Y3 Y4 Mental Addition and Subtraction with compensation / adjusting.
3 Differentiated worksheets.
One addition, one subtraction, one money each with 3 levels of challenge.
Quick Freebie Upload :-)
LO: To identify acute, obtuse and right angles.
LO: To recognise and describe 2D shapes.
LO: To measure lengths accurately.
A small free sample of
which covers more objectives and has many more challenges with differentiation plus a 10 slide presentation.
LO: To multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with exchange.
A free sample resource from my pack with over 80 pages plus answers which you can find here…
A free sample of my huge resource pack to be found here:
LO: To solve addition / subtraction pyramids involving decimals.
LO: To add two place decimals within 1.
LO: Find decimal compliments to 1.
Free taster of
which contains many more Y5 decimals small steps activities and worksheets with all the answers covering all the objectives.
Year 6 National Curriculum Objectives covered:
Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notationup to 3 decimal places where appropriate
Use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass and capacity
Convert between miles and kilometres
These differentiated resources support children towards the objectives and can also be used in conjunction with White Rose Small Steps
Get a free sampler here
Y3: To solve problems involving multiplication and division.
9 Work Sheet Sets, each with 3 levels of challenge, 8 questions for each level.
1. Division - Grouping Problems.
2. Division - Sharing Problems.
3. Division - Mixed Problems.
4. Multiplication - Equal Groups.
5. Multiplication - Arrays Type Problems.
6. Multiplication - Repeated Addition.
7. Multiplication - Scaling Problems.
8. Mixed Multiplication Problems.
9. Mixed Multiplication & Division Problems.
In each set there are 3 levels of challenge.
Challenge 1: 2x, 5x, 10x tables required
Challenge 2: 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x tables required
Challenge 3: 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4s, 8x tables required
None of the problems in these sets has remainders.
None of them deal with multiples beyond the twelfth.
LO: Y4 To recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.
Various Games, Activities and Worksheets - most in pdf format.
Multiplication Grids each with 3 levels of challenge.
Missing Numbers.
Code Crackers.
Dartboard Self Checking Partner Games.
Picture Puzzles.
Space Battles Self Checking Partner Games.
Treasure Chains Tables Adventures.
396 Flip Cards - 36 Flip Cards for each multiplication table covering all multiplication and division facts.
Flip Cards
These cards pose rapid recall multiplication and division questions and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
1. Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
2. Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
3. Work independently against a timer.
4. Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
5. Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
6. You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
Further Challenge: Mix several sets of cards together. Play against the clock. Work mentally.
Support: Provide support/scaffolding resources and equipment. Allow children to “pass” cards.
LO: Know Multiplication & Division Facts for 2x 3x 4x 5x 8x & 10x Tables.
1. Pottery Lottery. Differentiated Worksheets. 9 pages plus answers.
2. Monster Munch. Self Checking Partner Game for Multiplication.
3. Division Connect. Differentiated Worksheets. 3 pages plus answers.
4. Division with remainders football. Self Checking Partner Game for division.
5. Treasure Chains. Multiplication & Division. 2 pages plus answers.
6-11. Multiplication & Division Flip Cards for 2x 3x 4x 5x 8x and 10x tables. 216 Flip Cards.
These cards pose multiplication & division calculations and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
Work independently against a timer.
Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
**Further Challenge: **Mix several sets of cards together. Play against the clock. Work mentally.
Support: Provide support/scaffolding resources and equipment. Allow children to “pass” cards.
Year 3 National Curriculum Objectives covered:
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Understand and compare representations of multiplication and division.
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit.
Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit.
Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division.
Solve scaling and correspondence problems.
Differentiated resources to support National Curriculum Learning Objectives and also covering the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach.
These differentiated resources support children towards the objectives and can also be used in conjunction with White Rose Small Steps
Get a free sampler here
This is a free sample of the vast collection found here:
Learning: To compare fractions when one denominator is a multiple of the other.
Use equivalent fractions to compare the fraction pairs and write > , < or = in the boxes.
3 levels of challenge plus and extension challenge
Free Sample of
which contains many more resources, all differentiated and with answers supporting all the White Rose Small Steps for Y3 Autumn Block 3
Y5/6: Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems.
16 pages plus answers - 80 Word Problems - Written Calculations
4 Worksheets Sets each with 4 levels of challenge and with answers.
LO: To read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks.
LO: To solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days.
Time pyramids, converting between hours, minutes and seconds to add and subtract time durations. 4 levels of challenge with answers.
Connectors - converting between units of time from centuries to seconds. 3 levels of challenge with answers.
Ordering times. Converting between hours, minutes and seconds to order time durations. 3 levels of challenge with answers.
Calculating durations. 2 self checking partner games, one easier, one harder.
Ages Reasoning Challenges. Convert between days, weeks, months, years and use reasoning to solve. 3 levels of challenge with answers.
Time Inequalities. Convert between units of time to compare periods. 3 levels of challenge with answers.
27 analogue to 24 hour digital flip cards.
27 am pm to 24 hour digital flip cards.
Time Reasoning. 3 levels of challenge with answers.
Time Presentation - days in each month and reading analogue time.
Year 3 National Curriculum Objectives covered:
LO: To recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones).
LO: To find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.
LO: To compare and order numbers up to 1000.
LO: To identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations.
LO: To read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words.
LO: To count from in multiples of 50 and 100.
LO: To solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas.
Differentiated resources to support National Curriculum Learning Objectives and also covering the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach:
Includes a brief presentation overview of the activities to show pupils.
• Activities suitable for homework
• Challenges to develop mastery
• Self-checking partner games
• Presentations
Please view the previews for more information.
Find a free sample from this resource pack here: