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La cantine - Food - du/de la/ des

La cantine - Food - du/de la/ des

This resource aims to Y7/Y8 where it introduces vocabulary about food, especially food at the cafeteria at school. The vocabulary is introduced to students using matching cards. The grammar point taught is the partitive article du / de la / des / de l’ as in French this change depending on the gender of the noun. It asks students to recognise a pattern. The lesson includes: the power point presentation with animations a set of matching cards to print with pictures and words (only work in TL) the lesson plan a screenshot of the lesson This is the first lesson of a set about food.
L'école française - Y7 - Cultural lesson

L'école française - Y7 - Cultural lesson

This resource aims to Y7 French learner. It is a lesson using TL to discover the differences between English and French school. It uses a lot of pictures to illustrate and help students to understand the lesson. The lesson include: a power point presentation with animations, activities and corrections the TL ‘story’ / speech to say on each slides to allow students to practise their listening skills. The guidance for the lesson - rapid lesson plan a questionnaire to complete in english to show understanding of the presentation and to assess the cultural learning the cards for students to match up , as a kineastetic way of learning
L'école - La cantine - Food

L'école - La cantine - Food

4 Resources
This bundle is a set of 4 lessons. Lesson 1: Cultural lesson including a listening activity in the TL - cards to match up Lesson 2: Introduction of food - cafeteria food using a set of cards and the partitive article Lesson 3: a revision of the food and partitive article Lesson 4: revision of the topic
Opinion Y7 French

Opinion Y7 French

This resource teaches simple opinion and basic adjectives (positive and negatives) using chcolate bar. Students work at word level and increase to sentence level. The resource include: a power point with animations a homework sheet including 2 exercises (cross word to practise vocabulary and sentences to write) the lesson to stick in book a memory activity where students match the french and the english a tarsia game the lesson plan showing how to differenciate and AFL
La cantine - Food - du/de la / des - revision

La cantine - Food - du/de la / des - revision

This is resource 2 of the set about ‘la cantine’ / food in a school cafeteria. This resource aims to Y7/Y8. It revises simple opinion, vocabulary about food, knowledge and understanding of feminine, masculine and plural as well as using the partitive artcile that goes with the gender (du/de la/ des / de l’) and the contraction of the vowel. On the top of these revision students will be able to manipulate language about food and they will be able to start to questionning by understanding the differences in french with a yes/no answer and a WH answer. This lesson includes: a power point presentation with animations to make the lesson flow the lesson plan with activities differenciated and AFL a set of cards used in lesson 1 to print and cut (all in TL)
The pronoun 'On' - French - Y7

The pronoun 'On' - French - Y7

This resource aims to introduce the pronoun ‘ON’ in French. It is also a revision of all the pronouns. It aims to Y7 and it is based on the topic of school. The aim is to learn the grammar point and how to conjugate ‘on’ and what it does refer in English. The lesson also work on writing and describing a day in an English school to show understanding if the cultural differences between English and French schools. The lesson includes: a power point presentation with animation The lesson plan with activities explained and differenciated with AFL sentences to unscramble the correction to these sentences a text showing an example of the description
Le sport - Les activités

Le sport - Les activités

3 Resources
This bundle includes 3 lessons aiming to Y7 introduction of sport and activities. Lesson 1: Introduction of sports, verb ‘faire’ to all pronouns, frequency sentences starter using weather and a translation activity Lesson 2: domino activity starter, partitive article with gender (du/de la / des /de l’), speaking activity asking questions and reading activity where students need to find information around on posters around the classroom and complete a sheet Lesson 3: Opinion about sport and introduction to conjugation, discover all infinitives and conjugation lesson and activity using ER regular verbs present tense
les activités - le sport Y7

les activités - le sport Y7

This resource aims to start a new topic with Y7 students about activities - especially sport activities. It develops from word level to sentence level by adding frequency using the weather (quand il fait beau …) This resource include: the power point presentation with animations the homework vocabulary sheet the starter activity for students to find the vocabulary
Les activités - je fais du sport Y7

Les activités - je fais du sport Y7

This resource is the lesson 2 building on the introduction of sport activities and weather frequency sentence starters. It aims for Y7. Students will be able to practise vocabulary about sport. They will use the verb ‘FAIRE’ to the first person. They will practise questionning others and answer to other students. They will also revise/discover the partitive article depending on the gender and a pattern between the sport and the I do the sport. This resource includes: the lesson presentation with animation set of dominos to print and cut as a starter to revise the vocabulary cards to prints where students will have to ask questions or answer about a typical sport they do the lesson / exercise to be completed showing the pattern of the lesson, colour coding on 2 levels (difficult and medium) set of reading poster to attach in the class so students can walk around and complete a reading activity set of answer sheet for students to write their answer about the reading activity.
La cantine - Revision

La cantine - Revision

This lesson is the 3rd of of the set. This resource aims to Y7 learning about food in the cafeteria, the differences between French and English school. The grammar points revised here are the partitive article (du/de la/ des / de l’) as well the pronoun ‘on’ and how to conjugate it to the present tense, regular ER verbs. They will also revise the questions forming. The lesson includes: the power point presentation with animation set of vocabulary cards lesson plan (when it says exercise sheet - screen shot the power point to create the activity if needed to be printed)
Le sport - opinion - verb ER conjugation

Le sport - opinion - verb ER conjugation

This resource aims to Y7 working on the topic of activities/ sport. Students will be able to practise sentence level by adding opinions. The conjugation to the present tense is introduce by showing the different endings of the infinitives. This lesson teaches students how to conjugate in the present tense to all pronouns regular ER verbs. Students will be able to practise completing the exercise on the board. The resource includes: the lesson presentation with animations a reading activity the lesson to print so students can refer to it
Pâques - Easter - Les oeufs en chocolat

Pâques - Easter - Les oeufs en chocolat

This resource aims to all students in secondary school as a quick easter activity. It show a very cute video of a bunny laying chocolate eggs. It is said to be ‘THE REAL STORY OF CHOCOLATE EGGS’ This resource include: power point presentation with animation video an activity differenciated on 3 levels where students need to add more or less words depending on their level.
Les vacances - Y7

Les vacances - Y7

This lesson aims for Y7, it introduce / revise the countries, places to stay and landscape around. It uses the pronouns ‘we’ (nous) and the conjugaison accordingly. The lesson also uses different frequency words. This ressource include the power point presentation with 3 activities to print (countries, places and reading)