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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Revision Guide

Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Revision Guide

AQA GCSE 9-1 Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship This 33 page Revision Guide is broken down into 3 main sections: Germany 1890-1918, the Weimar Republic 1918-1933, Nazi Dictatorship 1933-1945 This Revision Guide includes practice exam questions and gives examples and tips on how to answer each. It will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them. The questions target the main questions in the exam from interpretations and source analysis, cause and consequence, change and continuity, significance and evaluation. The Guide also gives the students some useful mnemonics to remember some of the key details such as the Treaty of Versailles, problems in the Weimar, recover under Stresemann and Hitler’s consolidation of power for example. The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students. The Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History in my school has a copy assigned to them on the google drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments, such as homework and revision for assessments. This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit, It comes in both Word and PDF format. Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth £3.00 if you do. I have also made similar revision resources for AQA GCSE 9-1 include Britain: Health and the People c.1000 to the present day, Elizabethan England c,1568-1603, Conflict and Tension and Power and the People.
Henry VII A Level Bundle

Henry VII A Level Bundle

19 Resources
AQA GCSE A Level 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 I have produced this bundle of resources on Henry VII to help A level history students access the course and make the transition from GCSE to A Level smoothly. Henry VII is a fascinating character to study and these lessons explore the difficulty and demands of becoming a King in the Fifteenth Century. The enquiry question throughout this bundle of resources will be to question the extent of Henry’s hold on power from the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 through to his death in 1509. Students will learn how effectively Henry restored and developed the powers of the monarchy from the chaos of the Wars of the Roses. They will assess his character and aims and his continuing use of Government institutions, from councils, parliament and local lords to the changes he made in his collection of the royal finances. They will judge the significance of individuals in his reign as will as the economic development of trade and exploration. Students will look at his limited aims in foreign policy and the consequences of his diplomacy and treaties with Scotland and other foreign powers. Finally they will gauge the role of religion and the Church in Tudor England under Henry VII as well as the development of the arts and learning and the rise of humanist ideas. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction L2 Wars of the Roses L3 Character of Henry VII L4 Battle of Bosworth Field (free resource) L5 Aims of Henry VII L6 Consolidation of Power L7 Henry VII and propaganda L8 Henry VII and Government L9 Henry VII and the nobility L10 Henry VII and finance L11 Stafford and Lovell Rebellions L12 Lambert Simnel L13 Perkin Warbeck L14 Introduction to Henry VII’s foreign policy L15 Breton Crisis L16 Henry VII and Ireland L17 Economy and Trade under Henry VII L18 The Church and religion L19 Humanism and the arts The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. This is the first of four bundles I have created for the Tudors A Level history course. If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Complete Bundle

Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Complete Bundle

20 Resources
This bundle is the complete series of lessons I have created for AQA GCSE 9-1 Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship. As well as focusing on GCSE exam practice questions, the lessons apply the skills necessary to enable the students to achieve the highest grades. The lessons will allow students to demonstrate (AO1) knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the period studied from the Wall Street Crash and the transformation by Hitler of the Nazis into an electable force. They will study (AO2) second-order concepts such as change and continuity in the economic problems facing Germany and the causes and consequences of Hitler becoming Chancellor. The analysis and evaluation of sources (AO3) are used in for example The Night of the Long Knives lessons whilst substantiated judgements are made (AO4) on the limited opposition in Nazi Germany and the conversion into a totalitarian state. The lessons are as follows: L1: Kaiser Wilhelm II (free resource) L2 The Kaiser’s Government and Weltpolitik L3 The impact of World War 1 on Germany (free resource) L4 The Weimar Constitution and Political Parties L5 The Treaty of Versailles L6 Political Uprisings – the Spartacists and the Kapp Putsch (free resource) L7 The Ruhr Crisis and Hyperinflation L8 The Munich Beer Hall Putsch L9 Super Stresemann L10 The Golden Age of Stresemann L11 The Wall Street Crash L12 The rise of the Nazis and the transformation of the Nazi Party L13 How did Hitler become Chancellor? (free resource) L14 How did Hitler consolidate his power? L15 The Night of the Long Knives L16 The Nazi Police State L17 The Nazis and the economy L18The Hitler Youth L19 The role of women in Nazi Germany L20 The Nazis and the Churches L21 Hitler’s hate list L22 The Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht L23 The Final Solution L24 Opposition in Nazi Germany L25 The German Home Front 1939-45 (free resource) Please note that setting a full mock examination in class after completing each unit is strongly recommended. All the examination resources and markschemes are subject to copyright but can easily be found on the AQA website. Each resource gives suggested teaching strategies and are differentiated . They come in PDF and Powerpoint formats and can be amended and changed to suit. Please note that due to Bundle restrictions of 20 lessons, the free resources (L1, L3, L6, L13, L25) need to be downloaded seperately.
Colonisation of Australia

Colonisation of Australia

The British Empire This lesson focuses on the upheaval of the lives of the indigenous peoples of Australia with the coming of the Europeans. The lesson starts by looking at their customs and traditions and how these were quickly attacked through the attitudes and settlements of the colonists. A ‘Horrible Histories’ version of events is also scrutinised and questioned on its accuracy. I have included some comprehension questions and source scholarship using an extract from the brilliant ‘Empireland’ by Sathnam Sanghera which explains the atrocities committed in Tasmania by the colonists. Paintings from Governor Davey of Van Diemen’s Land can also analysed so the students are able to prioritise the most significant changes the colonists made to Australia and the legacy of the British Empire. The lesson comes with retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching and learning strategies, differentiated materials and is linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The lesson is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.
Elizabethan England Revision Guide

Elizabethan England Revision Guide

Elizabethan England 1568-1603 This Revision Guide is aimed to help students prepare fully for their GCSE exam in this unit of study Within this 45 page Revision Guide, there are 18 GCSE exam questions and guidance of how to answer them throughout. At the start of the Guide, there are tips on how the students can access the four main questions and advice on how to put this into practice with model answers given from the exam board. There are also eight new pages in the Guide dedicated to the 2024 Environmental Study, Americas and Drake's Circumnaviation with a focus on knowledge and understanding and second order concepts. Six possible exam questions have been included which AQA could ask focusing on the main themes from the AQA guidance given. This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed, easy to follow and allows the students to access the higher grades in the examination. It comes in PDF and Word format and can be adapted and changed to suit. Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated.
Edward VI and Mary I A Level Bundle

Edward VI and Mary I A Level Bundle

14 Resources
AQA A Level 1C The Tudors: England 1485-1603 I have produced this bundle of resources on Edward VI and Mary I to help A level history students access the course and make some of the ideas, themes and concepts of the Tudors more comprehensible. Edward VI: Most of the historiography of Edward places him at the periphery of the reign. However this bundle of lessons challenges this view and sets out to reappraise his monarchy. Therefore the enquiry question throughout this bundle of resources will be to question how fit was Edward to rule during his reign. Students will learn how cold and callous Edward could be from his chronicle and how much of a leading role and contribution he played in the English Reformation. They will judge the significance of the Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland and how they tackled the problems of finance, the economy, law and order, religion and foreign policy. Students will also compare the two Dukes and decide whose rule could be judged a success and why ultimately they both fell from grace. Finally they will about the key reformers and the new Evangelicals during the reign of Edward VI such as Archbishop Cranmer, Bishop John Fisher and John Hooper and the impact they had on the Edwardian Reformation. Mary I: Mary’s reign has traditionally been given a negative historiography. This bundle of lessons will challenge this interpretation and whilst justifying it in some cases, also argue that Mary was in many instances courageous, decisive, successful and determined. Therefore the enquiry question throughout this bundle of resources will be to question if a woman was fit to rule England. Students will learn the background to which Mary ascended the throne, assess her priorities as Queen and challenge the traditional view of Mary from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. They will evaluate the significance of her Government and the role of Parliament as well as her marriage to Philip II of Spain and the consequences this brought as she was sucked into the Habsburg-Valois conflict, with the loss of Calais. Furthermore they will compare and contrast the Counter Reformation with the religious changes introduced by Edward and the wider implications of Mary’s reforms with Marian martyrs. Finally, students will judge the similarities of the economic situation she inherited from her half brother and the differences she made in laying many of the foundations for the success of subsequent monarchs. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction to Edward L2 The rise of Somerset (free resource) L3 Rule of Somerset L4 Rise of Northumberland L5 Rule of Northumberland L6 The Edwardian Reformation L7 Introduction to Mary I L8 Aims of Mary I L9 Mary I and her government L10 Mary I marriage and Wyatt’s Rebellion L11 The Counter Reformation L12 Marian Martyrs L13 Mary’s Foreign Policy L14 Mary I and the economy The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. This is the third bundle of resources I have created for this unit and hope to complete the rest of the course very soon. If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles

Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship The aim of this lesson is to analyse the terms of the Treay of Versailles and its impact upon Weimar Germany. From the start, students have to understand how difficult it was for the Allies (the Big Three) to decide how to treat Germany at the end of the war. Moreover when they did eventually agree, how did it affect Germany and what were it terms? The emphasis is also on how students can remember the terms of the treaty, especially with the land lost, complete with difficult spellings such as Schleswig-Holstein and Alsace-Lorraine. Learning tasks include making notes from video evidence, creating a chatterbox, analysing sources, completing quizzes and filling in a ‘find someone who can’ worksheet (a brilliant idea from Aaron Wilkes). The second part of the lesson focuses on GCSE exam practice using cartoon sources related to the Treaty as well as how to answer the first three source questions on the exam, with help on how to answer each. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Short term causes of World War 1

Short term causes of World War 1

World War I This lesson aims to analyse how the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the spark for World War 1 to start. Students will question how frightening the assassination was and the speed of European countries to mobilise for war. As video evidence is used to explain the events that led to the shooting in Sarajevo, an analogy is made to a bar brawl as students try to ascertain the causes of it and link these to the events which unfolded after 28th June, 1914. Students also have to complete a chronological exercise of the events as well as deciding the personalities of the main countries involved. The plenary is a catchphrase check (complete with music) on key words used in the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Edward Jenner and smallpox

Edward Jenner and smallpox

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The lesson aims to distinguish between inoculation and vaccination, before analysing Jenner’s discovery of the vaccination for smallpox using documentary and video evidence. Students then have to answer questions, explain the significance of his discovery over time and link factors to his story. They also have to analyse source information, complete an 8 mark GCSE practice question and understand why, despite his brilliance he received criticism and opposition to his discovery. The lesson finishes with a true or false quiz and a ‘Have I got news for you?’ plenary. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The aim of this lesson is to assess the contributions made by Pasteur and Koch to the improvements in medicine in the late 19th Century. By the late 1800’s, the focus had moved away from antiseptic to aseptic surgery. Students will learn how Pasteur made his monumental breakthrough in 1861 with his Germ Theory, aided through the factors of chance, government and scientific experimentation. However as he was only a chemist it was the German doctor Robert Koch who applied Pasteur’s theory to human disease to convince doubters that microscopic germs could kill something as advanced as a human. Students will rate their progress in these discoveries and make substantiated judgements on their effectiveness and performance in the development of vaccines. There are also links to Bastion and Tyndall and their similar rivalry in Britain. The lesson includes GCSE practice questions on factors and significance with source analysis and video links throughout. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Elizabeth I introduction

Elizabeth I introduction

**AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 ** The overarching aim of this and the subsequent lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. This first lesson is an introduction to the reign of Queen Elizabeth and starts by finding out what the students know already using a true or false quiz, source material, video evidence and portraits of Elizabeth. The emphasis is also on the precarious nature of her early life which has a major impact on how she rules when she becomes Queen. The second part of the lesson uses differentiated resources and requires the students to plot, explain and prioritise her early problems on a tree (using the trunk, branches and leaves). The third part focuses on a typical GCSE question on the usefulness of a source giving tips and notes on how to answer this question. The lesson also gives a brief introduction to the course and includes a tracking sheet which the students stick in their books detailing the assessment objectives of the course and the four main question types. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Elizabethan Court and Government

Elizabethan Court and Government

AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 The overarching aim of this and the subsequent bundle of eleven lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. This second lesson on Elizabeth focuses on the workings of her government. Where did the real power lie in Elizabethan England? Students question who Elizabeth might want in her government and using a text mapping exercise find out who is who in the different establishments. The second part of the lesson examines a significance question and compares the inner workings of her government to today’s cabinet and the role of Parliament. Students have to write about the importance of the Royal Court using the information provided, which is also linked to a brilliant BBC video clip and with a model answer included. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
King Charles I

King Charles I

The English Civil War This lesson aims to analyse the personality of King Charles and questions how and why this might have implications for his reign. Following in his father’s footsteps, his vanity and obsession with the Divine Right of Kings are major causes of concern for those in Parliament. Students learn about his fragility in his younger life to eventual arrogance as he became King and will link a number of reasons together as to why this was to lead to Civil War. Video footage and sourcework are used to gather the evidence and the students will have to think outside the box to understand his motives and actions and link ideas together. The plenary is a literacy challenge to help evaluate his personality using key words from the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

American Civil RIghts This lesson analyses and evaluates the part Rosa Parks played in the Civil Rights Movement. Modest to the end, her one action inspired a generation and she is still talked about with reverence in American society today. (NB - Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globe speech on 7th January, 2018.) Students learn about Rosa Park’s background and events leading up to her refusal to move seats on a bus, brilliantly shown through some video footage as well as documentary evidence. The learning tasks and the accompanying resources are differentiated to suit all abilities as students reflect and evaluate her most important significance to American society today. Students also have the opportunity to use a bus to show in the windows the problems she faced (at the front and in the doorway) and what she achieved (in the back windows). The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Cold War The aim of this lesson is to understand the causes behind the building of the Berlin Wall and the consequences for Berliners. Students analyse the differences between life on the East and West sides of Berlin to understand why thousands of Germans continued to cross the border to make a better life in West Berlin. The second part of the lesson focuses on the building of the wall, using statistics, graffiti art and the personal account of Conrad Shuman in a thinking quilt to develop further understanding and evaluate its significance in the context of the Cold War. The central enquiry of this and subsequent lessons is to ask why did civilians fear for their lives? Students will map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around the key question) and build up a picture of how these and different countries in the world responded and acted in this new nuclear age. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
Gorbachev and the end of the Cold War

Gorbachev and the end of the Cold War

The Cold War The aim of this lesson is to explore the winds of change within the USSR as Perestroika and Glasnost are introduced with the appointment of Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. But despite all the achievements he made, was it all in vain and just how successful was he with the Soviet Union in his short six years in office? Students are required to emoji rate the problems facing Gorbachev in 1985 and then justify the most serious one using a pressure gauge. Furthermore they have to evaluate how successful his policies were and how they were received in the west as compared to back home. A thinking quilt at the end challenges their thinking as they have to group all they have learnt into categories and then explain the significance of each fact. The central enquiry of this and subsequent lessons is to ask why did civilians fear for their lives during the Cold War? Students will map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around the key question) and build up a picture of how these and different countries in the world responded and acted in this new nuclear age. The resource comes in PowerPoint formats if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
Nuremberg Trials

Nuremberg Trials

The Holocaust The aims of this lesson are to explain who was put on trial at Nuremberg, the crimes they were charged with and their category of criminality ranging from major offenders to followers. Students begin by learning about Denazification and how this was implemented immediately after the war, before Cold War tensions took over. They also learn why Nuremberg was chosen as the place for the trials. The main task requires them to analyse up to 8 individuals and how they ‘conducted’ themselves during World War II. Students then have to decide which of the four war crimes they committed and which category of prisoner they would come under. They also have to judge whether their sentences would be death by shooting, hanging or a prison sentence. The verdicts are given later in the Powerpoint so students can check and compare their answers. There is an accompanying video task which looks at Nuremberg 75 years on, with some brilliant footage of holocaust survivors and the son of Hans Frank, the Butcher of Poland. The central enquiry of this and the other lessons in the bundle is to ask who was to blame for the holocaust? Students map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around a lightbulb) and build up a picture of how difficult it is to blame a single individual or event for this catastrophe. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte

The French Revolution The aim of this lesson is to investigate if Napoleon was a hero or villain. Students are introduced to Napoleon and make some initial judgements with reference to his upbringing and his early life. The main task is to analyse some giebn evidence which is focused on his career, personal life, his reforms in France and how he became Emperor of France. They are required to complete their analysis with some extended writing, complete with key words and a writing frame if required. The plenary questions whether we should regard him as a legend with links to people in the modern era. The lesson comes with differentiated materials, suggested teaching and learning strategies and is linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. It is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.
Henry VIII A Level Bundle

Henry VIII A Level Bundle

18 Resources
AQA A Level 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 I have produced this bundle of resources on Henry VIII to help A level history students access the course and make some of the ideas, themes and concepts of the Tudors more accessible. Henry VIII was a larger than life character who has left a long lasting legacy on our history Therefore the enquiry question throughout this bundle of resources will be to question how strong and successful Henry was during his reign. Students will learn how effectively Henry ruled England and how government evolved and the use of Parliament changed during his reign. They will assess his character and personality and question and evaluate his decision making. They will judge the significance of individuals in his reign such as Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell as well as economic development. Students will look at his aims in foreign policy and question how successful he was in his pursuit of military glory under Wolsey and beyond or whether he just played third fiddle in Europe. Finally they will learn about the political, social, economic and religious upheaval caused by his divorce and the break with Rome. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction L2 Aims of Henry VIII L3 Henry VIII and Government L4 Catherine of Aragon L5 Rise of Wolsey L6 Interpretations of Wolsey L7 Downfall of Wolsey L8 King’s Great Matter L9 Break with Rome L10 Henry VIII & Humanism L11 Rise of Cromwell L12 Pilgrimage of Grace L13 Dissolution of the Monasteries L14 How Protestant was England by 1547? L15 Foreign Policy under Wolsey L16 Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1529-1547 L17 Henry VIII and Society L18 Henry VIII and the Economy The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. This is the second of four bundles I have created for the Tudors A Level history course. If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

The Industrial Revolution The aim for writing this lesson is to challenge the traditional view that Jack the Ripper targeted prostitutes or sex workers in Victorian London. Whilst much has been written about the Jack the Ripper and how clever he was to avoid detection, very little has been written about the lives of his victims. Therefore with this in mind, students will learn how difficult it was for Victorian women to lead comfortable lives as marriage, children, work, alcoholism, the workhouse and poverty took its toll on them. Students begin the lesson with an overview by learning what is known about Jack the Ripper, who he killed and how the police had little evidence or clues to go on. There is a video link and a true or false activity to complete this. They will then have to use a number of images to decide how hard life was for Victorian women and the pressures they were under. A differentiated missing word activity can be completed to piece together many of these problems, based on the lives of the five women murdered. A case study of Annie Chapman, the Ripper’s second victim, will centre around her privileged life before alcoholism took over, forcing her to separate from her husband and children as she moved from a village near Windsor Castle to the doss houses of Whitechapel. Here, students have to colour code the main factors and problems which affected her life. An extended writing task can then be completed, with a writing structure and key words given to help if required. The plenary poses some differentiated questions from the learning completed in the lesson. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included. A big thank you goes to Hallie Rubenhold, whose fabulous book ‘The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women killed by Jack the Ripper’ inspired me to write this lesson.