Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Place Value - Year 5
This KS2 mathematics teaching resource is an aid to delivering a lesson on numbers up to 1,000,000 and place value, covering the curriculum objectives of the year 5 maths programme of study (Number - number and place value). Content includes:
Four-digit number recap
What is a five-digit number
What is a six-digit number
Place value explanation
Place value activity and worksheet
Further place value activity and worksheet
Partitioning six-digit numbers activity and worksheet
Make the highest and lowest six-digit number activity and worksheet
Two power of 10 multiplication and division class activities
Link to a place value game
Further worksheet and answers
‘Place Value - Year 5’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource, if needed, to suit their individual teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 5 place value resources:
Number and Place Value - Year 5
Bar Charts - Year 3: KS2 Maths Teaching Resource
This KS2 mathematics teaching resource is an aid to delivering a lesson on Bar Charts, covering the curriculum objective of the year 3 maths programme of study (Statistics). Content includes:
What are bar charts introduction
Using the right scale
Two activities with accompanying worksheets where pupils practise interpreting and presenting data using bar charts and solve problems using the information from the charts
1 further consolidation worksheet with answers
‘Bar Charts - Year 3’ can be edited so teachers can adapt it to use with all abilities.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 3 statistics resources:
Pictograms - Year 3
Tables - Year 3
Statistics Assessment - Year 3
Year 3 Statistics Bundle
Decimal Tenths on a Number Line - Year 4
In this KS2 maths teaching resource pupils practise reading and representing decimal tenths on a number line. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering some of the year 4 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Fractions, including decimals). Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of this small step with 4 accompanying worksheets
Decimal Tenths on a Number Line - Year 4’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 4 decimals resources:
Tenths and Hundredths - Year 4
Decimal Tenths - Year 4
Place Value and Tenths - Year 4
Dividing One and Two Digit Numbers by Ten - Year 4
Decimal Hundredths - Year 4
Place Value and Hundredths - Year 4
Dividing One and Two Digit Numbers by 100 - Year 4
Comparing Decimals - Year 4
Ordering Decimals - Year 4
Rounding Decimals - Year 4
Halves, Quarters and Three Quarters as Decimals - Year 4
Year 4 Decimals Bundle
Inverse Operations - Year 5
In this KS2 addition and subtraction teaching resource, pupils focus on using the inverse operation to solve addition and subtraction problems and check answers. This lesson covers the year 5 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Number - addition and subtraction) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 5 - Autumn - Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint lesson with class activities
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
‘Inverse Operations - Year 5’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 5 addition and subtraction resources:
Adding Four-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Year 5
Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Year 5
Adding Numbers with More than 4 Digits - Year 5
Subtracting Numbers with More than 4 Digits - Year 5
Rounding to Estimate and Approximate - Year 5
Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems - Year 5
Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Bundle
Equivalence of One Half and Two Quarters - Year 2
In this maths teaching resource, pupils practise the equivalence of one half and two quarters of the same whole and understand that they are the same. This Year 2 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for year 2 - Spring - Block 4 - Fractions. The resource consists of 1 lesson, including a PowerPoint presentation and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 maths programme of study (number - fractions). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning.
Content includes:
Varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving interactive class activities
3 differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving worksheets with answers
‘Equivalence of One Half and Two Quarters - Year 2’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 2 Fractions resources:
Fractions - Year 2
Equal Parts - Year 2
Halves - Year 2
Quarters - Year 2
Thirds - Year 2
Unit Fractions - Year 2
Non-Unit Fractions - Year 2
Equivalent Fractions - Year 2
Finding Three Quarters - Year 2
Counting in Fractions – Year 2
Counting in Halves, Thirds and Quarters - Year 2
Understanding Negative Numbers - Year 6
This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 6 maths programme of study (Number - number and place value). In ‘Understanding Negative Numbers - Year 6’ pupils count forwards and backwards through zero and learn how to find intervals across zero. The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. The resource contains two lessons, which support the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 6 number and place value resources:
Number and Place Value - Year 6
Number and Place Value Challenge Cards - Year 6
Comparing and Ordering Numbers - Year 6
Numbers to Ten Million - Year 6
Place Value - Year 6
Place Value to Millions - Year 6
Rounding Numbers - Year 6
Rounding Whole Numbers - KS2
Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems - Year 5
In this KS2 addition and subtraction teaching resource, pupils focus on solving multi-step addition and subtraction problems. This lesson covers the year 5 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Number - addition and subtraction) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 5 - Autumn - Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint lesson with class activities
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
‘Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems - Year 5’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 5 addition and subtraction resources:
Adding Four-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Year 5
Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Year 5
Adding Numbers with More than 4 Digits - Year 5
Subtracting Numbers with More than 4 Digits - Year 5
Inverse Operations - Year 5
Rounding to Estimate and Approximate - Year 5
Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Bundle
Patterns and Sequences - Year 2
In this Year 2 teaching resource, pupils are taught to recognise and continue repeating and growing patterns and sequences as required by the Year 2 Programme of Study – Geometry - position and direction. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint presentation
A link to an introductory video
Activities to support the teaching of this objective with 4 accompanying worksheets
1 further worksheet with answers
‘Patterns and Sequences - Year 2’ is completely editable so that teachers have the freedom to adapt the presentation to suit their individual teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar KS1 geometry resources:
Direction and Movement - Year 2
Position - Year 2
Clockwise and Anti-clockwise - KS1
Position and Direction - Year 1
Turns - Year 1
Year 2 Geometry Bundle
Year 1 Geometry Bundle
Addition - Adding More - Year 1
In ‘Addition - Adding More - Year 1’ pupils build on their understanding of addition by focusing on increasing one quantity by a given amount within 10. This maths teaching resource supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 1 - Autumn - Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. Content include:
Animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of this small step with 2 accompanying worksheets
1 further worksheet with answers
‘Addition - Adding More - Year 1’ is fully editable, allowing teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to meet all their teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 1 White Rose addition and subtraction resources:
Parts and Wholes - Year 1
Part-whole Models - Year 1
Writing Addition Number Sentences - Year 1
Fact Families - the eight facts - Year 1
Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1
Systematic Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1
Number Bonds to 10 - Year 1
Addition - Adding Together - Year 1
Addition Problems - Year 1
Finding a Part - Year 1
Subtraction - finding a part - Year 1
Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1
Subtraction - Taking Away and Crossing Out - Year 1
Subtraction - Taking Away - Year 1
Subtraction on a Number Line - Year 1
Add or Subtract 1 or 2 - Year 1
Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle
Traditional Stories (Year 1/2) is a complete unit of work including a planning overview, assessment guidance, detailed lessons and activities, a 66 slide PowerPoint and 16 accompanying worksheets.
It includes a range of varied lessons and activities for children of all abilities:
Talk for writing and prior learning tasks
Exploring and discussing traditional stories and fairy tales
Discovering multi-modal texts - books, videos, cartoons and online storybooks
Individual, pair and group work
How to understand characters
Hotseating and role play tasks to develop understanding of character
Sequencing and storyboarding
How to plan a story using the story mountain
How to begin a narrative - teacher modelling the writing process
Writing assessment task
Detailed teaching notes for lessons and assessment
Present Perfect Form - Year 3 / Year 4
(a 20-slide editable PowerPoint lesson with 3 differentiated worksheet-based activities)
This lesson explains the difference between two seemingly similar tenses - the past simple and the present perfect.
The resource provides whole-class and differentiated individual exercises to put knowledge into practice. Teachers can use this as a standard lesson or for additional support for EAL pupils.
Plants and Water - Year 3
In this science teaching resource pupils will learn about the importance of water to plant life and investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the year 3 science curriculum objective listed below:
- investigate the way in which water is transported within plants
'Plants and Water - Year 3' is an engaging PowerPoint presentation including:
Link to an introductory video
An explanation of how water is transported within plants
Science activity and accompanying worksheets
Water transportation in plants activity and worksheet with answers
'Plants and Water - Year 3' is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements.
Models of the Solar System - Year 5
Year 5 science programme of study - Earth and space
In this teaching resource, pupils will learn how ideas about the solar system have changed over time and look at the geocentric and heliocentric models. Content includes:
1. Class discussion about what they think geocentric and heliocentric mean
2. The geocentric model of the solar system explanation
3. The heliocentric model of the solar system explanation
4. External links to explanatory videos
5. Models of the solar system quiz with an accompanying worksheet
6. Models of the solar system research worksheet
'Models of the Solar System - Year 5' is fully editable so that it can be adapted to suit the needs of each class taught.
The Monkey’s Paw – Teaching Unit
‘The Monkey’s Paw’ is a unit of work with a lesson by lesson overview, a 78-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 23 worksheets.
The unit contains a range of lessons, tasks and activities designed to develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the literary context, plot, characters, language and themes of this classic short story.
These teaching resources include the following activities:
A unit of work overview with four-part lessons covering social, historical and literary context, plot, characters and language
Analysis of the characters of Mr White, Mrs White, Herbert and Sergeant Major Morris
Consolidation exercises and questions to assess students’ knowledge and understanding
Literary context - the gothic genre
A copy of the text
Links to TV versions of The Monkey’s Paw
Analysing how W. W. Jacobs’ uses language to create mood and build tension
Essay question with planning guidance
and much more!
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more resources for KS3/4 short stories:
The Red Room
The Landlady
The Darkness Out There
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
English Teaching Resources: Hawk Roosting (Ted Hughes).
PowerPoint and worksheets.
English Teaching Resources: Hawk Roosting (Ted Hughes) is a 65 slide fully editable PowerPoint presentation designed to teach Ted Hughes's poem Hawk Roosting. Hawk Roosting has been a popular text at KS4/GCSE for many years and this resource can be used with either the 9-1 or A-G English GCSE. Resources include a variety of lessons and activities ideal for helping pupils understand the imagery, structure and themes of the poem. English Teaching Resources: Hawk Roosting (Ted Hughes) also contains 12 worksheets which can be used alongside the PowerPoint presentation. Activities include:
Read Hawk Roosting and discuss ideas. Students complete a written task to assess their understanding.
A brief biography of Ted Hughes and a hyperlink to further information about the man and his poetry.
Exploration of imagery and how to use P.E.E. to write about language. A written task with a writing frame to assess students’ understanding of how Ted Hughes uses imagery and an exemplar response.
Analysis of the use and effect of various poetic techniques. Matching activity, a writing task (with framework) and an exemplar response.
Structural devices that learners should look for. Key words with definitions, a writing task (with framework) and an exemplar response.
The themes of the poem explored; consolidation of the poem’s meaning and purpose.
A mnemonic (HIT POEM) and guidelines for writing a poetry comparison with exemplar responses.
Where to find further information about Hawk Roosting and the poetry of Ted Hughes.
65 slide PowerPoint presentation.
12 worksheets to accompany the PowerPoint.
This two-lesson mini-unit covers Simon Armitage’s ‘The Manhunt’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils, the resource explores the poem in depth and explains how to compare it to other poems from the anthology. It is made up of a 52-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 5 accompanying worksheets.
The lessons contain the following:
Lesson One contains an extract from the Channel 4 documentary ‘Forgotten Heroes’ and an introduction to PTSD; a reading and discussion of ‘The Manhunt’ by Simon Armitage with comprehension / consolidation questions - answers included; analysing Armitage’s use of language and asking and answering questions that delve deeper (model answers provided); an essay question to assess students’ initial understanding of the poem. An example model essay response is included.
Lesson Two covers imagery - analysing Armitage’s use of imagery. Themes - discussing the poem’s themes. Structure and Form - Considering how Armitage uses form, structure, rhythm and rhyme. The GCSE exam - Comparing ‘The Manhunt’ with ‘A Wife in London’ and explaining how to write a comparison essay in the exam.
This is a comprehensive resource containing a range of activities, however it can also be edited, personalised and differentiated to suit your teaching needs. To preview ‘The Manhunt’, please click on the images.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more GCSE Poetry resources for Eduqas and Edexcel:
Sonnet 43
The Soldier
Living Space
As Imperceptibly as Grief
Cozy Apologia
A Wife in London
Death of a Naturalist
Hawk Roosting
To Autumn
Dulce et Decorum Est
Excerpt from The Prelude
Mametz Wood
La Belle Dame sans Merci
A Complaint
My Father Would Not Show Us
My Last Duchess
Neutral Tones
Year 5/6 English Teaching Resources: Macbeth
This UKS2 ready to teach unit of work made up of a 150 slide PowerPoint presentation and 29 worksheets.
The resource is an ideal introduction to Macbeth for children at UKS2. All lessons follow a four part lesson structure (starter, introduction, development and plenary) and all have been carefully planned and designed to enhance and develop knowledge and understanding of the play. Within the PowerPoint slides you will find a mix of activities for children of different abilities including:
A brief outline of Shakespeare’s life and times and the Elizabethan theatre
‘Understanding the plot’ activities
Key features of a drama text (stage directions etc)
Detailed analysis of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Exploring the play’s central themes (ambition, betrayal, evil, etc)
The play’s context – both social and historical – witches, witchcraft and the presentation of women
How to write about Macbeth
Analysis of Shakespeare’s language and key soliloquys
Dramatic devices - the use of tension and suspense in the play
Hot-seating tasks
Sequencing activities
Writing in role - empathy writing tasks including diaries and letters
To preview our UKS2 Macbeth teaching resource in more detail please click on the images from the PowerPoint presentation opposite.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Macbeth - GCSE Unit of Work
Macbeth - Characterisation
Macbeth - Structure
Macbeth - Loyalty
Macbeth - Courage
Macbeth - Context and Tension
Macbeth – The Witches
Macbeth - Answering the AQA GCSE English Literature Exam Question
Macbeth - Answering the Edexcel GCSE English Literature Exam Question
Macbeth - House of Games Activities
GCSE WJEC Comparing Unseen Poetry (PowerPoint and worksheets). This unit of work is designed to help pupils with the Unseen Poetry section of the WJEC GCSE English Literature Exam at GCSE. GCSE English Literature Teaching Resources: WJEC Comparing Unseen Poetry is a complete lesson by lesson unit of work (includes detailed lessons and activities, a 53 slide PowerPoint and 4 accompanying worksheets).
If you are looking for a version of this resource made specifically for Higher Tier students go to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12831962
If you are looking for a version of this resource made for Foundation Tier students go to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12831779
GCSE English Literature Teaching Resources: WJEC Comparing Unseen Poetry includes a range of varied lessons and activities for pupils of all abilities.
- An introduction to the unseen poetry exam question
- Using the A HIT POEM mnemonic to approach the unseen poems
- How to write about the poems' content and context
- How to discuss imagery, poetic techniques, structure, tone and theme
- How to write a personal response
- How to compare the poems
- A model/exemplar answer for annotation and discussion
- 53 slide PowerPoint presentation
- 4 pages of worksheets
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier AS/A Level Teaching Resource (109 slide editable PowerPoint)
This teaching resource is an engaging unit for teaching the novel Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. The tailor-made PowerPoint guides students through the entire novel with a focus on character. It is both useful as a guide to the novel paper and to the AQA AS Literature Paper Two Novel question. Chapter by chapter, the resource rxplores the main three characters: The Narrator (the second Mrs de Winter); the enigmatic Maxim de Winter and Mrs Danvers.
Over thirty slides are devoted to each character, with integrated questions and talking points, designed to stimulate independent thinking for examination and to encourage critical thinking skills. The resource explores the AQA Assessment Objectives, using questions and prompts to engage the learner and facilitate quality answers. The extra final slides offer examination questions designed to be suitable for the comparative novel question set by AQA for the AS Literature Paper 2 Novel question.
This resource includes:
• Carefully created chronological character and plot analyses
• Questions and prompts that generate quality student response and interaction with the AOs
• Carefully selected comparative essay questions that encourages independent critical thinking skills
To preview this Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier teaching resource in more detail please
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Rebecca - Themes
Rebecca - Mrs Danvers
Rebecca - The Narrator
Rebecca - Maxim de Winter
Rebecca - Bundle
Using the Senses - Year 1/2 Poetry Unit
(Includes an editable 64 slide PowerPoint and 12 worksheets)
This unit of work is designed to cover poetry at KS1. Using the Senses includes a range of varied lessons and activities for Year 1/2 children of all abilities. The PowerPoint uses bright colour, large and attractive fonts, vibrant imagery, sound, video and easy to follow, child-friendly language. Activities include:
Talk for writing - what are the senses?
Exploring and discussing poetry - reading, listening to and talking about poems
Using words/phrases to describe the senses
Individual, pair and group work
Using photographs and images to stimulate discussion and description
Using words and phrases to describe personal experiences
Describing a special place using a writing frame
How to plan a poem
Writing a poem using the senses (with scaffolding)
Writing assessment task - write a simple poem
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar KS1 resources:
Room on the Broom
The Owl and the Pussycat
'Twas the Night Before Christmas