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Maths_Outside_The_Box's Shop

Average Rating5.00
(based on 8 reviews)

Lessons and activities lovingly created by an experienced Primary Maths Lead, who also happens to have a creative background. You'll find fun Maths games and cross-curricular lessons with a specific focus, all of which align with the National Curriculum objectives. Additionally, there are lessons to accompany existing Maths stories, tuning in to the need for more 'real-world' Maths problems and resources.

Lessons and activities lovingly created by an experienced Primary Maths Lead, who also happens to have a creative background. You'll find fun Maths games and cross-curricular lessons with a specific focus, all of which align with the National Curriculum objectives. Additionally, there are lessons to accompany existing Maths stories, tuning in to the need for more 'real-world' Maths problems and resources.
Ancient Egyptian Board Game for KS2

Ancient Egyptian Board Game for KS2

This board game for 2-4 players will quiz learners on their ancient Egypt general knowledge while testing their arithmetic skills as they go on a bartering journey, collecting deben for trades as they go. Gives practise with mental arithmetic, times tables and place value exchanging.
Maya Civilisation Board Game KS2

Maya Civilisation Board Game KS2

This board game for 2-4 players will quiz learners on their Mayan general knowledge while testing their arithmetic skills as they go on a bartering journey, collecting pieces of copper for trades as they go. Gives practise with mental arithmetic, times tables and place value exchanging.
Anglo-Saxon Board Game for KS2

Anglo-Saxon Board Game for KS2

This board game for 2-4 players will quiz learners on their Anglo-Saxon general knowledge while testing their arithmetic skills as they go on a plundering journey, collecting loot as they go. Gives practise with mental arithmetic, times tables and place value exchanging.
Ancient Rome Board Game for KS2

Ancient Rome Board Game for KS2

This board game for 2-4 players will quiz learners on their ancient Rome general knowledge while testing their arithmetic skills as they go on a bartering journey, collecting denarius for trades as they go. Gives practise with mental arithmetic, times tables and place value exchanging.