
Area & Circumference - Colour by Number Activity Bundle
Here are three activities to engage students with finding the area and circumference of circles and the area of shapes (trapezium, triangle, parallelogram, rectangle).
Save 50% by buying these three activities together.

Simplifying and Expanding Brackets Activities
Five resources are included in this bundle of algebra activities.

CSI Algebra Bundle
This bundle contains CSI activities that use algebra in three forensic cases. A fantastic way to engage students in algebra and show them how it is used in real life.
Buy as a bundle and get them for half the price!

Algebraic Expressions Activities and Graphic Organisers
Included in this bundle are a collection of graphic organisers and activities to support students learning to simplify and expand algebraic expressions. Also included is a graphic organiser for factorising.

CSI Algebra - Writing and Using Formulae
Here’s a real life CSI application of algebra for your students…
Students have to solve a murder investigation using formulae (writing and substituting). They have to gather evidence at three locations: the crime scene, mortuary and forensic laboratory. Once they have collected their evidence, they examine a suspect list to identify the murderer.
Crime scene – The suspect has left muddy boot prints at the crime scene. Students have to measure the boot print and step length to determine the suspect’s height.
Mortuary – Students have to determine the time of death using body temperature.
Forensic Laboratory – The victim died from chronic arsenic poisoning. Students have to determine for how long the victim was poisoned for.
Answers included.
Here are some other crime scene activities you may be interested in:
Crime Scene Algebra - Using Formulae and Linear Regression
Crime Scene Algebra - Using Formulae & Quadratic Equations

Learn to Tell the Time - Goodbye Aramazu
This resource is designed for students who can read time on an Aramazu clock and must now apply their knowledge to read a typical analogue clock.
The transition is carefully scaffolded and involves students progressing through 4 stages. At each stage, a visual feature of the Aramazu clock is removed until the clock looks like a typical analogue clock. I have used this approach successfully on my students - 16 year olds with dyslexia and dyscalculia.
Included in this package are:
One for each stage.
Activity cards
These can be used as flash cards or with the word cards in a matching activity. There is a set for each stage.
A Student Progress Tracker
This can be glued in student books. Students can highlight each stage as they progress.
For more Aramazu resources, go to:

Angles Memory Game
This matching pairs game is a great way for students to memorise angle rules. They can play against each other or by themselves against the clock.
There are 16 pairs of cards. Each pair, a phrase card and a picture card, describes a different angle rule.
Rules include angle types and angle properties of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals.
Easy to set up. The cards are made by printing double sided onto paper or card and then cutting around the borders.