This download consists of different number lines from 0-10
The first number line contains all the numbers from 0-10, the next a few numbers missing and finally finishing with 0 numbers only dots. Children must count up the line without the use of numbers. This worked really well with a Year 1 class that I had. They were a competitive bunch and they all wanted to 'try' the different number lines. The download is 15 pages and will need to be copied in colour and laminated. Please note; these number lines do NOT have pictures like so many that you can find online. They are plain and simple but bright.
Learn to count to 100 with these flashcards.
Each flashcard has the number in numeric form, there are no numbers in word form included on any of the flashcards.
There are four flashcards per A4 page.
This bumper page for 2D shapes is a 59 page download,
Download includes-
-One reading book all about shape (9 pages-laminate for long term use and durability)
-9 worksheets
-3 Fun 'Find the shape and colour' worksheets
-Classroom Posters
-Shape Questions
-One full set of colour cloud flashcards
-One full set of Shape Posters in a4
-One mini set of Shape Posters (ideal for use in stations/centres)
Check the preview!
This is a lovely starter booklet to introduce numbers to Early Years or for those weaker students in Year 1.
It has some pictures to correspond with the specific number.
Children will enjoy colouring the pictures and tracing the numbers.
Included are additional tracing pages for individual numbers.
Grab this bargain today!
30 Maths Challenge Cards, perfect for Maths Working Areas.
These can be used for Early Finishers and or as an extension exercise.
Laminate for long term durability.
Addition and Subtraction
Basic Multiplication
Simple Mathematical Word Problems
Ideal for KS1 but advanced EYFS may be able to use these if read to them.
Check out the preview!
This resource consists of:
16 Number Bond Worksheets (number bonds only up until 10)
6 Write 'n' Wipe Number Bond Cards
44 Number Bond Flashcards for Math Games
1 A4 Number Bond Poster
Suitable for Children aged 5-7 or those who are older but are weak and may need extra help.
Check out the preview!
This is a 20 Page Booklet for EYFS/KS1 covering the concepts of counting, number recognition and formation.
20 worksheets PLUS 10 Flashcards with words and numbers that can be used for Circle Time!
Check out the preview!
This resource enables students to reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information. Exit Slips easily incorporate writing into the content area classroom and require students to think critically. Exit slips easily incorporate writing into many different content areas.
Furthermore, the Exit Slip strategy is an informal assessment that will allow educators to adapt and differentiate their planning and instruction. These Exit Slips can either be put into student portfolios and/or stuck into class notebooks alongside the lesson.
These Exit Slips ask students for feedback on their lesson, what they have learned, what they may need extra support and/or guidance with. Exit slips can be used for all subjects.
Included in this download
-25 Exit Slips
An introductory pack for covering the concept of Place Value (tens and ones)
Included in this 34 page pack -
-Over 10 printables/worksheets (check the preview!)
A game for the whole class to play-
Place Value Match Up Cards
Match to whole digits / expanded digits and words.
This is a bumper activity pack for tackling times tables. In recent days, Nicky Morgan has called out for students to be 'timed'... Yes! Really!
So, let's make this fun.
Included are OVER 50 no-prep printables and worksheets
The pack includes:
12 'Beat the clock' worksheets
12 other worksheets for each individual multiplication factor. These 12 pages include the multiplication sum but no answer. (students can do these at their own pace)
One complete set of 1-12 times table worksheets without any multiplication factors.
One BLANK template for 'Beating the Clock'. This is ideal for weekly tests.
Over 20 extension pages covering different multiplication strategies including; using an array, skip counting and repeated addition.
I have also included 4 classroom posters in colour with tips and tricks and one tips and tricks poster page for students to insert into their exercise books to help with homework!
The pack ALSO included one set of multiplication dominoes! These are in colour and should be laminated for long term durability.
You will NOT be disappointed with this activity pack!
This pack contains over 40 pages of printables for Maths morning work. The first 20 worksheets consist of addition and subtraction within 10-20 using one digit and the second set contain more complex addition and subtraction sums.
All students can complete the worksheets at a staggered pace.
Ideal for Year 1 and Year 2.
This pack contains over 30 pages of printables for Maths morning work/early finishers and/or homework.
Covers areas of learning such as odd/even numbers, addition and subtraction, measurement and shape and place value.
One worksheet a day for a month - 30 worksheets (enough for weekend homework!)
Suitable for Upper Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
This pack contains over 30 pages of printables for Maths morning work.
Pack covers the concept of addition and number recognition from zero to ten.
Addition only covers addition using one digit numbers within 10.
Ideal for EYFS and lower KS1.
Check out the preview!
A common occurring theme with many children is the need for routine. Children are often more settled in school than they are at home and that’s due to the structure and discipline in a classroom setting.
Some children (and adults!) simply cannot cope without structure.
This not only applies to children with special educational needs, we all want to know what’s happening next in our day! In particular, the need for structure and routine is higher in children on the spectrum.
Included in this download-
Over 20 images with words that can be used to make a Visual Timetable. Can be used for a whole class or individual students.
Check out the preview! :)