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Nteach's Shop

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I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.




I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.
GCSE Physics - Radioactivity, Atomic Structure > Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation

GCSE Physics - Radioactivity, Atomic Structure > Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation

A complete and detailed lesson on Radioactivity, focusing on atomic structure, alpha particles, beta particles and gamma radiation. (created with AQA and Edexcel specification content). Lesson Objectives: - Recall and detail the basic structure of an atom. - Relate number of protons, electrons and neutrons to mass and atomic numbers. - Explain how atoms form ions & identify the isotopes of different elements. - Explain radioactivity in terms of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. The lesson guides pupils very clearly through exactly what radioactivity is by starting with the atom and so isotopes. Starter prompts pupils to find the key words for the lesson using a 'say what you see' game. Following a review of the atoms structure and properties through questioning. A task exploring the periodic table using relative atomic mass and atomic number familiarises pupils with these as they are important later. Ions are reviewed through a task using visuals of atoms/ions to identify ions or atoms with appropriate charge. This then leads onto explaining what isotopes which can then be linked to unstable elements. Radioactivity is then explained through a basic description relating to like charges of protons in the nucleus and the required binding energy to hold the nucleus together. Alpha, Beta and Gamma are then reviewed with visuals of the process to relate to pupils clearly what happens. A literacy task summarises and reviews the lesson. MORE RADIOACTIVITY LESSONS TO FOLLOW SOON!
Electricity - 6 lessons covering key content of Electricity in Physics

Electricity - 6 lessons covering key content of Electricity in Physics

A collection of complete lessons which address the fundamental concepts in electricity, starting from static electricity moving to current electricity with key definitions and explanations of concepts, moving to key circuits rules and characteristics.. Lessons in consistent format all following on from each other with review on previous contents on previous lessons. L1 - Static Electricity L2 - Circuit Symbols (including current and charge) L3 - Current, Voltage and Resistance, Ohm's Law L4 - I-V characteristics (also LDRs and thermistors) L5 - Series Circuits L6 - Parallel Circuits Review individual lessons in my shop for greater detail on each individual lessons.
GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and their Effects (All lessons resourced)

GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and their Effects (All lessons resourced)

GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and their Effects A collection of complete lessons with guidance included for GCSE Physics P2- Forces and their Effects Lessons in consistent format all following on from each other with review on previous contents on previous lessons. L1 - Resultant Forces L2 - Forces and motion: d-t L3 - Forces and motion:Acceleration & v-t L4 - Forces and Braking L5 - Forces & Terminal Velocity L6 - Forces & Elasticity Review individual lessons in my shop for greater detail on each individual lessons.
GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and Driving

GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and Driving

Completely resourced lesson on Forces and Driving with key content from AQA Physics. Learning Objectives: - Evaluate different vehicle speeds for stopping distances. - Explain what happens during braking of a vehicle. - Identify and explain what can effect the stopping distance of a vehicle. - Investigate how a drivers reaction time effect stopping distance. Lesson starts by discussing the speed limit for vehicles against the maximum speeds vehicles can achieve. A quick review on resultant forces in relation to vehicles is explored through questioning, this leads to the physics of stopping vehicles through braking. Stopping distances are reviewed with thinking and braking distances, this leads to a class activity on reaction times to consolidate thinking distances. Summary questions are provided on this topic to finish the lesson. Plenary poses the starting question again in light of new information pupils will now have.
GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and Elasticity

GCSE Physics P2 - Forces and Elasticity

Completely resourced lesson on Forces and Elasticity with key content from AQA and Edexcel Physics. Learning Objectives: - Identify objects in compression or tension. - Explain what is meant by a proportional relationship. - Describe an experiment to extension of an object due to force applied. - Interpret and draw conclusions from a force-extension graph. Lesson starts by discussing what elasticity is in relation to familiar, everyday objects which then challenge pupil thinking with 'slo-motion' videos of these objects being impacted. Elasticity is then further explored with compression and tension. A quick review on proportionality is covered through questioning supporting pupils in key maths skills required. A class experiment is detailed using simple Physics equipment to test everyday materials for to produce a force-extension graph. Conclusions can then be drawn from the data produced in this experiment. Hooke's law is detailed and related to a simply spring extension experiment and used to highlight spring constants. Plenary poses a summary question for pupils to answer with detailed responses showing their understanding of elasticity.
GCSE Physics P2 - Acceleration and Velocity - time graphs (v-t graphs)

GCSE Physics P2 - Acceleration and Velocity - time graphs (v-t graphs)

Completely resourced lesson on velocity-time graphs with key content from AQA and Edexcel Physics. Lesson begins with a starter to get pupils thinking about acceleration whilst recapping terminal velocity. A prompt questions focuses on cars 0-60 mph time so pupils to discuss what acceleration is and what affects it. The acceleration equation is covered in detail clearly highlighting the units used - followed by questions to use the equation. Speed and velocity are contrasted whilst explaining what is meant by vectors and magnitude. The main task uses a movie car chase sequence for pupils to record the time between key incidents which are associated with a set velocity allowing a v-t graph to be produced, this allow for a discussion of v-t graph trends related to data. Key v-t trends are highlighted following this. Acceleration is related to the gradient of a v-t graph very clearly as done in the d-t graph lesson. This allows for a more detailed analysis of the car chase v-t graph (worksheet included). Plenary relates v-t graphs to d-t graphs and uses a v-t graph of a skydive for further questioning (also reviews terminal velocity).
GCSE Physics P2 - Distance-time graphs (d-t graphs)

GCSE Physics P2 - Distance-time graphs (d-t graphs)

Completely resourced lesson on distance-time graphs with key content from AQA and Edexcel Physics. Lesson begins with a review of the use of graphs to present data and relationships, highlighting key graph vocabulary and trends. Speed, distance and time is briefly recapped with the equation and some simple questions. An exercise in plotting distance-time graphs from a short description allows pupils to understand what different trends mean on a d-t graph by plotting them, themselves. Following this it is explained in detail how a d-t graph gradient calculates speed by relating this clearly to the equation for speed. A class experiment is detailed if you wish to allow your pupils to carry this out but if not another activity following summarises the same concepts through a pre-prepared worksheet. A homework task is included that will require some modelling from the teacher.
GCSE Physics P2 - Terminal Velocity

GCSE Physics P2 - Terminal Velocity

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Terminal Velocity including key content from AQA exam specification and relevant to Edexcel. The starter begins with a question regarding throwing a penny off the Empire State Building - a common myth surrounding this which is dealt with during this lesson on terminal velocity. Forces and size represented by arrows are quickly recapped and related to skydiving which allows for good class discussion. A class activity is detailed which uses just a stopwatch, meter rule and cut-out provided. This task investigates air resistance and it's effect on time to fall to the ground. The conclusions drawn from this can lead to the class to summarise what air resistance is and how it increases and decreases. Terminal velocity is then explained through an animation of a skydive which is summarised by the class. An extended activity uses a v-t graph relating to a skydive with key questions to challenge pupils. The lesson finishes with a TRUE or FALSE quiz and then revisiting the initial started question. More P2 lessons to come
GCSE Physics P2 - Resultant Forces

GCSE Physics P2 - Resultant Forces

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Resultant Forces including key content from AQA exam specification and relevant to Edexcel. The starter begins with review of pupil knowledge on forces basics through a quick quiz which prompts initial discussion on what forces are and also the difference between mass and weight. A class activity is detailed which uses just string and newton meters to carry out a scaled down and safer version of tug-of-war resultant forces. This allows for key conclusion to be drawn from observation relating to resultant forces. Discussion of real-life contexts allows for statements to be made about resultant forces on moving objects. Two tasks are provided to consolidate resultant forces of stationary and moving objects - either through a card sort or for the pressed for time a similar task in work sheet form. Resolving resultant forces is reviewed with the fun activity - resultant forces dance mat. Great activity for the entire class but chose your music carefully. The lesson finishes with a summary of key conclusion on resultant forces relating to Newtons Laws. More P2 lessons to come
GCSE Physics P2 - Momentum

GCSE Physics P2 - Momentum

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Momentum including key content from AQA exam specification. The starter begins with getting pupils to relate size and velocity of moving bodies to momentum. The equation for momentum is clearly explained and designed with an exercise in rearranging the equation (with the triangle technique). Questions follow to practice the use of this equation. Momentum is consolidated with a literacy task relating to a Newtons cradle. Conservation of momentum is detailed in relation to collisions with questions and answers to practice answering questions relating to this. Conservation of momentum is detailed in relation to explosions with questions and answers to practice answering questions relating to this. More P2 lessons to come
Christmas Quiz 2015 (Choice of two)

Christmas Quiz 2015 (Choice of two)

A Christmas Quiz for a bit of end of term fun. Two choices in quiz a basic short version and an extended version with additional questions. Basic Quiz 5 rounds with bonus questions in between 1) General Knowledge (5 questions) 2) TV & Film (5 questions) 3) Music (5 questions) 4) What is the Brand? (10 questions) < 5 zoomed in logo sections and 5 audio clips to identify. 5) Who is the Secret Santa? (5 questions) < 5 celebrities in a Santa disguise to recognise. Extended Quiz 5 rounds with bonus questions in between 1) General Knowledge (10 questions) 2) TV & Film (10 questions) 3) Music (10 questions) 4) What is the Brand? (10 questions) > 5 zoomed in logo sections and 5 audio clips to identify. 5) Who is the Secret Santa? (5 questions) > 5 celebrities in a Santa disguise to recognise. 6) What is the Pixelated Gift? (5 questions)
Christmas Science Quiz 2015

Christmas Science Quiz 2015

A Christmas Quiz for a bit of end of term fun. Two choices in quiz a basic short version and an extended version with additional questions. Basic Quiz 5 rounds with bonus questions in between 1) General Knowledge (5 questions) 2) TV & Film (5 questions) 3) Music (5 questions) 4) What is the Brand? (10 questions) < 5 zoomed in logo sections and 5 audio clips to identify. 5) Who is the Secret Santa? (5 questions) < 5 celebrities in a Santa disguise to recognise. Extended Quiz 5 rounds with bonus questions in between 1) General Knowledge (10 questions) 2) TV & Film (10 questions) 3) Music (10 questions) 4) What is the Brand? (10 questions) > 5 zoomed in logo sections and 5 audio clips to identify. 5) Who is the Secret Santa? (5 questions) > 5 celebrities in a Santa disguise to recognise. 6) What is the Pixelated Gift? (5 questions)
GCSE Physics P2 - Mains Electricity (All lessons resourced)

GCSE Physics P2 - Mains Electricity (All lessons resourced)

GCSE Physics P2 - Mains Electricity (All lessons resourced) A collection of complete lessons with guidance included for GCSE Physics P2- Mains Electricity, including key AQA content. Lessons in consistent format all following on from each other with review on previous contents on previous lessons. L1 - AC DC L2 - Plug, Wiring & Design L3 - Fuses, Circuit Breakers & RCCBs L4 - Electrical Power L5 - Energy, Voltage & Charge Review individual lessons in my shop for greater detail on each individual lessons.
GCSE Physics P2 - Energy, Voltage and Charge

GCSE Physics P2 - Energy, Voltage and Charge

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Energy, Voltage and Charge including key content from AQA exam specification. AS A NOTE THIS CONTENT IS RELEVANT HIGHER TIER PUPILS AS STATED IN THE AQA EXAM SPECIFICATION. The starter is in the style of the 'countdown conundrum' which is for some of the lessons key words. Questions review key electric current knowledge from earlier P2 content which is relevant to the lesson and also serves as a recap/revision opportunity. Key electrical current concepts are summarised. Current and charge are related together in an explanation and through the relevant equation with questions for pupils to complete using this. Energy in circuits is reviewed with a literacy based question on resistors heating up. The E=VxQ equation is explained leading to questions using the equation plus ohm's law and circuit rules (for extra challenge and P2 review). More P2 lessons to come
GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV)

GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV)

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV) including key content from AQA exam specification. Starter focuses on units and what they measure as a nice recap of all P2 units of measure. Power and a key definition is provided is reviewed through relatable examples and then put into the context of electrical devices. Examples of calculating power from energy used and time are provided with a worksheet for this. Activity included for power rating circus is optional as alternatively another worksheet is provided allowing the exercise to be completed without a power rating circus. Energy is then related to current and potential difference with the key equations and exercised with a worksheet. Finally questions to identify appropriate fuse ratings for electrical devices. More P2 lessons to come.
GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Safety with Fuses, Circuit Breakers and RCCBs

GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Safety with Fuses, Circuit Breakers and RCCBs

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - fuses, circuit breakers and RCCBs including key content from AQA exam specification. Starter reviews previous unit content on plug wiring and AC/DC current which leads to fuses. Electrical safety is discussed through the effects of electric shocks and resistance is briefly revisited, reviewing previous P2 content. Resistance in a wire is related to the operation of fuses which is then detailed ( a nice demo is included in the comment box but alternatively a video can be shown). Circuit breakers and their function is detailed with animations and videos with key questioning on functions. A written task reviews fuses and circuit breakers. The detail required by the exam specification is provided (with an alternative slide for classes that would want to know more). The importance of earthing is explored through questioning (relating back to P2 Statics). The plenary task uses pictionary to review all key concepts. More P2 lessons to come
KS4 physics: Nick Golsby

KS4 physics: Nick Golsby

4 Resources
Inspire GCSE physics students with these detailed lesson presentations and worksheets from TES Author Nick Golsby covering a huge variety of topics from waves to energy transfer.