with replacement, section B deals with selection without replacement. In each section there are 2 examples to work through with the class, followed by an exercise with more than 10 questions of increasing difficulty for the class to attempt themselves. Fully worked solutions to the examples and exercises are included.
The second resource is another set of questions that can be used as a homework or revision - 8 questions that are a mixture of with/without replacement.
Also included is a spreadsheet that calculates the probabilities for all outcomes in situations where there are between 5 and 40 items - just in case your class loves this topic and wants more questions!
Each worksheet contains 30 questions.
The first worksheet has examples of the form (a+b)^2 and (a-b)^2.
The second worksheet has examples of the form (a+b)(a-b).
All answers are included.
The first worksheet studies the interior angles of polygons and is designed to help students realise the method for working out the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon. There is also a short exercise of questions to practise using the rules they have found.
The second worksheet studies the interior and exterior angles or regular polygons and is designed to help students realise the easiest way to find the interior/exterior angle of an n-sided polygon or to work out the number of sides of a regular n-sided polygon with a given interior or exterior angle. There is also a short exercise of questions to practise using the rules they have found.
Answers to both exercises are included.
A worksheet to learn and practise all the methods and formulae, a presentation to revise all the methods as a class, and a homework/worksheet as a summative assessment.
All answers are included.
I think this is a difficult topic to teach well from a textbook. These printable worksheets have helped my classes make faster progress and gain a better understanding within the lesson.
The resources are suitable for the new GCSE specification which does not include stretches of graphs.
A worksheet with 30 questions on equations involving algebraic fractions.
In each question the equations must be rearranged to reach a quadratic equation. In later questions the quadratic equation must also be solved (using the quadratic formula).
A good resource for a demanding higher tier GCSE topic. All answers provided.
The first worksheet introduces the topic of similar shapes and then has 7 pages of questions about scale factors and the lengths of sides of similar shapes (answers included).
The second resource is intended to be worked through as a class, with each student/group completing it using different values but establishing the same rules about scale factors for areas and volumes of similar shapes.
The third resource is a short worksheet on areas and volumes (answers included).
The worksheet contains 16 questions with linear simultaneous equations which are to be solved using the substitution method.
This is ONE worksheet in two different versions (with and without the answers).
Two versions (with/without frequency tables) of a treasure hunt activity for a class to attempt individually or in groups.
There are 24 questions, numbered from 1 to 24. Each group chooses a number from 1 to 24 at random (or you can assign them a start number), and this is the number of the first question they should attempt - this should be written in the top-left circle on their answer grid. Their answer to their first question should be a whole number from 1 to 24 - this should be written in the next circle on their grid and this is the number of the next question they should attempt. e.g. if a group starts on Q6 and they think the answer to Q6 is 13 then after Q6 they should attempt Q13 (and they should have 6 -> 13 on their answer grid).
If they answer the questions correctly they end up with the same chain of answers as on the solution, if they make a mistake they will repeat an earlier question and at that point you can decide how much help to give them sorting out their error(s).
This activity works best if you can stick the 24 questions around a large classroom or sports hall so the groups have to run around to find their next question. All the classes I've done these activities with have loved them.