Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.
Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.
Simple colour coding method to organise your disadvantaged and high, middle and low attaining students in your class. Simply place H,M,L in the column provided or Y or N for disadvantaged students to plan effectively. Easy to use and visualize your learner in your classroom.
40 brand new randomised Questions and answers every time you go onto the sheet. Brilliant for revision and re testing of students on the topic. Simply open and print.
Gives a brand new set of 20 questions on expanind double brackets with answers, at the click of a button or a reload of the document. All youll ever need to master the topic. Simply press print and its ready to go.
Really fun scheme of work for all inclusive of all objectives and outcomes. Students can create their own environments, design their own games as additions. If you’ve never played this in school you need to start! Making the students step off the computer screen from playing call of duty and now performing it physically, really captures the attention of all students.
All Rugby Union plans from start to finish. All techniques covered filled with objectives success criteria, warm ups, drills and questioning. Includes technical information and tactics.
Effective CPD to inform parents and teachers of revision tactics and techniques. Interactive, tests the parents and pupils and makes them have a go at the techniques the students are expected to use. Draws in on the improved rigour in both KS2 & 4.
The revision book is a help guide for both students and parents. Includes Tips, tricks for students and parents. Timetables. Revision tasks and activities. Develop students understanding of their own learning styles. Create their own learning checklists.
Discuss, why it is important to support others in life, and in the classroom. Google set their whole organisation around the ethos of Copy, collaborate and compete against each other, so much so that they insist on office desks being next to each other to keep everyone moving forward.
AQA Maths Never Ending Exam Practice Paper. 2016-17 Specification. Foundation Covering Grades 1-6.
Much like my other resource this is modelled on the new specification 9-1 Aqa maths non calculator paper. With every print out you get a brand new set of questions and answers under the same topics. Includes a fresh answer sheet and personal learning check list so pupil can rate how successful they are each time they sit the test and identify the topics they need to complete. Each time the sheet is amended it resets a new set of questions and answers so print the question and answer sheet at the same time.
Question Content
Fraction to %
Unit Conversion
Time Calculation
Probability Space
Composite Bar Chart
Money Ratio
Number argument
Fraction addition/multiplication
Coordinate geometry
Money and percentage
Estimation and sf
Probability and Expectation
Pressure and Assumption
Speed, distance, time
Speed, distance, time
- devises personal learning checklists for students
- Gives topic class mark means with graphical feedback
- gives an overview of student performance for formative and summative assessments.
- perfect for gaps analysis to inform teaching.
The exam clock is designed to use to project in the hall or classroom for all pupils to see both digital and analogue versions of the clock. Pupils have found this invaluable so they don't have to worry about reading the clock and examiners aren't panicking about setting the time. This can be used in multiple rooms and is particularly useful for access arrangements. Students are able to plan more effectively their questions.
- Includes a countdown for exam.
- automatically takes into consideration start and finish times
- automatically takes care of finish times for access arrangements for students.
- can have up to 3 exams running in one classroom.
A brilliant resource to hand to all students in preparation for their end of year exams.
It guides pupils and parents through the process and answers the two key questions:
How do I revise?
how do I plan for revision?
Pupils are given a range of strategies to use. Parents are given ways in which they can help their students. And students are able to systematically plan what when and how they will revise for their tests.
Revision Techniques
Personal Learning Checklist
Personal revision timetable
Parents Guide
Do’s and Donts
This booklet has 3 sections:
Section A
Introduction to Physical Education at your school
this includes:
• The Physical Education Agreement
• Your background information
• What you will learn in Physical Education in Key Stage Three
• Expectations in PE and PE pupil code of conduct
• Organising yourself for Physical Education
• Curriculum and extra curricular maps
• How you will be assessed and how to assess yourself in Key Stage Three
• How will I know if I am Gifted and Talented in Physical Education?
Section B
Achievement Record, this includes:
For each Physical Activity area:
• Learning Objectives
• Learning Record
• Pupil Self Assessments
• Pupil Target Setting
• Monitoring Citizenship in Physical Education
• Monitoring Personal Learning & Thinking Skills
Section C
Evidence, this includes:
• Physical Activity records
• Fitness testing records
• Understanding the body Activities
• Pupil session planning sheet
• Pupil observation sheets
• Key Vocabulary
• Parents notes page
Can you find the next Usain Bolt, Jose Mourinho, or Pierluigi Collina.
Talent Identification is imperative in Physical Education. Jose Mourinho barely kicked a football as a child but is a multi millionaire and no one would argue with the talent he has inputted into the world of sport. Your team though there standard formative/summative assessment will now be able to highlight key successes in individuals not solely based on there ability to perform.
The identifiable areas of talent are related to Physical performance (skills), Creativity (choreography etc), Social (emotional well being and dealing with others) Personal, (motivational attributes etc), and Cognitive (coaching, tactical awareness).
You will be able to see the links to your National Curriculum Levels as they link with the 5 key processes of:
1. Developing Skills in physical activity (DS)
2. Making and Applying Decisions (MAD)
3. Developing Physical and Mental Capacity (PMC)
4. Evaluating and Improving (EI)
5. Healthy and Active Lifestyles (HAL)
A fantastic resource.
Need a lesson plan? Now your sorted no need for planning for PGCE students anymore they’re all here for you. Great for you new ideas or to make sure your department has the resources they need.
Ideal to print and laminate for students on a lanyard to self and peer assess their technique of the shot put. Includes diagrams and over assessment checklist.