Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages.
I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.
Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages.
I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.
Contains editable PowerPoint revision mats for AQA chemistry GCSE 9-1. PDF file bundle available at a discount.
Unit 1- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Unit 2 - Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter
Unit 3 - Quantitative Chemistry
Unit 4 - Chemical Changes and acids and alkalis
Unit 5 - Exothermic and endothermic reactions and cells
Unit 6 - Rate and extent of chemical change and reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
Unit 7 - Organic Chemistry
Unit 8 - Chemical Analysis
Unit 9 - Chemistry of the Atmosphere
Unit 10 - Sustainable Development and Earth's Resources
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Now include free set of typed AND handwritten suggested answers.
PowerPoint provided. PDF version available separately at a discount.
These printable A3 mats cover unit 1 and unit 2
Mat 1
1) Atoms, elements and compounds
2) Mixtures
3) Development of the model of the atom
4) Relative electrical charges of subatomic particles
5) Size and mass of atoms
6) Relative atomic mass
7) Electronic structure
Mat 2
8) The periodic table
9) Development of the periodic table
10) Metals and Non-metals
11) Group 0
12) Group 1
13) Group 7
14) Transition metals
Mat 3
15) Chemical bonds
16) Ionic bonds and compounds
17) Covalent bonds compounds
18) Metallic bonding
Mat 4
19) States of matter
20) Structure and properties for ionic compounds
21) Properties of small molecules
22) Properties of polymers
23) Giant covalent structures
24) Metals and alloys
25) Conductivity
26) State symbols
Mat 5
27) Diamond
28) Graphite
29) Graphene and fullerenes
Mat 6
30) Bulk and surface properties and nanoparticles
31) Uses of nanoparticles
PHEW!!!! Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These printable A3 mats cover unit 6 Rate and extent and reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
Mat 1
Calculating rates of reaction
Drawing and interpreting rate graphs
Tangents as a measurement of reaction rate
Mat 2
Methods of measuring rates of reaction involving gas production and expected results
Mat 3
Investigating the effect of change in concentration on rate of reaction and the disappearing cross
Mat 4
Factors affecting rates of reaction
Collision theory
Activation energy
Mat 5
Reversible reactions
Energy changes and reversible reactions
Dynamic equilibrium
Mat 6
Equilibrium and yield
The effect of changing conditions on equilibrium
Le Chatelier's principle
The effect of changing concentration
The effect of changing temperature
The effect of changing pressure
4.2 Organisation
AQA GCSE Biology, trilogy or synergy revision mats/grids
These simple revision mats, similar to the full set I have written for chemistry, can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. The sheets include a mixture of cloze word fact sections with recall and exam style questions. Biology only and higher tier content is marked along with content linked to the required practicals (RP3, RP4 etc).
Contains 12 mats for unit 2 as Powerpoint and PDF answer grids also included.
These 12 printable A3/A4 mats cover the following content:
Unit 2 - Organisation
Mat 1 - Principles of organisation
Mat 2 - The human digestive system
Mat 3 - Qualitative reagents to test for enzymes RP4 and investigating the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme RP5
Mat 4 - The heart and lungs
Mat 5 - Coronary heart disease
Mat 6 - Health issues and non-communicable diseases
Mat 7 - Effects of non-communicable diseases
Mat 8 - Cancer
Mat 9 - Plant tissues, organs and systems
Mat 10 - Water transport in plants
Mat 11 - Experiments on water transport, the transpiration stream
Mat 12 - Movement of substances through a plant
UPDATED 09/2018
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These 6 printable A3 mats cover unit 8 - Chemical Analysis
Mat 1
Pure substances
Elements, compounds and mixtures
Qualitative and quantitative tests
Gas tests
Mat 2
How paper chromatography separates mixtures
Distinguishing pure and impure substances
Interpretation of chromatograms
Calculation of Rf values
Mat 3
Identification of metal cations using sodium hydroxide
Al, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe(II), Fe(III)
Identification of metal cations using flame tests
Li, Na, K, Ca, Cu
Flame tests of mixtures of metal cations
Mat 4
Identification of anions
Mat 5
Practice in identification of whole compounds by combining anion and cation tests
Mat 6
Instrumental methods versus chemical methods
Flame emission spectroscopy
Problem solving examples
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These 3 printable A3 mats cover unit 5 - Energy Changes
Mat 1
Definitions of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Uses of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Particle model and activation energy
Relative energies of reactants and products in exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Changes in temperature for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Mat 2
Energy profiles to show activation energy and overall energy change
Bond energies
Using bond energies to calculate overall energy change
Calculating bond energies
Drawing molecules to show all the bonds present
Improving experiments to measure changes in temperature
Comparison of energy needed to break bonds with energy released making them
Mat 3
Chemical cells and the factors affecting voltage
Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells identification
Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells advantages and disadvantages
Hydrogen fuel cell advantages and disadvantages
Equations in a hydrogen fuel cell overall and at each electrode
Designing a lemon clock
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. The sheets are differentiated specifically for foundation tier students.
These 4 printable A3 mats cover quantitative unit 3
Mat 1
Elements compounds and mixtures
Atomic structure
Sub-atomic particles
Separating mixtures
Mat 2
Timeline of the discovery of the structure of the atom
Comparative sizes of atoms and nucleus
Mat 3
Groups in the periodic table
Periods in the periodic table
Properties of elements with the same number of outer electrons
Mendeleev’s periodic table
Mat 4
Group 7
Group 0
Transition metals
Group 1
Mat 5
Finding metals and non-metals on the periodic table
Ionic, covalent and metallic bonding
Metallic bonding diagram
Mat 6
Ionic bonding dot and cross diagrams
Covalent dot and cross diagrams
Mat 7
Properties of covalent substances
Properties of ionic compounds
Mat 8
Properties of metals and ions
How substances conduct electricity
The particle model and states of matter
Mat 9
Diamond’s properties and structure
Graphite’s properties and structure
Mat 10
Fullerenes structure and properties
Graphene structure and properties
Mat 11
The law of conservation of mass
Understanding coefficients
Understanding subscripts
Mat 12
Calculations of relative formula mass
Calculations of mean, range and uncertainty
Changes in mass in reactions involving gases
Mat 13
Concentrations in grams/dm3
Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams.
With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount
These printable A3 mats cover unit 9 - Chemistry of the atmosphere
Mat 1
Earth’s atmosphere today
How oxygen increased and carbon dioxide decreased
Changes in the Earth’s atmosphere
The History of the Earth
Mat 2
Greenhouse gases
Human impact on the environment
Causes of global climate change
The Greenhouse effect
Bias and peer review
Mat 3
Global effects of climate change
Mat 4
Carbon footprint and emissions of carbon dioxide and methane
Reducing carbon and methane emissions
Mat 5
Pollution from fuels
Problems from pollution
Petrol and diesel
Balancing equations for complete and incomplete combustion
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Now with typed and handwritten suggested answers. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount
These printable A3 mats cover quantitative unit 3
Mat 1
1) Conservation of mass
2) Balanced chemical equations
3) Relative formula mass
4) Mass changes when a reactant or product is a gas
5) Chemical measurements including mean, range and uncertainty
Mat 2
1) Moles
2) Avogadro
3) Amount of substances in equations
4) Using moles to balance equations
Mat 3
1) Limiting reactants
2) Percentage yield
3) Yield
4) Atom economy of chemical reactions
Mat 4
1) Concentrations of solutions
2) Changing the subject of an equation
3) Using concentrations of solutions in mol/dm3
4) Use of amount of substance in relation to volumes of gases
Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams. All other units available separately and bundled.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These printable A3 mats cover unit 10 - Resources and sustainable development
Mat 1
Using the Earth’s resources
Finite and renewable resources
Sustainable development
Natural resources
Synthetic products
Using and preserving resources
Mat 2
Potable water
UK water supply
Distillation and pure water
Mat 3
Waste water treatment
Sewage treatment processes
Septic tanks
Factors contributing to waste water
Mat 4
Alternative methods of extracting metals
Corrosion and rusting
Mat 5
Life cycle assessment of plastic bags versus paper bags
Mat 6
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Raw materials
Steelmaking and using scrap iron
Mat 7
Polymers, composites and alloys
Thermosoftening vs. thermosetting
Alloys and their uses
Mat 8
Haber process
Rate vs. yield and compromises.
NPK fertilisers and salts in NPK fertiliser manufacture.
This is a free example that forms part of a huge pack of resources to teach a module using metacognitive approaches to science exam questions. Aimed at year 10 / core science.
Metacognition, which includes ideas such as learning to learn and developing thinking skills, can be applied to the way students tackle examination questions. This scheme of learning and accompanying lessons and resources,for science skills, breaks down the different types of questions that students meet and supports them to find learned strategies that work for them in how to tackle those questions.
Each skill comes complete with a powerpoint, worksheet and mark scheme. The resources are based on AQA materials but the skills are transferable across other exam boards. All three sciences: biology, chemistry and physics, are covered.
This free example covers extended response questions and gives the scheme of learning for the whole set of resources. If you like what you see why not try the full pack?
Professor Bunsen resources are tested in school and make GCSE science engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
The accompanying worksheet allows students to practice and for you to give feedback and help them to improve. The answers are included to help the busy teacher or non-specialist.
This electrolysis resource is free for a limited time only so please download and make use of it - in both PDF/Word formats with an answer sheet showing the expected results.
These record and worksheets are much more than a method. They are designed to track students performance towards achieving their apparatus and skills and provide information to help them understand the background chemistry which is key to understanding an experiment and not just completing it. All the sheets can be bound together in-house into a Required Practicals workbook/log book, or you could hand the sheets out separately.
Practical work may be assessed through the terminal examinations - be sure that your students haven’t just done the practicals but understand them fully!
AQA state:
Practical work is at the heart of science – that’s why we have placed it at the heart of each of our GCSE science specifications. By carrying out carefully considered practical work, students will enhance their investigative thinking, improve their mastery of techniques and consolidate their understanding of key scientific concepts.
Professor Bunsen resources are tested in school and make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time and support your students to understand the practical work in greater depth.
Full set of easy to understand and straight to the point PowerPoint slides to accompany your teaching of structure, bonding and the properties of substances at GCSE level KS4 chemistry
These slides aim for an easy clear, direct approach to this topic.
The slides form part of my larger “Big Ideas” scheme of work for Structure and Bonding that is suitable across all GCSE examination boards with connections and unit numbers given in the scheme of work.
Please take a look at the attached scheme and if you like the scheme and the slides why not try the worksheets and mark schemes to go with them in my complete teaching bundle for only £7.50!
AQA GCSE Biology, trilogy or synergy revision mats/grids -** FREE SAMPLE** of my new biology revision materials. Please enjoy.
These simple revision mats, similar to the full set I have written for chemistry, can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. The sheets include a mixture of cloze word fact sections with recall and exam style questions. Biology only and higher tier content is marked along with content linked to the required practicals (RP1, RP2 etc).
This free sample has contains all 7 mats for unit 1 as Powerpoint and PDF. For the answer grids please download the paid resource.
These 7 printable A3/A4 mats cover the following content:
Unit 1 - Cell Biology
Cell structure
Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Animal and plant cells
Cell specialisation
Cell differentiation
Cultuting microorganisms (biology only)
Cell division
Mitosis and the cell cycle
Stem cells
Transport in cells
Active transport
Free taster lesson. This Powerpoint lesson introduces the properties of metals and non-metals using a video clip link from a Harry Potter film. Students explore how the Death Eaters attack the Millennium Bridge and how the properties of metals help us to understand the catastrophic failure of the bridge in the film without resorting to magic! Engaging links then made with the Millennium Bridge on its opening and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Fully resourced with Powerpoints, worksheets and lesson activities and key facts and opportunities for improvement and redrafting throughout.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These 7 printable A3 mats cover the whole of unit 7 - Organic Chemistry
Mat 1
Carbon compounds as fuel and feedstock
Crude oil, hydrocarbons and alkanes
Fractional distillation
Properties of hydrocarbons
Complete combustion balancing equations
Mat 2
Cracking and alkanes
Balancing chemical equations for cracking
Usefulness of cracking
Structure and formulae of alkenes
Mat 3
Reactions of the alkenes
C=C functional group
Reagents and conditions for addition of hydrogen, water and halogens
Displayed formulae
Mat 4
Alcohols - names and formulae
Identification of functional group and displayed formula
Steam hydration
Uses of alcohols
Reactions of alcohols
Mat 5
Carboxylic acids
Functional group and displayed formula
Reactions of acids
Weak acids
Intermolecular forces in carboxylic acids
Mat 6
Addition polymerisation
Recognising alkene monomers
Drawing polymer H diagrams
Relate the repeating unit to the monomer
Condensation polymerisation
Ester link
-diols and -dioic acids
Mat 7
Amino acids
DNA and other naturally occurring polymers
AQA GCSE Combined Science - **FOUNDATION TIER **
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Include a mixture of cloze word fact sections with recall and exam style questions. Now with free suggested answer sheets to support non-specialists or parents/students revising. Provided as Powerpoint and PDF.
These 8 printable A3 mats cover the following content
Unit 1 Atomic structure and the periodic table (4 mats)
Atoms elements and compounds
The model of the atom
Subatomic particles
Size of atoms
Relative atomic mass
Electronic structure
The Periodic Table
Metals and non-metals
Group 0
Group 1
Group 7
Unit 2 Bonding structure and the properties of matter
Chemical bonds
Ionic bonding
Ionic compounds
Covalent bonding
Covalent compounds
Metallic bonding
How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
State symbols
Properties of ionic compounds
Properties of small molecules
Giant covalent structures
Properties of metals and alloys
Metals as conductors
Structure and bonding of carbon
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount
These printable A3 mats cover unit 4, Reactivity of Metals, Reactions of Acids, Titrations, Electrolysis
Mat 1
Formation of positive ions when metal atoms react
Observations when alkali metals react with water
Tendency to form positive ions and the reactivity series
Inclusion of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series
Observations when metals react with acids
Placing metals in order of reactivity by observation of their reactions
The meaning of displacement
Mat 2
What is a metal ore
Examples of metals that can be found natively in the Earth
Reduction to form metals
Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen
Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons
Equations for the extraction of metals using carbon
Metal displacement
Ionic equations for displacement reactions
Comparisons of cost of titanium extraction vs iron extraction
Reaction of metals with acids to produce salts and hydrogen
Formation of hydrogen and hydroxide ion in solution
Neutralisation and salt formation
Names and formulae of common laboratory acids
Names and formulae of common laboratory alkalis
Charges on common ions
Soluble and insoluble hydroxides
Metals and acids as redox reactions
Mat 4
Formation of soluble salts by evaporation and crystallisatiion
pH scale and neutralisation
Indicators vs. pH probes
Calculations for titrations
Ionic equation for neutralisation
Mat 5
Strong and weak acids
Ionisation of acids
Difference between the terms strong and weak and concentrated and dilute
The meaning of the pH scale
Mat 6
The process of electrolysis
Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds
Using electrolysis to extract metals
Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
Representation of reactions at electrodes as half equations
UPDATED 09/2018
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets.
These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
Contains PowerPoint Revision mats for AQA chemistry GCSE 9-1
Unit 1- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Unit 2 - Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter
Unit 3 - Quantitative Chemistry
Unit 4 - Chemical Changes
Unit 5 - Exothermic and endothermic reactions and cells