A series of investigations which enable pupils to work with data they collect. Each separate task involves a questionnaire, a way of organising the data using a variety of charts, and questions they must answer in order to report back their findings. Another free resource from 12xtables.co.uk
A series of investigations which enable pupils to work with data they collect. Each separate task involves a questionnaire, a way of organising the data using a variety of charts, and questions they must answer in order to report back their findings. Another free resource from 12xtables.co.uk
Reading scales- Compare 2 points on a scale and work out what the scale is of each increment.. Ideal starter activity or combine several for main lesson use. Each worksheet increases in difficulty. Another free resource from 12xtables.co.uk
Twenty questions using all 4 operations, students have an alloted amount of time to solve problems. Answers are provided after completion. Ideal starter or mental math test
20 mixed adding subtracting, muliplying and dividing questions and answers in a 3 minute slide show. Ideal starter activity, mental math test or wrap up