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Recycle bin sort activity worksheet for kindergarten
Preschool recycling bin sorting worksheet Students sort materials into the correct recycling bin (plastic / glass / paper / metal).
Color identification color matching worksheet for kindergarten
Printable color matching activity worksheets help students learn the basic colors; they include exercises on tracing and printing the words for each color, matching objects to their colors and organizing pictures by color.
Printable number bonds to and within 5 worksheets - blank number bonds to 5
number bonds to 5 practical activities A fun rainy day-themed activity for practicing number bonds within 5! Includes a sheet with blank raindrops for students create their own parts.
identify noun verb and adjective worksheet for grade 1
first grade noun verb and adjective worksheets are educational materials designed to help students understand the differences between these three parts of speech and how to use them correctly in sentences.
Printable circle the odd one out worksheets for kindergarten
kindergarten odd one out shapes worksheets are educational activities designed to help children develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and observation skills by identifying the item that does not belong in a group or set.
colour and circle the bigger number worksheet for kindergarten
**colour and circle the bigger number worksheet for class 1 **encourages students to apply their understanding of place value to form the greatest number.
Printable kindergarten circle the wild animals worksheet
circle the wild animals worksheets The students need to find out wild animals and circle them.
circle the wild animals worksheet black and white
circle the wild animals worksheets The students need to find out wild animals and circle them.
Printable possessive adjective worksheet grade 1
Possessive Adjective Worksheets on identifying possessive pronouns. Students write the possessive pronoun for each sentence.
kindergarten rhyming words worksheet - match the rhyming words activity
printable preschool rhyming words kindergarten worksheet For students who can sound out words, these worksheets focus on matching rhyming words. Students are encouraged to sound out the words to discover the words that rhyme, as well as to discover the visual clues in the spelling of words that are likely to rhyme with each other.
Printable missing number backward counting 20 to 1 worksheet for kindergarten
exercises worksheet backward counting 20 to 1 worksheet This worksheet will help your students practice numbers and counting backwards.
Printable missing number backward counting 5 to 1 worksheet for kindergarten
exercises worksheet backward counting 5 to 1 worksheet This worksheet will help your students practice numbers and counting backwards.
Printable animal shadow matching activity kindergarten worksheets for toddlers
preschool farm animal shadow matching students have to draw a line to match each picture on the left with its shadow on the right.
count and mass nouns activities - countable and uncountable nouns worksheet
mass noun and count noun activities for grade 1 - 2 … Countable nouns (e.g. trees) represent items we can count with numbers; they can be singular or plural. Uncountable nouns (e.g. sugar or knowledge) are not individual objects and cannot be counted; they are almost always singular. In these worksheets students classify nouns as countable or uncountable.
Printable preschool my favorite farm animal worksheet for kindergarten
Preschoolt for kindergarten farm animals worksheets allows you to explore your favorite farm animal in depth. You’ll begin by providing basic information such as your name, the date, and the name of your favorite farm animal. Then, you’ll write a brief description of your chosen animal, including details about its appearance, behavior, and any interesting facts. After that, you’ll have the opportunity to draw a picture of your favorite farm animal and explain why it’s your favorite. Share what you like most about it, whether it’s its characteristics, how it makes you feel, or any personal experiences you’ve had with this animal.
food kindergarten farm animals and their products worksheets
Printable farm animals and their products worksheets is designed to help students understand the various products that come from farm animals.
Printable My Favorite Book activity Worksheet kindergarten
**my favorite book writing template **reading activity encourages students to share their favorite books.
10 more and 10 less worksheets for first grade - Ten more ten less activities
Printable kindergarten 10 more 10 less worksheets helps students practice finding “10 more” and “10 less” than a number. Students fill in the missing numbers in the column.
Printable my favorite color worksheet for kindergarten
my favorite color activity for preschool Explore your favorite color with this fun worksheet! Draw something that represents your favorite color. Share why you love this color and the emotions it evokes for you. Reflect on any special memories connected to your favorite color and express it through a drawing. Enjoy the colorful journey!
printable food groups matching food worksheet for kindergarten
preschool food group classification worksheets Students match common foods with their respective food groups (fruits, vegetables, meats or beans, grains and dairy).