Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
Two units about Spain. Movies and literature. Craziness and death. What more can you ask for? Please preview.
Unit 1. Pedro Almodóvar, cineasta
Unit includes:
Subject matter: movies
Vocabulary: movies
Grammar: preterit
Oral practice: movies, actors, directors, a survey
Homework: ID card, movies
Internet: key words for Net search
Answer key
Unit 2. Federico García Lorca, poeta
Explore the fascinating world of two great Spanish artists. A great writer, García Lorca and a world famous director, Almodóvar. These two units offer a wonderful introduction to Lorca’s poetry and Almodóvar’s films. Your students will learn the vocabulary of films and poetry; they will write a poem and give opinions on movies!
Unit includes:
Subject matter: theater
Vocabulary: theater, poetry
Grammar: preterit
Oral practice: theater
Homework: ID card, movies; write a poem
Internet: key words for Net search
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
I grew up in Lima. From my home in Miraflores, a suburb of Lima, the Andes were not visible. But just a few kilometers toward downtown, you can see them rising in the distance. They are treeless, grey, daunting. And they create a mountainous barrier between the coast and the vast Amazon jungle. In just a few hours you can go from the edge of the Pacific, over the Andes and into the jungle. It is breathtaking.
Three culture units about science, ecology and weather. These units will appeal to the many students who care about the future of our planet. Please preview.
Unit 1. Los Andes
Unit includes:
Subject matter: mountains, science, climbers
Vocabulary: mountains, climate, seasons
Grammar: poder, querer, comparatives
Oral practice: comparisons with the Rocky Mountains
Homework: science project
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 2. El río Amazonas
Unit includes:
Subject matter: water, science
Vocabulary: rivers, climate, seasons
Grammar: poder, querer, comparatives
Oral practice: comparisons with the Mississippi River
Homework: science project
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 3. El desierto de Atacama
Unit includes:
Subject matter: desert; science
Vocabulary: climate, seasons
Grammar: poder, querer, comparatives
Oral practice: comparisons with Rockies, Mississippi
Homework: science project
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
High mountains, vast deserts and long rivers! South America’s geography lends itself to scientific study. Who were the first scientists to scale the Andes, sail the Amazon River across the continent and delve into the mysteries of the driest desert on earth? What did they discover?
Also available in a BUNDLE. The bundle includes 7 thematic units for SP intermediate 1. The units are divided into three downloads.
Please go to the individual sets for details. Please note that you can read all the thematic units by clicking on the Preview. (All in Miraflores store)
1. Ecotourism in Spain: stork migration (1), Ordesa Park (2), thematic units - SP - Intermediate 1.
Yes, units on Spanish ecology, something you don´t often see.
2. The Andes (1), The Amazon (2), The Atacama (3) mountains, river, desert, thematic units SP Intermediate 1.
3. Galápagos ecology (1), Ecuador in the Olympic Games (2) - thematic units. SP Intermediate 1.
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Two thematic units about tourism.
Here is a way to cover some Central American countries that we tend to forget.
They have so much to offer! Please preview.
Unit 1. Ecoturismo. La Ruta Maya
La Ruta Maya is a wonderful, although incomplete, initiative. It is a route that stretches from Mexico to Panama and goes through all the Central American countries. It promotes ecotourism in the entire region. This unit covers both the geography of the region as well as some of the animals that live there, specifically the quetzal. The Ruta Maya also stops at many archeological sites in Central America and some of those are covered. My students really liked the exercise on camping at Tikal.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism, geography, history
Vocabulary: animals
Grammar: articles
Oral practice: tourism and ecotourism
Homework: letter requesting information
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
**Unit 2. Turismo. De San José a Puerto Limón
The unit describes an actual trip from San José down to Puerto Limón. Content based learning goes beyond mere geographical information. In Central America, temperature depends on altitude. Thus, it can be cool in the mountains but if you travel down to the coast, just a few hours away, it is very hot. Now, this might sound really boring, but check out the Preview and you will see it is not.
In addition to learning about weather, there is an exercise about countries that export bananas and import industrial products. Let the students come to their own conclusions about the basic economic problems that poor countries face. Ah yes, I sell bananas and I need to buy computers.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism, geography, history
Vocabulary: agricultural products (bananas)
Grammar: querer and poder
Oral practice: comparing imports and exports of target culture and own country
Homework: Maya and Aztec cultures
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Entirely in the target language.
All Miraflores units include answer keys.
Three short culture units for beginners, all entirely in target language. Content based. Please preview.
Unit 1. La Ciudad de México
Get a sense of the size of one of biggest cities on our planet. Discover how the past and the present are visible in the city. Lots of pictures.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: city
Vocabulary: city
Grammar: definite articles
Oral practice: two pictures
Homework: my city
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 2. La calle Madero
Walk down a street between two of the main plazas and practice street numbers.
Small confession. I have walked down Madero recently and some the stores mentioned are gone. I would have to update the unit annually to keep it up to date and I am not there often enough nor have enough time to do it. The great majority of the stores and places are correct. Last time I was totally distracted by an increasing number of street vendors. Francisco Madero is now a ´peatonal´, no cars allowed.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: one street
Vocabulary: street
Grammar: agreement; hay/ no hay;
Oral practice: a street
Homework: identify a given street
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 3. Coyoacán
March around the lovely square in the neighborhood that Frida Kahlo called her own. Practice the basic vocabulary of the city, the times of the day and review the singular and plural of nouns. Basic language structure and vocabulary are well matched to sophisticated ideas.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: cone neighborhood
Vocabulary: meals
Grammar: hay/ no hay; ar, er, ir verbs
Oral practice: two schedules
Homework: two schedules
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
The first time I visited Mexico City I was a college student on my way home to Peru. I have a vague memory of staying in a hostel, of meeting some German students who suggested we go to Acapulco. Of course I agreed. Such a long time ago.
Four mini-culture units. Everything in the target language. Please preview.
Students tend to group all Spanish speakers together. Here are four short units that point out the similarities and differences between the more than 20 countries where Spanish is spoken. Not only do they eat different foods, they also have different money. What a wonderful way to review geography, nationalities and the family!
Four thematic units for beginners, all about the Spanish speaking world.
Preguntas sobre el mundo hispano
Unit 1. La importancia del español
Unit includes:
Subject matter: general information
Vocabulary: names of languages
Grammar: prepositions de & en
Oral practice: work habits
Homework: languages taught at my school
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. Los nombres de los hispanos
Unit includes:
Subject matter: general information
Vocabulary: family
Grammar: ir verbs and stem changes
Oral practice: languages taught in different countries
Homework: family tree
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 3. ¿Quiénes hablan bien el español?
Unit includes:
Subject matter: general information
Vocabularay: nationalities; names of languages
Grammar: review of ar, er, ir verbs
Oral practice: regional accents
Homework: countries where Spanish is spoken (map); languages taught at my school
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
**Unit 4. Monedas latinoamericanas
Unit includes:
Subject matter: general information
Vocabulary: names of money
Oral practice: work habits
Homework: weekly schedule; my language
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
I am a believer in doing lots of different activities in class so the kids don’t get bored.
I live in Quebec and it is a pleasure to share the beauty and riches of my province. Like so many quebeckers, I was born elsewhere and came here as an adult. My teaching position was in a cegep, the unique system we have here. It is a transition to university, the equivalent of grades 12 and 1st year university for those who are university bound. In addition, half of our students take the 3 year technical program. In our technical programs we have majors like dental hygiene, computer technician and also many specialities connected with airplane maintenance. I taught Spanish at Cegep Edouard-Montepetit for 27 years. These 3 units were written with my colleague and friend Marie-Claudine Rostaing.
This download has three complete units. Each unit is 7 or 8 pages long.
Unit 1. Quebec City. Many schools from the Northeast U.S.A. visit Quebec City. We have tried to write units to prepare, to do before your visit because that way the students will be eager to visit the places they already know about. Learn about the ramparts, the river, the upper and lower town, all at a beginners level. The word Quebec comes from the Algonquin word Kébec: the place where the river narrows. Let your students reflect on the origin of the names of other towns and cities.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: city
Vocabulary: adjectives related to the city
Grammar: adjectives
Oral practice: names of cities
Homework: a city
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
If you have visited Quebec City with your class and want to share your experiences, please do so in the comments section below. Thank you!
Unit 2. Snow. The unit on snow includes an exercise about the amount of snow that falls in Montreal in an average winter; the cost of clearing that snow in Montreal, and the effect of salt. The song included is Mon pays (Mon pays, ce n’est pas un pays, c’est l’hiver.) Weather and clothing follow.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: climate
Vocabulary: climate
Grammar: adjectives
Oral practice: winter clothing, a song
Homework: one season
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Unit 3. A female athlete, winner of several Olympic medals, provides the context to present different winter sports and the vocabulary of the body. It also is an affirmation of women in sports and women in general.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: winter sports
Vocabulary: winter sports
Grammar: combien
Oral practice: winter clothing; interview with an athlete
Homework: an athlete
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
All Miraflores materials are exclusively in the target language.
AVAILABLE in a bundle. SIX sets of thematic units!!
USEFUL - ÚTIL A - 10 topics. Every topic is in both English and Spanish. There are 3 levels of difficulty for every assigment. Please note that there are SIX different sets of composition topics, Útil A, B, C, all the way to Útil F. No student can say - ¨I don´t know what to write about.¨
Sample beginners writing assignment:
Prepare a flyer / travel brochure
Mexico City is one of the biggest cities in the world. Find 3 pictures of Mexico City: something old, something new and something you really like. In your travel brochure, identify and describe each picture.
Variation: Each student chooses ONE capital of a Spanish speaking country and finds 3 pictures.....
Útil A has 10 topics. Each one has a specific writing assignment.
1. Prepare a flyer.
2. Prepare an itinerary for a trip.
3. Organize the information for a documentary.
4. Make a placemat for a restaurant. Every table will have one.
5. You will be interviewed. Get ready.
6. Find pictures and compare them.
7. Give advice. Good advice? Bad advice?
8. Write a dialogue for a shopping trip.
9. Create or draw a map and add the description.
10. Prepare an itinerary for a trip to Machu Picchu
Students explore both the famous and the out of the way places in the Spanish speaking World. They include Machu Picchu and Aracataca; La Boquería and Bilbao; Cartagena de Indias and the Chilean Lake Region. The places are diverse: markets, beach resorts, treasure fleets. The assignments tap into students´ natural attraction to the digital media.
Number of pages: 42
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
International Baccalaureate
The culture of the Spanish speaking world is so very rich!
10 Composition topics / 3 levels of difficulty plus a 4th topic called ´In my country´.
Sample assignment: C3 Spanish Family Portraits
En español: el nombre del pintor + el nombre del cuadro
In English: name of painter + name of painting
You work for a film studio and are casting for a film where the people and the stories in the paintings come alive. Find the right actors. Give the names of real actors and explain your choices.
Beginners A: Find Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez. The little princess, Margarita, stands in the middle of the painting. The two teen-agers, on either side, are her ladies-in-waiting. What are the people doing? What actors will play the roles of the princess and the ladies-in-waiting?
Intermediate B: Find Goya´s, La familia de Carlos IV. You are casting only three or four figures. Who are they? Explain how they are related. Is their relationship important for the casting decision?...
C1. Don Quijote
C2. Catch the thief
C3. Spanish family portraits
C4. Music, the international language
C5. A picture is worth…. a thousand words.
High and low cultural topics are covered. Don Quijote and Las Meninas, El Prado and the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, the sardana and Venezuela´s youth orchestras. We include photography, pre-hispanic masks and Carnival costumes. Not only Frida Kahlo, but also María Félix, Lola Flores, Mercedes Sosa and Celia Cruz.
Number of pages: 23
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
International Baccalaureate
No student can say - ¨I don´t know what to write about.¨
Bilingual writing assignments related to SPORTS –
10 Composition topics / 3 levels of difficulty plus a 4th topic called ´In my country´.
Internet searches necessary to complete every assignment.
It is called Useful because it really is! Culturally relevant and thought provoking! Even the rubrics are innovative!
Sample writing assignment:
Hurricane sale! A hurricane has devastated the Caribbean beach resort of Cancún. The owner of a sport´s store salvages some of the beach clothing. Your flyer identifies the items on sale and gives both the old price and the new sales price. Be sure to use local currency…
11. Make an ID card. Write a speech.
12. Draw the outlines of a house and it describe it.
13. Prepare an album or write a blog about your visit to a specific city.
14. Write an article for your school newspaper.
15. Write a newspaper editorial.
16. Complete a form and write a dialogue.
17. Write a composition with explanatory photographs.
18. Write a letter to complain about treatment received at a hotel.
19. Prepare a flyer.
20. Describe a World Cup mascot and…
The assignments include everything from the clothing athletes wear, prizes they receive, autographs gathered, minor leagues, stadium, tickets, fans and drug abuse. Traditional and non-traditional sports are covered. Thus, there are assignments on soccer, bicycling, skiing, baseball, and more that integrate technology and advance cultural understanding.
Number of pages: 44
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
International Baccalaureate
Presente D has 10 broad themes, the first three deal with the Andean area, the next seven are related to specific countries. The preview is complete, has every oral presentation.
1. Los Andes
2. La Amazonía
3. ¡Adivina! ¿Cuál es el personaje inventado?
4. ¡Socorro!
- Al volver de la Piedra del Medio, uno de los compañeros vio una serpiente anaconda, (Añade detalles. Termina con estas frases.) se inclinó para verla bien y se cayó al agua.
Palabras clave: serpiente anaconda
5. Cartagena de Indias
6. Grandes Colombianos
- Estamos aquí con Ana María Orozco, actriz que interpretó el papel de Betty en Yo Soy Betty la Fea. Bienvenida. Quiero empezar la entrevista con preguntas sobre el éxito mundial de esta telenovela.
Palabras clave: Yo soy Betty la Fea
7. De viaje
8. Vamos a Machu Picchu
- Hola, yo soy el / la profesor/a de historia de la escuela y también voy a acompañar al grupo. Voy a hablar de lo que vamos a hacer en Cuzco. Tenemos DOS días.
Palabras clave: Cuzco / Cusco
9. El nevado Huascarán
10. El poncho
1. All oral presentation topics are based on research. Key words are provided to guide the student's web research. Guidelines for research are provided. Cooperative learning is required. Suggestions are given for audience response.
2. All oral topics have three levels of difficulty, A, B and C. Each level is on a separate page so teacher can choose.
3. Level A provides the student 3 suggestions, level B gives the student 4 suggestions and level C, 6 suggestions. Group work is required to divide the work and prepare for a class presentation.
4. There is always a central theme. All topics are guided. First sentences are provided.
Number of pages: 35
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
Target language only.
International baccalaureate
Advance cultural knowledge with assignments on daily life!
Students search the web and discover Holy Week, expand their knowledge of the Day of the Dead and are bowled over by the Spanish festivals.
Review vocabulary and add new words with assignments on transportation (the metro), clothing (famous designers), hotels, the classroom and food.
E 1 – House for sale
E 2 – Paradors of Spain
E 3 – Christmas, Three Kings and Holy Week
E 4 – Yummy! Delicious!
E 5 – Please help this school – Example:
During your travels, you visit a school in a Spanish speaking country that is in need of supplies. When you come home and tell your classmates about the school, they decide to help.
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: List and illustrate the 5 items they need the most. Put the items on the list in order of need. Make a star beside the items you can send. Can other items be bought there? Which ones?
E 6 – Another day, another festival
Web search: name of festival + location – List of festivals is provided.
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: Choose 2 festivals. On your map of Spain, write the names of the festivals with arrows pointing to each city. Add the following for each one: date(s), what you like about it.
E 7 – Day of the Dead
Web search: Day of the Dead - Día de Muertos - Make a photo album or scrapbook. Describe every picture.
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: Your photo album or scrapbook of the Day of the Dead celebrations in México has a caption for each photo, with the date of the celebrations, the location, and the activity or item in the picture.
E 8 – What should I wear?
E 9 – Ride the subway
Number of pages: 40
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
There are assignments on Atahualpa and Moctezuma, Bolívar and San Martín, Carlos V and Felipe II, the Spanish Royal Family. In addition, both the World Heritage Sites and the Seven Wonders of the World are included.
The Internet opens the door to information and allows students to see images of all the places. In many cases, students include and describe the images they have found.
Sample assignment: World Heritage Sites
En español: la lista del Patrimonio Mundial
In English: World Heritage Sites
FORMAT FOR A – Beginners: Draw a tee-shirt and a hat. Decorate both. Add a text.
Assignment: Choose ONE World Heritage Site in México. Your tee-shirt and hat have both images and writing to highlight the wonders of that particular World Heritage Site. The text gives information and your opinion.
FORMAT FOR B AND C – Advanced: Write a report for the authorities.
Assignment: You have just returned from visiting a WHS in South America. While you were on the site, you found a valuable historical object. Give details of your find and indicate what you did with it.
Number of pages: 40
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
International Baccalaureate
Presente E, the Southern Cone, has nine broad subjects. One covers the entire region, the other eight are country specific (Argentina 3, Chile 3, Uruguay 1, Paraguay 1). You can read some in the Preview.
1. Una vida mejor – All four countries have many immigrants, some from places you don´t expect like for example, Korea.
- Yo voy a hablar de los inmigrantes palestinos en Chile. Voy a empezar con los «cuatro Jorges» y trazar su historia hasta nuestros días. El inmigrante busca una vida mejor lejos de su tierra y los palestinos en Chile han tenido mucho éxito.
Palabras clave: Chile + inmigración + palestinos
2. Nos vemos en el café – Meeting in a café is part of life in Argentina.
3. Estás loco – Adventure tourism means taking risks. So let´s find out where you can do crazy excursions.
- Voy a practicar el senderismo en el Parque Nacional Perito Moreno. Después voy a hacer un paseo en guanaco.
Palabras clave: Argentina + Parque Nacional Perito Moreno; guanaco
4. El tango – Talk about both a dance and a musical style.
5. Bienvenidos a la feria – You have a booth at a trade fair.
6. El desierto de Atacama – A unique ecosystem, the driest desert in the world, rich in minerals and animals.
7. Los estereotipos – Get rid of those stereotypes about Latins.
- Antes de la apertura del Canal de Panamá, el estrecho de Magallanes fue de gran importancia. Voy a hablar del estrecho y contarles la historia de Puerto del Hambre y del corsario inglés Thomas Cavendish
Palabras clave: Estrecho de Magallanes; Puerto del Hambre
8. El gaucho – The cowboy of the pampas, another stereotype that needs to be redefined.
9. El nuevo centro commercial – Modern shopping centers open all over the world.
1. All oral presentation topics are based on research. Key words are provided to guide the student's web research. Guidelines for research are provided. Cooperative learning is required. Suggestions are given for audience response.
2. All oral topics have three levels of difficulty, A, B and C. Each level is on a separate page so teacher can choose.
3. Level A provides the student 3 suggestions, level B gives the student 4 suggestions and level C, 6 suggestions. Group work is required to divide the work and prepare for a class presentation.
4. There is always a central theme. All topics are guided. First sentences are provided.
Number of pages: 32
Teacher and student rubrics: included
Name of store: MirafloresCultura
Target language only.
International baccalaureate
Content based thematic units allow students to engage with more complex subject matter despite having only a limited vocabulary.
Visit Paris and identify its landmarks.
Walk down a specific street and practice il y a.
A map of Provence identifies the region through its painters; two songs bring alive its bridges. Sur le pont d'Avignon....Enjoy!
1. Paris
2. La rue Saint-Honoré
3. La Provence
Subject matter: introduction to Paris and Provence
Vocabulary: city; right and left; rivers
Grammar: articles; il y a; il n'y a pas; adjectives
Oral practice: identify places in Paris; find an address; identify rivers
Homework: places in your own city; describe a region
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Maps are fun! There is so much information! No, your students will not be bored, they will never again think map work is boring. And you will be delighted they can find places on the map! Enjoy!
Maps! Maps! Maps! All with basic information! Make those grey cells work! Some countries are large both in size and population; others are small in size but large in population.
Get to know the different parts of the world where French is spoken.
Maps are easy to photocopy and easy to understand! Maps included: Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg, Haiti, the French overseas departments, France, Québec and more.
Le français en Europe
Le français en Amérique
Subject matter: geography of French speaking world
Vocabulary: countries, languages, nationalities, numbers (1-10)
Grammar: être; appeler, parler, articles
Oral practice: map work
Homework: map work
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
All Miraflores materials are exclusively in the target language.
1. Napoléon
2. Molière
3. Astérix
Introduce your students to these three icons of French culture in your first year French class. Napoléon serves as a wonderful introduction to the vocabulary of the family because it combines the family with the historic reality. The unit on Molière, who is usually taught at a more advanced level where there are a lot fewer students, permits your students to do easy comparisons between school plays and Molière's works. Finally, Astérix introduces a cartoon character who is emblematic of the French speaking world.
Subject matter: introduces people and cartoon character
Vocabulary: members of the family; European countries; basic vocabulary of the theater and cartoon
Grammar: possessive adjectives; avoir; comment and où; interrogative pronouns
Oral practice: Napoleon's family; my family; theater and plays at my school
Homework: genealogical tree; a play; a cartoon
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Two culture units on Colombia, probably one of the countries that invokes the greatest number of stereotypes. Click on Preview and read both units.
All the Miraflores thematic units include: a level appropriate reading, comprehension, contextualized vocabulary and grammar, oral and writing assignments, Internet key words to further the themes and the answer keys.
Unit 1. Gabriel García Márquez, escritor colombiano
García Márquez was a great Colombian writer and although at this level the students cannot read his novels, they will get acquainted with his work. Many students never make it to the advanced levels, so I like to introduce writers earlier. This unit relates his works to information about Colombia.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: literature, culture
Vocabulary: literary
Grammar: preterit
Oral practice: a novel
Homework: a novel you have read
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. La cocaína, problema de nuestros días
I had no restrictions, so a unit on drugs was fine. Understanding trade, middle men and cartels was fascinating. Sometimes the group discussion about legalization was very heated, other times students were all on the same page, and agreed on what needed to be done. It was also very instructive about what was happening inside and outside of my classroom. The first time I was surprised at the amount of information they all had about where drugs could be purchased, their price and more. I kept my mouth firmly shut when I left the classroom.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: daily life
Vocabulary: commercial
Grammar: preterit perfect
Oral practice: drug problems in your community
Homework: should some drugs be legal?
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Comprehensible cultural input.
TTwo thematic units about Venezuela. Please preview.
Venezuela has undergone some drastic political changes since I visited and wrote these two units. When I was there, Hugo Chavez was in power but he has since died and Maduro has taken over. Sadly the country is in a terrible state and seems to be getting worse every day. All the more reason to learn about Venezuela.
Unit 1. Isla Margarita, turismo venezolano y extranjero
Isla Margarita, like all the Caribbean islands, is spectacularly beautiful. The sand, the translucent warm waters, the fish you can see when you snorkle, it takes your breathe away. Students and teachers are always surprised by the variety in a single country. Venezuela has tropical beaches, high mountains, vast plains and a huge area that is part of the Amazon basin. Really? Practice fillers, such as bueno, pues, bien.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism
Vocabulary: natural world
Grammar: prepositions
Oral practice: imaginary vacations to Latin America
Homework: natural world
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search, further the research
Answer key
Unit. 2. Caracas, una ciudad latinoamericana
In Europe, the cities grew large in the 19th century; in Latin America they exploded in the 20th century. Why do people leave the countryside and head for the city? Is it good or bad? An easy math exercise will give you some idea of the numbers. Expand the vocabulary of stores. Repetition and extension! Increase understanding of the Spanish speaking world.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: history
Vocabulary: urban life
Grammar: definite and indefinite articles
Oral practice: your city
Homework: describe a city
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search, further the research
Answer key
I was born in Peru, so when I was a child, going to the Andes was an annual event. I have a wonderful picture of myself in a cuzqueña costume at age eight or nine. My parents must have bought it there and I must have been trying it on. My childhood memories of going up to the Andes are not as happy because I always got soroche, altitude sickness. Apparently children suffer a lot from it. It went away after one or two days, but it always colored my views of going up to Cusco.
When I was a child the spelling was always Cuzco but it has now been changed to Cusco. I was told that all the spelling changes were to make the word sound more like the original quechua, but in the case of this word, there really is no good reason as far as I can see.
Here are brief descriptions of the two units. I always start with a reading because my students needed to read as much as possible. Please preview.
Unit 1. El Cusco
Fiestas! Celebrations! The Incas had great gatherings in their capital, Cusco, to celebrate the winter solstice. Today Peruvians celebrate the same day in the same place. Learn all about Peruvian fiestas, combining Inca and Peruvian, past and present, new and old.
Unit includes:
Subject matter - Reading: celebrations
Vocabulary: celebrations; body
Grammar: preterit
Oral practice: Neruda poem
Homework: visit Machu Picchu
Internet: key words for research on topic and additional topics
Model tests
Teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 2. El señor de Sipán
An archaeological dig is a huge challenge! The archaeologists want to save the artifacts for posterity; the police are desperate to keep the peace; the local people would like to make some money (some legally, others illegally) from the excavation. Delve into the mysteries of one specific dig, the Señor de Sipán, considered as important as the discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb in Egypt. As always, my content based units include some grammar, in this case the preterit and adverbs of place. It is completely contextualized.
Of the many units I have written, over a twenty year period, the story of the dig at Sipán is one of my personal favorites. It combines intrigue, excitement and discovery. I hope you and your students will like it.
All Miraflores resources are in the target language only.
If you have taken students to Cusco, please share in the Comments section below. I also have written a unit about Machu Picchu, so you can also comment there. I believe visiting another country is an unforgettable experience.
Two thematic units. Contextualized and very rich in cultural information.
Please preview.
Perfect for International Women´s Day, March 8th. Let´s celebrate!
Unit 1. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y la cocina en los conventos de Nueva España
She is our first female poet, our first great feminist. She chose the convent rather than marriage. What was convent life like? Sor Juana read and wrote, she corresponded with learned men all over the world and she cooked. Practice the imperative with a recipe for flan straight from the convent! Discuss how the role of women has changed over the centuries.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: colonial daily life; convent life
Vocabulary: cooking (verbs and nouns); convent
Grammar: imperative
Oral practice: give ingredients until class guesses dish
Homework: recipe; two famous cooks
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Unit 2. El Camino de la Plata
The Camino de la Plata goes from Mexico City to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Read about marching north in search of silver from two points of view, a Spaniard’s letter to his mother and two Chichimecas talking. A cartoon included has the following caption: Voy a California por el oro. No me interesa construir naciones. Let your students discuss the opening of the American West, the gold rush, and compare it with the Mexican experience.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: silver towns / silver rush
Vocabulary: colonial cities
Grammar: imperative
Oral practice: visit various cities
Homework: daily life of rich and poor
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
International Baccalaureate
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.