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Señora Renouf's French & Spanish Resources

I did my undergraduate degree in French and Spanish at the University of Cambridge and my PGCE at King's College, London. I teach French and Spanish from KS3 to KS5. When starting out I realised that there weren't many high-quality resources available to download or available at my school so I spent hours and hours creating my own! I'd love to share them with you. There are lots of engaging games and AFL activities available. Lots of my resources are geared towards the more able students.

I did my undergraduate degree in French and Spanish at the University of Cambridge and my PGCE at King's College, London. I teach French and Spanish from KS3 to KS5. When starting out I realised that there weren't many high-quality resources available to download or available at my school so I spent hours and hours creating my own! I'd love to share them with you. There are lots of engaging games and AFL activities available. Lots of my resources are geared towards the more able students.
About me identity card speaking activity

About me identity card speaking activity

Activity to practise French speaking. 26x printable French identity cards including name, nationality, age, birthday, brothers & sisters and pets. Perfect activity for consolidating a unit of work on ‘about me’. You could challenge students to ask all questions to as many people as possible or turn it into a ‘find someone who…’ activity to ensure that students listen to others’ answers.
Passé composé worksheet French past tense

Passé composé worksheet French past tense

Worksheet to introduce or revise the passé composé French past tense. There is space to write out avoir and etre in the present tense and then there are English sentences to translate into French to practise the tense; 8x avoir sentences and 8x etre sentences. Worksheet suitable for a medium to high ability GCSE class or for a high ability KS3 class.
Passé composé worksheet - etre and irregular verbs

Passé composé worksheet - etre and irregular verbs

Worksheet to revise etre verbs in the passé composé and to learn or revise irregular past participles. There is space to write in the verbs that take etre using the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP mnemonic. There are then 10 sentences to translate into French with a mixture of avoir and etre verbs so that students have to think carefully about whether it is an avoir or etre sentence. There is a grid to fill out with common verbs with irregular past participles. There are 6 sentences to translate into French using verbs with irregular past participles. Worksheet suitable for a higher ability GCSE class or for AS/ A level revision.
French animals/ pets lesson

French animals/ pets lesson

Lesson introducing pets/ animals vocabulary in French. The vocabulary is introduced with images and a slap the board game. There is then a simple writing activity to help students practise making nouns plural in French.
Running dictation French leisure opinions KS3

Running dictation French leisure opinions KS3

Activity to practise all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in French around giving opinions on leisure/ free time activities. I have used this activity with a high ability year 7 or 8 class or with a year 9 class as revision. Use with grids in Word documents. Students complete in teams – one student per team may be on their feet at any one time. Filled in grids of the model text need to be stuck up around the room. One student per team goes to the model text, remembers what they can and dictates it to their team member, who fills in the empty grid (one word per box). Model texts may not be taken down. Students may not stand by model text and shout bits of their text back to their team (reading and writing). First team to finish wins but there are also points for accuracy. One point is available per box completed.
Spanish GCSE environmental problems class dominoes

Spanish GCSE environmental problems class dominoes

GCSE Spanish environmental problems vocabulary (focusing on students’ local environment) is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes local area problems e.g. pollution, comparisons, opinions, suggestions for resolving the problems including conditional and subjunctive set phrases. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
GCSE Spanish school subjects class dominoes

GCSE Spanish school subjects class dominoes

GCSE Spanish school subjects vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes asignaturas, opinions, a range of tenses and great phrases for those aiming for a 9. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
GCSE Spanish holidays class dominoes activity

GCSE Spanish holidays class dominoes activity

GCSE Spanish holidays vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes countries, transport, accommodation, holiday activities and weather and the past tense. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
Spanish GCSE chores class dominoes

Spanish GCSE chores class dominoes

GCSE Spanish chores vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes chores, opinions, what other people do, weather and includes a range of tenses. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
GCSE Spanish leisure class dominoes

GCSE Spanish leisure class dominoes

GCSE Spanish leisure vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes opinions, leisure activities, comparisons, imperfect and future tense sentences. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
Spanish GCSE technology/ media class dominoes

Spanish GCSE technology/ media class dominoes

GCSE Spanish technology/ media vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes opinions, activities using technology, advantages and disadvantages of technology. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
GCSE Spanish social problems class dominoes

GCSE Spanish social problems class dominoes

GCSE Spanish social problems vocabulary is revised in this class dominoes activity. Suitable for top set students. Perfect for a starter activity. Cut up the dominoes in advance of the class and shuffle them. Each student is given a domino with one English sentence followed by a non-matching Spanish sentence. Vocabulary includes social/ world problems and proposed solutions. Differentiation: the dominoes with * at the beginning of the Spanish sentences are the hardest ones for the most able. You could also give the most able more than one domino. Give students a couple of minutes to work out what their Spanish sentence means. They can confer and use their books. The teacher starts the time and reads out the first domino with the *** and English sentence only. The person with the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out the Spanish followed by the next English sentence. Whoever has the Spanish translation for that sentence then reads out their domino until someone reads out the last domino with the same English sentence as the teacher’s domino. You can then swap the dominoes and do the same activity again to see if the class can beat their time. You could record the times and see if one class can do it faster than another class.
Spanish opinions and free time activities ppt

Spanish opinions and free time activities ppt

Powerpoint to revise free time activities and opinions in Spanish. Includes find the errors sentences and two slides with games (images flying across the screen and trap door sentences game - guess partner’s sentence with lots of opportunities for repetition and speaking practice).
Opinions on clothes lesson French

Opinions on clothes lesson French

Lesson on giving opinions and reasons about what students like to wear/ their clothes. The lesson revises clothes vocabulary (including adding adjectives) and then moves on to building complex opinion sentences e.g. j’aime porter un jean parce que je pense que c’est assez confortable et chic. There is a speaking/listening game to practise putting together these sentences and a writing activity.
Infinitives and French future tense lesson 1

Infinitives and French future tense lesson 1

Lesson introducing students to what an infinitive is. This is then built on when introducing the easy future tense in French using aller in the present tense. Dictionary activity and translation activity with answers included.
School subjects and opinions KS3 Spanish

School subjects and opinions KS3 Spanish

First lesson on giving opinions about school subjects. There is an interactive noughts and crosses game to revise school subjects. This could be played in 2 teams as a whole class on the whiteboard. There are slides to introduce opinion phrases and to facilitate a discussion about why we add ‘n’ to ‘me gusta’ for plural subjects and why ‘odio’ is the odd one out. There is an activity where students work out what the sentences need to be for the images provided - answers in slide notes. They are simple sentences such as me gusta la historia. There is an interactive team game to practise these simple sentences further. The class is divided into 2 teams and given numbers. When you call out a number, the 2 children with that number need to stand up and give the sentence for the images on the board - great for AFL. Full instructions in slide notes There is then a match-up activity for adjectives to describe school subjects.
KS3 school subjects ppt Spanish

KS3 school subjects ppt Spanish

Powerpoint to introduce school subject vocabulary and to talk about how many times a week they study those subjects. There are slides with nice pictures to introduce 12 school subjects (asignaturas). There are 2 slap the board games and a slow-reveal of an image team game to practise the vocabulary. There is a slide that can be printed with a match-up activity that can be glued into books so students have a copy of the vocabulary. There is a translation activity, a battleships game (slide can be printed for students and instructions are in the slide notes) and 2 slides for plenary activities.
Spanish opinions and sports/ free time activities

Spanish opinions and sports/ free time activities

Lesson for higher-ability GCSE class. Includes revision of free time activities and opinion vocabulary. Introduces extreme sport vocabulary. Translation activity, model text reading activity, differentiated writing task, games (including plenary).
Spanish imperfect tense- free time activities

Spanish imperfect tense- free time activities

Revision of complex sentence starters and complex opinions with sports in Spanish. Engaging speaking activity to practise pronunciation/ speaking from memory (game - full instructions in ppt slide). Key verbs in imperfect tense introduced and model text provided.