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En mi dormitorio

En mi dormitorio

This file contains the whole lesson of "en mi dormitorio". The objectives covered are: To be able to decribe what is in the bedroom. To be able to use preposition to locate items in the bedroom.
Perdu dans le parc d'attractions Studio 1

Perdu dans le parc d'attractions Studio 1

This lesson covers the whole unit 2 module 4 of Studio 1 text book. It covers the following objectives: 1- To know vocabulary related to a theme park. 2- To understand how to give directions. 3- To be able to produce a piece of writing about giving directions in a theme park.
Le week end Studio 1

Le week end Studio 1

This lesson covers the Unit 3 Module 4 of the textbook Studio 1. It covers the following objectives: 1- To know vocabulary related to places in a town/city. 2- To understand how to the verb “aller” with the right preposition. 3- To be able to write a piece of writing about where we go in a town/city.
Et les autres? Studio 1

Et les autres? Studio 1

This lesson covers the whole unit 4 module 1 of studio 1 textbook. It covers the following objectives: 1- To know vocabulary and adjectives related to physical description. 2- To understand how to agree adjectives with the nouns. 3- To be able to produce a piece of writing that describes yourself and someone else. Clear starters and activities with stretch and challenge tasks available.
Mes matières Studio 1

Mes matières Studio 1

Using studio 1, this lesson covers the following objectives: 1- To learn vocabulary related to school subjects in French. 2- To be able to express opinions in French. 3- To be able to produce a paragraph using the above. Homework and differentiated activities are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Opinions - j'adore

Opinions - j'adore

Full lesson to cover a KS3 lesson about opinions. Would fit to studio 1 or expo 1 lessons. The objectives are: 1- To know the school subjects in French. 2- To understand how to use the opinions. 3- To be able to produce sentences telling your opinion about different subjects. Stretch and challenge tasks are included as well as learning objectives. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Dans mon sac

Dans mon sac

Full lesson with stretch and challenge tasks to cover the unit. The learning objectives are: 1- To know school bag items in French. 2- To understand how to use "j'ai"/"je n'ai pas de" in French. 3- To be able to say/write what I have in my bag in a paragraph. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Instructions en français

Instructions en français

Full lesson about instructions in French. 1- To know items related to instructions in French. 2- To understand basic verbs related to instructions in French. 3- To be able to produce sentences giving instructions in a classroom and telling comments how my work. Stretch and challenge tasks are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Quel âge as-tu? Access Studio

Quel âge as-tu? Access Studio

Full lesson about the topic “quel âge as-tu?”. This lesson covers also the unit 2 of Access Studio textbook. The objectives are: 1- To know numbers in French from 1 to 20 . 2- To understand how to use « j’ai » in French. 3- To be able to produce sentences telling your age. The lesson is with animations. Stretch and challenge tasks are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Mon autoportrait Studio 1

Mon autoportrait Studio 1

This lesson is about the module 1 unit 1 of Studio 1 book. The lesson covers the following objectives: To know vocabulary related to activities/hobbies. To understand how to use opinions and regular -er verbs. To be able to write a paragraph about likes and dislikes.
J'ai cours! Studio 1

J'ai cours! Studio 1

This lesson covers the whole unit 3 module 2 of studio 1 textbook. It covers the following objectives: 1- To know numbers and vocab related to the time. 2- To understand how to say the time in French. 3- To be able to describe a timetable by using the time. Clear starters and activities with stretch and challenge tasks available.