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Common writing mistakes (GCSE French)
This double-page worksheet is to help students identify commonly-made mistakes in essay writing. Answers for the corrections and translations are provided, so suitable for use as cover work.
The areas covered are:
Gender and common misspellings
Adjectival agreement
Tense formation
Word order
Complex structures
Designed for Y10/11, but depending on your SoL may well be suitable for KS3 too!

Set of 4 German case worksheets
This is a series of four worksheets (16 pages total) explaining the German case system, intended to support students with little or no prior knowledge of noun declension, gradually introducing topics which should be more than sufficient to see them through both GCSE and A Level.
They have been tried and tested on my own students, who have not only enjoyed completing them, but have also shown considerable progress while learning from home.
Worksheet 1 introduces case and tests knowledge of the definite and indefinite articles;
Worksheet 2 deals with prepositions governing different cases;
Worksheet 3 plays with word order and introduces pronouns, and
Worksheet 4 shows how adjectives work within the case system
The layout of each worksheet is the same: the first page explains the grammar point with examples and tables (these are handy for using within lessons too). Pages 2-3 contain a variety of scaffolded exercises, designed to test comprehension of the learning objective. Page 4 contains answers to the activities, so students/cover staff can mark work.

Starter activities for Studio GCSE French
Grammar starter activity: Verbe du jour
Students have to conjugate the verb of the day in as many tenses as they can in the ‘je’ form (3rd person also included, in present and perfect tenses). Box animations fade away to reveal the answers one by one, so no teacher input required.
This file contains 3 verbs per week - verbs have been chosen for relevance according to the subject material in the textbook. Key verbs like trouver/aller/prendre etc. are repeated several times throughout the slides. Irregular verbs/verbs requiring spelling changes are also indicated with an asterisk.
New tenses are introduced (copying only) 1-2 weeks before the tense is introduced in the textbook, so students can gain familiarity with new forms, and includes subjunctive from Module 6 instead of Module 7.
Could easily be scaffolded further by putting answers on screen and using as a match up activity. Also suitable for 3 year GCSE course, as it begins with the present tense of être/avoir/aller and uses only 3 tenses for the first few weeks.

Reading & translation for A Level German
Newspaper style reading and translation activities for A Level German. Links to original articles provided for further reading.
Inspired by:
El Boletín (Twitter: @OllieMFL) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/el-bolet-n-weekly-a-level-spanish-news-and-exam-practice-12258240
Le journal (Twitter: @MflCe) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-journal-12408369

Telling the time (French, with audio and worksheet)
Suitable for Year 7/older beginners. Includes audio so home learners can practise pronunciation.
Activities included: mini whiteboard (listening), writing, translation and a group task.
Some activities have been duplicated to use as a worksheet for students not present in the lesson (illness, internal exclusion etc.)

AQA GCSE French PPE Markbook
This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is the ideal way to store and analyse your KS4 students’ PPE data (AQA French 2018 specification).
You can use this spreadsheet to:
Keep track of students’ entry tiers and papers marked/yet to mark
Enter raw marks and have grades automatically calculated using the AQA grade boundaries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 papers
Compare students’ performance with their target grade (colour coded, so you can instantly see your under- and over-performing students)
View students’ progress over time as they complete the three papers (please note, no speaking data available for 2020)
See how many marks are needed to reach the next grade boundary -** as well as** a breakdown by paper, to see where the most effective interventions are likely to be made
The document contains no macros, so it should open on any school device without issue. It’s also fully editable, so you can change formatting (to highlight PP/SEN students, for example), sort students by entry tier etc. If you made your own exam papers for 2021, you could even create a whole new sheet just for them, as if they were an official AQA paper - complete with your own grade boundaries!

Where I live sentence builder (French, with audio)
Can be used as a guided writing/translation exercise. Have included audio for each vocabulary box to help students with pronunciation, if used for distance learning.
Most of the vocab comes from Studio 1: Là où j’habite

AQA GCSE Spanish PPE Markbook
This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is the ideal way to store and analyse your KS4 students’ PPE data (AQA Spanish 2018 specification).
You can use this spreadsheet to:
Keep track of students’ entry tiers and papers marked/yet to mark
Enter raw marks and have grades automatically calculated using the AQA grade boundaries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 papers
Compare students’ performance with their target grade (colour coded, so you can instantly see your under- and over-performing students)
View students’ progress over time as they complete the three papers (please note, no speaking data available for 2020)
See how many marks are needed to reach the next grade boundary -** as well as** a breakdown by paper, to see where the most effective interventions are likely to be made
The document contains no macros, so it should open on any school device without issue. It’s also fully editable, so you can change formatting (to highlight PP/SEN students, for example), sort students by entry tier etc. If you made your own exam papers for 2021, you could even create a whole new sheet just for them, as if they were an official AQA paper - complete with your own grade boundaries!

Set of pronoun worksheets (A Level French)
This is a series of four worksheets (15 pages total) explaining the pronoun system in French, intended to support students with little or no prior knowledge of grammatical concepts, gradually introducing topics which should be more than sufficient to see them through both GCSE and A Level.
Worksheet 1 introduces the grammatical terms and practices subject pronouns
Worksheet 2 deals with direct and indirect object pronouns
Worksheet 3 plays with pronominal verbs and compound tenses, and
Worksheet 4 shows how we use pronouns to show possession, as well as PDO
The layout of each worksheet is the same: the first page explains the grammar point with examples and tables (these are handy for using within lessons too). Pages 2-3 contain a variety of scaffolded exercises, designed to test comprehension of the learning objective. Page 4 contains answers to the activities, so students/cover staff can mark work.

Telling the time (German, with audio and worksheet)
Suitable for Year 7/older beginners. Includes audio so home learners can practise pronunciation.
Activities included: mini whiteboard (listening), writing, translation and a group task.
Some activities have been duplicated to use as a worksheet for students not present in the lesson (illness, internal exclusion etc.)

Vocab tests for Studio GCSE French
Here are some quick vocab tests for each double page spread of the Studio Higher GCSE French book (Foundation is pretty much the same).
Answers are animated on the slide, so students can self/peer assess.

Le cinéma sentence builder (French, with audio)
Can be used as a guided writing/translation exercise. Have included audio for each vocabulary box to help students with pronunciation, if used for distance learning.
Most of the vocab comes from Studio 2 Vert: J’ai une passion pour le cinéma

Plenary activities for Studio GCSE French
Mixed vocab recall/translation/exam-style questions for use alongside the Studio GCSE French textbook (1 slide per double-page).
The slides are designed with the Higher book in mind, but with minor changes would be suitable for Foundation, or even Y9 if doing a 3-year GCSE course.

Introductory lesson to Die Verwandlung
This was designed to be a summer study project for Y11 to Y12 transition, but could equally be used to introduce the A Level book.
Some background about Kafka and potential interpretations of the work are included, as well as links to an online parallel text edition in German and English.
The original text can be found at Project Gutenberg also.

Classroom conversation sentence builder
Sentence builder for to help students say they’ve forgotten equipment in TL, plus ask general classroom questions using ‘est-ce que je peux…’

This bundle combines my Microsoft Excel PPE recording and analysis spreadsheets for French, German and Spanish (AQA 2018 specification).
You can use these spreadsheets to:
Keep track of students’ entry tiers and papers marked/yet to mark
Enter raw marks and have grades automatically calculated using the AQA grade boundaries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 papers
Compare students’ performance with their target grade (colour coded, so you can instantly see your under- and over-performing students)
View students’ progress over time as they complete the three papers (please note, no speaking data available for 2020)
See how many marks are needed to reach the next grade boundary -** as well as** a breakdown by paper, to see where the most effective interventions are likely to be made
The documents contain no macros, so should open on any school device without issue. They are also fully editable, so you can change formatting (to highlight PP/SEN students, for example), sort students by entry tier etc. If you made your own exam papers for 2021, you could even create a whole new sheet just for them, as if they were an official AQA paper - complete with your own grade boundaries!

AQA GCSE German PPE Markbook
This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is the ideal way to store and analyse your KS4 students’ PPE data (AQA German 2018 specification).
You can use this spreadsheet to:
Keep track of students’ entry tiers and papers marked/yet to mark
Enter raw marks and have grades automatically calculated using the AQA grade boundaries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 papers
Compare students’ performance with their target grade (colour coded, so you can instantly see your under- and over-performing students)
View students’ progress over time as they complete the three papers (please note, no speaking data available for 2020)
See how many marks are needed to reach the next grade boundary -** as well as** a breakdown by paper, to see where the most effective interventions are likely to be made
The document contains no macros, so it should open on any school device without issue. It’s also fully editable, so you can change formatting (to highlight PP/SEN students, for example), sort students by entry tier etc. If you made your own exam papers for 2021, you could even create a whole new sheet just for them, as if they were an official AQA paper - complete with your own grade boundaries!

GCSE French knowledge organiser
This is a 16 page booklet designed to help Y10-11 students develop their vocabulary, grammar and exam skills such as describing a photo. There is a page of vocab for each of the GCSE topics, which key words and grammatical points (such as agreement, or structures which are different in English) highlighted in the text. The grammar section includes tenses from the present to the subjunctive, and a range of structures to support both Foundation and Higher students
Much of the text in the vocabulary section has been adapted from @CarriereMs knowledge organiser (link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YaCO-eaGtyhSkhlLDu-LYGGUleO8UXe2/view) Thank you for your hard work making this!
NB: Page 8 of the PDF (how to form tenses) is intended to be a double page spread and rotated. I’ve also attached just this page if that’s easier for your reprographics department to print separately.

Personal descriptions and thoughts about marriage (German)
A lesson on describing personal characteristics and likes/dislikes, moving on to thoughts on marriage. I’ve used this with both Edexcel and AQA groups to revise these topics.
Tasks include grammar starter activity, paired reading, speaking and 40/90 words essay.
Links to two love songs by Marlene Dietrich have been added if you want to have music to play students in and out of the room. Some information also given about Dietrich for cultural links.
The dating small ads sheet accompanying the lesson is adapted from a French one found on TES (I can’t find the author, so apologies for not giving credit). Have slightly modified it so that students can try to work out which two people should get in touch.

Personal descriptions and thoughts about marriage (French)
A lesson on describing personal characteristics and likes/dislikes, moving on to thoughts on marriage. I’ve used this with both Edexcel and AQA groups to revise these topics.
Tasks include grammar starter activity, paired reading, speaking and 40/90 words essay.
Links to two love songs by Édith Piaf have been added if you want to have music to play students in and out of the room. Some information also given about Piaf for cultural links (the lyrics to the second song are included too, so students can follow along if there’s time).
The dating small ads sheet accompanying the lesson is adapted from one found on TES (I can’t find the author, so apologies for not giving credit). Have slightly modified it so that students can try to work out which two people should get in touch.