A one-off lesson into Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Great with a programme music unit. Can also be used as home learning or cover. Students complete listening questions about Bydlo, then analyse three other pieces from the suite, then choose an image and compose their own piece based on the musical elements.
GCSE powerpoints on any aspect of sonority - vocal techniques, instruments, music tech, voices, guitar effects and so on. Appropriate for any GCSE exam board.
Powerpoint includes: historical context, famous musicians, other styles of music at the time, listening questions.
Worksheet includes: listening questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.
Baroque Concerto
Classical Concerto
Romantic Concerto
Each style has summary sheets, a past paper listening question and checkpoint questions, as well as revision questions at the end of the booklet.
Answer booklet for teacher use to support with learning.
Powerpoint includes: history of slavery, African music, blues, jazz, different styles of jazz, jazz instruments, 12 bar blues and walking bassline composing task on Logic.
Worksheet includes: jazz reading comprehension text and questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.
Revision Cards
Key Questions for analytical listening
Based on conventions of each era (3 and 4 mark questions) of ALL areas of study:
Romantic Piano
Romantic Requiem
Film and Gaming
Rock Music
Popular Music
African Fusion
Contemporary British Music
Music Included:
Wii Theme
All Star - Smash Mouth
ZEZE - Kodak Black
Rockefellar Street
Love Me - Justin Bieber
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boiz
Changes - XXXTentacion
Minecraft Theme
Ali A Intro
Each genre has a set of listening and research questions.
The genres included are: Blues, Jazz, Country, Rock, Funk, RnB, Punk, Rap, Pop and Electronica.
Powerpoint includes: historical context, famous musicians, other styles of music at the time, listening questions, extra lesson on The Beatles with questions, Beatles quiz.
Worksheet includes: listening questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.
Powerpoint includes: historical context, famous musicians, the styles leading to reggae, info on how reggae developed into dancehall.
Worksheet includes: questions on the different styles, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.