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KS3 & KS4 MFL resources & more...

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MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.




MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
Spanish Viva 1 Module 2 Homework: vocabulary learning

Spanish Viva 1 Module 2 Homework: vocabulary learning

SPANISH HW VOCABULARY SHEETS If you use Viva 1, this is for Module 2 Mi tiempo libre. What does it contain? 7 weeks of vocabulary learning to print *How should I use it? * Give out as individual sheets or trim for each week. Week 8, well, Christmas will be upon you! You could always push these into next half term as they are useful words for any topic. I’m hoping to make some activities to go alongside this so watch out! Words in italics are extra ones which will be useful and relevant but could be left out if you wanted or used as extension.
Le jour de la Saint-Valentin

Le jour de la Saint-Valentin

A resource pack in French based around St Valentine’s Day for Years 7 to 11. Variety of worksheets (wordsearch/spot the difference) so you have something for each year group every year. There is a cover page for each year group so you could print separate booklets. I’ve found a typo: amoureuz should be amoureux - apologies! Amusez-vous bien. I will not be editing this resource any more because: …this resource has been upgraded. You can find my year-group specific work booklets here: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=Valentine%27s%20Day&shop=Polly_Glott These grow in complexity across the year groups and use language your learners will probably already familiar with as well as Valentine’s vocabulary. This means the booklets are great as an end of half-term or cover resource.
Year 7 First French Lesson

Year 7 First French Lesson

Year 7 French KS3 French This 4 page resource can be helpful during the first week of the first term to settle and get to know your groups, especially where they are from different feeder primaries and you’re not sure what level of MFL they are coming in at. It could also be useful for when groupings/sets are still changing in the second or third week of the first term…yes this does happen… For lower ability pupils offer a choice of which page to start first as the first is a bit wordy! Space to add the name of your school. For differentiation ideas, try putting French words jumbled up on the board (bonjour/au revoir etc.) or famous French people. Ask higher ability children to write a mini paragraph about themselves using personal information and so on. Here is the Spanish version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-7-first-spanish-lesson-11976564
Food vocab' booklet

Food vocab' booklet

An aide-mémoire! Lists of food and drink to use with any year or ability. Plenty of space to add more vocab’ as pupils come across it. Print double-sided to make a booklet. NOTE: my PC has corrected the French “vanille” to the English, “vanilla”. Can’t yet find a way to change it back: please get your students to correct it! I might do this by asking them to find the deliberate mistake… :)
Es Navidad

Es Navidad

A few sheets put together for Year 7s to learn Spanish vocabulary about Christmas. Matching/wordsearch/puzzle. Should last at least a whole lesson. They can always make their own puzzles or Christmas cards when they’ve done all these. Lots of colouring, too ;)
Viva 1 Module 2 Vocabulary Tests

Viva 1 Module 2 Vocabulary Tests

9 pages of vocabulary tests to go with the lists I've made. The first few have some of the test in English and some in Spanish so pupils write the opposite language. Later on, pupils must just write in the Spanish. The final page is a blank grid in case you don't like any of those options!! Buena suerte.
Oh là là; j'ai mal!

Oh là là; j'ai mal!

A powerpoint to use to introduce the j'ai mal à + article rule. Consolidates body parts which have probably already been covered.
Spanish Easter

Spanish Easter

Spanish Easter Booklet Year 7 / Grade 6 Spanish Easter vocabulary: This is an 8 page booklet of basic Spanish Easter vocabulary matching, colouring and puzzles with answers. It is appropriate as a stand-alone document to introduce Easter vocabulary. Alternatively, it could supplement your learning on festivals. You can use each of the 8 sheets independently as needed within your lessons or print as an A4 booklet ready for your learners to work through. The booklet begins with a cover page to colour in to help settle your group. In-built differentiation or challenge working through the Easter booklet means that all children should be able to access the learning independently, allowing you to help those who most need it. It would therefore also work well as a cover lesson. Vocabulary: BASIC feliz Semana Santa, una cesta de Pascua, una cruz, una campana, un conejo, un huevo, un cordero, unos tulipanes, un patito, una iglesia, unos narcisos, un pollito, chocolate CHALLENGE las etrellas, los potes de pintura, la mariposa, el césped, el cielo, azul claro, como quieres This booklet is intended for Year 7 learners and helps them develop basic knowledge of Easter vocabulary in Spanish. For extension and challenge, you could: • Ask learners to write a paragraph about why they like or dislike Easter • Say what they receive at Easter, what they do and where they go • Prepare an Easter card for a friend, teacher or relative using their new vocabulary • Make an Easter board game • Write about why Easter is an important festival • Research the differences between Easter in their country and France and write a summary in English or the TL. If you find this resource useful, look for the whole pack of booklets with many more varieties of activities for Year 7 through to Year 11. Each booklet is different, so you’ll never need to look for Easter resources again. I’m due to revamp years 8-11, so bear with me! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-12104731 I also have other Easter resources in Spanish and French you might like to look at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pascua-12103413 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-12104731 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/easter-and-year-7-basics-lesson-resources-11840423 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-juego-y-actividades-11847281 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-y-informaci-n-personal-juego-y-m-s-11847286 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/Spanish-easter-lesson-with-a-twist-11840429
French Personal Information Studio 1 Module 1

French Personal Information Studio 1 Module 1

French Personal Information Year 7 Opinions A simple picture and word matching worksheet which matches with Studio 1 Module 1 - the French opinions section. If your learners find the images tricky, they could try the included French/English word match grid. There are two copies of this to help with printing. Vocabulary included: j’aime je n’aime pas Tu aimes…? il/elle aime Oui, j’aime ça. Non, je n’aime pas ça. Tu es d’accord? Je suis d’accord. Je ne suis pas d’accord. C’est… génial cool bien ennuyeux nul essentiel important Ce n’est pas bien If you like this resource, find lots more in my full shop here:** [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott**] Happy teaching!
Spanish directions reading and writing

Spanish directions reading and writing

Spanish directions Reading and Writing A simple one page worksheet to consolidate simple directions in Spanish. Bilingual instructions.There are two pages as the second one has the instructions solely in Spanish. The vocabulary is given at the start of the worksheet for reference and copying into books. Task 1 - matching directions symbols with short sentences Task 2 - read the mini maps and write down the directions in Spanish Task 3 - open-ended task to draw own map and write directions in Spanish Vocabulary used: ¿para ir a…? How do you get to …? pase go past hasta up to cruce cross siga carry on tome take suba go up baje go down tuerza turn todo recto straight on al final de la calle to the end of the street está lejos/¿está lejos? it’s far/is it far? la primera calle the first street la segunda calle the second street la tercera calle the third street a la derecha to the right a la izquierda to the left los semáforos at the traffic lights la rotonda the roundabout la plaza the square If you like this, there are a couple of puzzles available to go with it… https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-directions-12399509
Year 7 French spontaneous classroom language

Year 7 French spontaneous classroom language

Spontaneous French in your lessons A bi-lingual sheet to encourage spontaneous use of French in class. There is a column showing pronunciation to help - this can add some fun to your day! Also the cover page is there for those who would like it, but is not necessary if your department’s budget won’t stretch that far!
Sondage de classe sports et opinions

Sondage de classe sports et opinions

Class survey. Sports would have been introduced first. Use the survey to practise the question 'Tu aimes ... ?' plus different sports. There is a variety of answers that can be given to the questions with different symbols for each. Pupils mark the answers on the grid using these symbols. Model the conversation and how to do the survey before the whole class does it. Extension work in the grey sections encourages further development of conversational language. Check learning with short performances of the conversations and/or follow up with writing up of some conversations.
Introductions in French

Introductions in French

A simple, beginners’ (low ability) worksheet to help introduce some introductions vocabulary. Reading exercise to consolidate at the end. Would make a good cover lesson resource. Exercises to expand on the content could be: use the vocab’ list as a starter, but insist pupils work out pronunciation of words in French also. Carry out a speaking activity in pairs using the vocabulary and/or text given. Superlearners should include higher level vocabulary. Extend those who find this easy by asking them to create their own text like the one at the end.
French Directions (basic)

French Directions (basic)

French Directions (basic) A simple worksheet - but still including some extension - to consolidate basic directions in French. If learners have already looked at basic directions, this would make a suitable worksheet for cover. What’s included? Slide 1: Reading with a simple map and sentences to work out where each place is. Instructions in French and English. Slide 2: As slide 1 but with the English instructions removed. Slide 3: Answer sheet. Prior language needed: pour aller au/à la/au/aux prenez allez tout droit tournez à droite à gauche première deuxième troisième traversez le pont poste piscine cinéma pharmacie gare gare routière la maison de M. Hughes If you like this, have a look at my shop for more. Happy teaching! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott
Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y8

Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y8

Bring something different to** Easter in Spanish**. This is an engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 8 Spanish lesson. 12 activity pages Semana Santa activity pages including word puzzles and reading tasks, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Covers Spanish Easter vocabulary, opinions, cultural info’ about processions, true/false and photo descriptions so that the packet can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because ☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 8s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. ☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson. ☛ the booklet could be used for in-person printables distance learning starter tasks homework cover lessons ☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you ☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description ☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. ☛ a black and white version is also included Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult booklet! Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar una rama de palma las calles una carroza una estatua comer (como/comes/comemos) gustar (me gusta (mucho)) hacer (hacemos) tener (tengo/tienes/temenos) ir (voy/vas/vamos/van) comer (como/comes/comemos) odiar (odio) encantar (me encanta) celebrar (celebramos) pensar (pienso/piensa) aqui donde cuando con quién ¿qué…? / ¿qué es/son…? ¿cómo? durante ¿qué piensa? ¿qué llevan? ¿qué hay? ¿qué son? ¿dónde? en la imagen se puede ver veo puedo ver a la izquierda a la derecha sonriendo saltando un pájaro arboles cantando un nido silbando nubes un gusano el cesped There is a full set of Spanish Easter booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you’ll have something different each time. If you like this resource, please come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources! Click the link below. You can follow my shop there, too. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Year 7 French Christmas Worksheets (C'est Noël)

Year 7 French Christmas Worksheets (C'est Noël)

A selection of Christmas vocabulary learning sheets for Year 7. They should fill at least one whole lesson. If you like this, have a look at my pack of Christmas resources for Years 7 to 11. You’ll never need to scrabble around for different stuff as each year group has different content overall so can be used each year. (A wise investment.) May also be useful for cover lessons around Christmas time.
Marking targets for MFL

Marking targets for MFL

**Time saving codes for marking ** French, Spanish, Italian… Stick the A4 sheet into learners’ exercise books at the front or back. As you are marking, any common corrections and so on that they should complete have codes. You just need to write the code on the work. Learners then write out the relevant target(s) on their marked work - and complete them, of course… The language is described as the “Target Language” so that the sheet is appropriate for many languages.
Spanish Halloween Vocabulary

Spanish Halloween Vocabulary

Spanish Halloween Vocabulary A four page PPT . Three slides of matching vocabulary items. The fourth slide is a word categorisation activity for masc/fem/adjectives. update noticed on the preview there’s a word that’s not lining up properly. I’ll get that sorted at some point! If you find this PowerPoint useful, have a look at my Spanish Halloween Puzzle Pack which uses the same images and vocabulary but has a lot of puzzles also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-halloween-puzzles-12420796 I have other Halloween resources here: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=spanish halloween&shop=Polly_Glott Here’s the link to my TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Vocabulary covered: caramelos calavera disfraz dragón dulce embrujado escalofriante escoba esqueleto extraterrestre fantasma fiesta gato negro gigante horror hombre lobo lápida lechuza magia maquillaje mascara misterioso momia monstruo murciélago ogro tela de araña trol tumba vampiro