Spanish times of the day lesson plan, PowerPoint (with audio), and worksheet.
Consists of an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file:
- a lesson plan on days of the week and times of the day in Spanish
- a PowerPoint on days of the week and times of the day in Spanish
- a worksheet on days of the week and times of the day in Spanish
You can find more Spanish lesson plans and teaching resources in our TES store.
Note: The lessons use European Spanish, as opposed to Latin Spanish (you can see the vocabulary covered / used in the previews to check if it is what you need).
The Bible KS1 lesson plan, information text and worksheets. This lesson is best suited to Year 2 or lower KS2.
There are two versions of the information text - one of them has the key sentences highlighted to make it easier for the children to find the key information.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
Year 3 English - performing play scripts lesson plan and resources:
- performing play scripts lesson plan.
- performing play scripts script and class organisation.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 English lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
French classroom instructions lesson plan, PowerPoint (with audio) & flashcards.
Consists of an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file:
- a lesson plan on classroom instructions in French
- a PowerPoint on classroom instructions in French
- flashcards with the classroom instructions in French
You can find more French lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources in our TES store.
French animal body parts worksheets, games, activities and flash cards:
- animal body parts in French online games (with audio)
- animal body parts in French poster
- animal body parts in French flash cards
- animal body parts in French matching activity
- animal body parts in French label the images
- animal body parts in French word search
- animal body parts in French spelling practice
The zipped folder contains a PDF and an editable version of each file.
To see what these resources are like, please visit and download the similar resources on Numbers 0-10 for free.
To find other French vocabulary resources, please visit the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
(Please ignore the PDF file - it has been uploaded so that a preview image is shown for the resources. You can find a version of this preview file without the logo watermark in the folder)
A lesson plan, slide with instructions for the activity and lesson plan on using connectives / conjunctions as sentence openers.
There is an editable and a PDF version of each file.
(The Save Teachers' Sundays logo can be quickly and easily deleted from the editable files once purchased.)
You can find more English lesson plans and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
TV schedule KS2 worksheets, lesson plans and TV schedule :
- two lesson plans (one suitable for trainees) on TV schedule for KS2
- 3 differentiated TV schedule for KS2 worksheets
- TV schedule worksheet
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 Maths lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Major coastal destinations & their countries, continents & body of water lesson plan and worksheet:
- major coastal destinations & their countries, continents & body of water lesson plan.
- major coastal destinations & their countries, continents & body of water worksheet.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 Geography lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Year 3 English - using connectives lesson plan and worksheets:
- using connectives lesson plan.
- using connectives worksheets with 2 levels of difficulty.
- using connectives extension.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 English lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
High frequency words (5) spelling worksheets and dictation sentences for Year 1, with 3 versions of the worksheets:
1) plain text
2) cursive, without lead-in strokes
3) cursive, with lead-in strokes
To see what the cursive versions of the worksheets are like, please go to where you can download a CVC version of them.
(Note: these resources can be used as a 'one-off', but we recommend that instead they should be used as part of our whole spelling scheme. Please read the information files included in this download for details of why we recommend this.)
You can find more Spelling worksheets and dictation sentences on the Save Teachers' Sundays website
Chunking on a number line worksheets, lesson plans, model, success criteria and plenary:
- two lesson plans (one suitable for trainees) on chunking on a number line,
- 4 differentiated chunking on a number line worksheets / sets of questions
- examples to use at the start of the lesson
- a guide to chunking on a number line
- a plenary on chunking on a number line
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 Maths lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Ancient Greek artefacts and building lesson plan and worksheet:
- Ancient Greek artefacts and building lesson plan.
- Ancient Greek artefacts and building worksheet.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 History lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Year 3 English - Persuasive Text comprehension on a text entitled 'Why We Need to Save Rainforests' lesson plan and worksheets:
- persuasive writing comprehension lesson plan.
- persuasive writing comprehension worksheets with questions at 4 levels of difficulty.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 English lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Using the London Underground map lesson plan and worksheet:
- using the London Underground map lesson plan.
- using the London Underground map worksheet.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 Geography lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Th phonics worksheets, activities, flash cards, lesson plans and other teaching resources.
There is a PDF and an editable Microsoft Office version of each of the following files:
- 2 alternative lesson plans
- a one-slide story to introduce the grapheme
- a series of slides to introduce the grapheme by asking children to first listen for it in words, and then spot in the same words
- cards with images and words containing the grapheme
- a 'circle the correct word' worksheet
- a 'join the letter to make the word' worksheet
- an 'unscramble the letters to make the word' worksheet
- a word search
- an activity on drawing a line between matching words and images
Note: You can easily delete the watermark logo from each of the Office files.
You can find more Phonics worksheets, activities, flash cards and lesson plans on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Year 5 Earth and Space planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Astronomy-Related Terminology
Lesson 2 & 3) Researching and Presenting on Earth and Space
Lesson 4) History of Astronomy
Lesson 5) The Movement of the Earth, Moon and Planets
Lesson 6a) Day and night
Lesson 6b) Time Zones
Lesson 7a) What Causes the Seasons
Lesson 7b) Phases of the Moon
Lesson 8a) Life Cycles of Stars
Lesson 8b) Solar and Lunar Eclipses
- 8 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 5 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 31st May 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Plate tectonics and earthquakes lesson plan and worksheet.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more KS2 Geography lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 29th August 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date.
Ancient Maya timeline lesson plan and worksheet:
- Ancient Maya timeline lesson plan.
- Ancient Maya timeline worksheet.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more KS2 History lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Mayans Year 5/6 planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1 - Ancient Maya homework project and presentation.
Lesson 2 - Ancient Maya historical evidence.
Lesson 3 - Ancient Maya timeline.
Lesson 4 - Ancient Maya number system.
Lesson 5a - Ancient Maya achievements.
Lesson 5b - Ancient Maya society.
Lesson 6 - Ancient Maya myths - The Hero Twins Revenge.
Lesson 7 & 8 - Historical civilizations overview.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more KS2 History lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 28th August 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date.
KS1 Islam lesson plan, PowerPoint and worksheets.
There is a PDF and an editable version of the worksheets.
You can find more planning and teaching resources for teaching Islam to KS1 on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Please note: This lesson was updated on 30th August 2022. If you downloaded it before this date, please download and use the updated files.