
AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Revision Sheets 2022
A set of revision resources designed for students who are sitting the AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 exam in the summer of 2022. Included in this pack are:
• Revision sheets. Each revision sheet focuses on a specific part of the spec and is designed to take around 10 minutes.
• A 60-day challenge made up of the revision sheets to provide lots of retrieval practice in the run up to exams.
There are specific tailored resources for Higher and Foundation tier of entry for both Triple Science and Trilogy.
The revisions sheets are accompanied by a revision guide which can be purchased separately.
Please be aware that this resource has now been updated to include all content from the specification for a more typical exam year. These can be found in my TES Store.
Requests, Reviews and Tutoring Queries
Please feel free to contact me at scienceteacherxx@gmail.com with any specific queries or requests for revision activities/resources. I will be doing lots over the coming weeks. If you like my resources and find them useful please leave a review. When you review 3 of my paid resources contact me by email with your username and resources you reviewed, and I will send a 4th similarly priced resource of your choice free of charge. Please do feel free to contact me through my email to find out about tutoring services that I provide.

AQA GCSE C4 Chemical Calculations Bundle
Bundle includes the sequence of lessons for C4 Chemical Calculations for the following specifications:
Trilogy - Higher
Trilogy - Foundation
Sequence of lessons for teaching the topic C4 Chemical Calculations for the new AGA GCSE. This can be used to teach students following the Chemistry Specification. These lessons cover 4.3 Quantitative Chemistry, Titrations and Required Practical 2 from the Chemistry Specification.
The lessons in the sequence of lessons are:
L1 Conservation of Mass
L2 Relative Formula Mass
L3 Moles
L4 Substances in Equations
L5 Balanced Equations and Limiting Reactants
L6 Yield
L7 Concentration of Solutions
L8 Titrations
L9 Titration Calculations
L10 Titration Required Practical
L11 Volumes of Gases
Trilogy - Higher
Sequence of lessons for teaching the topic C4 Chemical Calculations for the new AGA GCSE. This can be used to teach students following the Trilogy Specification. These lessons cover 5.3 Quantitative Trilogy Specification.
The lessons in the sequence of lessons are:
L1 Conservation of Mass
L2 Relative Formula Mass
L3 Moles
L4 Substances in Equations
L5 Balanced Equations and Limiting Reactants
L6 Concentration of Solutions
Trilogy - Foundation
Sequence of lessons for teaching the topic C4 Chemical Calculations for the new AGA GCSE. This can be used to teach students following the Trilogy Specification. These lessons cover 5.3 Quantitative Chemistry from the Trilogy Specification.
The lessons in the sequence of lessons are:
L1 Conservation of Mass
L2 Relative Formula Mass
L3 Concentration of Solutions

AQA GCSE: C13 The Earths Atmosphere: Selection of Exam Questions
Selection of exam questions from AQA that are useful when teaching the C13 topic in the new AQA Trilogy and Chemistry specification.

AQA GCSE C5 L1 Metal Oxides Lesson
This is a lesson on Metal Oxides designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and the accompanying resources.

AQA GCSE The Halogens
This is a lesson on the Halogens designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and all of the additional resources required.

AQA C2 The Alkali Metals Lesson
This is a lesson on the Alkali Metals designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and all the resources including the starter worksheet, constructing ideas worksheet, demonstrating ideas worksheet and plenary.

AQA GCSE C2 Transition Metals
This is a lesson on the Transition Metals designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and some of the resources including the starter worksheet and properties card sort.
I also use an extended exam question task on the transition metals called "comparing transition metals and alkali metals which can be purchased separately. All resources including the PowerPoint, starter, card sort and exam question can be bought together in my store.

AQA GCSE C5 L4 Extraction of Metals
This is a lesson on Extracting Metals designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and some of the accompanying resources. This is the 4th lesson out of 10 for my C5 Scheme of Work.
As part of the lesson I also use past AQA exam questions on extracting metals which I download for my class from AQA. This is not included in the pack.

AQA Rates and Equilibrium Key Words Puzzle
Key words and definition puzzle for the Rates and Equilibrium topic of the new AQA Chemistry and Combined Science: Trilogy specifications for teaching 2017 onwards.
Included in this pack are the question cards and the solution. I normally print these cards 4 pages to a single side of A4.

AQA C4 Chemical Calculations Key Words
Key words and definition puzzle for the Chemical Calculations topic of the new AQA Chemistry and Combined Science: Trilogy specifications for teaching 2017 onwards.
Included in this pack are the question cards and the solution. I normally print these cards 4 pages to a single side of A4.

AQA C3 Structure and Bonding Key Words
Key words and definition puzzle for the topic Structure and Bonding topic of the new AQA Chemistry and Combined Science: Trilogy specifications for teaching 2017 onwards.
Included in this pack medium sized and small cards as well as the solution. I normally print these cards 4 pages to a single side of A4.

AQA Energy Changes Key Words Puzzle
Key words and definition puzzle for the Energy Changes topic of the new AQA Chemistry and Combined Science: Trilogy specifications for teaching 2017 onwards.
Included in this pack are the question cards and the solution. I normally print these cards 4 pages to a single side of A4.

AQA Crude Oil and Fuels Key Words Puzzle
Key words and definition puzzle for the Crude Oil and Fuels topic of the new AQA Chemistry and Combined Science: Trilogy specifications for teaching 2017 onwards.
Included in this pack are the question cards in small and medium sizes. I normally print these cards 4 pages to a single side of A4.

AQA GCSE C5 L7 Soluble Salts - Making Salts from Metal Carbonates Worksheet
An adapted worksheet making salts from metal carbonate method and results table that I use for teaching the module C5 in the new AQA GCSE.
I use this particular resource alongside my AQA GCSE C5 L7 Soluble Salts Lesson which can be purchased separately.

AQA GCSE C5 L8 Making Salts from Metal Carbonates Required Practical Lesson
This is a lesson on Making Salts from Metal Carbonates designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and the accompanying resources. This is the 8th lesson out of 10 for my C5 Scheme of Work and covers the required practical 1 from the Trilogy and Chemistry Specification.
The C5 Scheme of Work includes the following lessons:
Metal Oxides
Reactivity Series
Displacement Reactions
Extraction of Metals
Reactions of Acids with Metals
Soluble Salts
Making Salts from Metal Carbonates
The pH Scale
Weak and Strong Acids

AQA GCSE C5 L9 The pH Scale - Changing pH Worksheet
An adapted working sheet for investigating pH that I use for teaching C5 in the new AQA GCSE.
I use this particular resource alongside my AQA GCSE C5 L9 The pH Scale Lesson which can be purchased separately.

AQA GCSE C5 L7 Soluble Salts Lesson
This is a lesson on Soluble Salts designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and some of the accompanying resources. This is the 7th lesson out of 10 for my C5 Scheme of Work.
The C5 Scheme of Work includes the following lessons:
Metal Oxides
Reactivity Series
Displacement Reactions
Extraction of Metals
Reactions of Acids with Metals
Soluble Salts
Making Salts from Metal Carbonates
The pH Scale
Weak and Strong Acids
I also use an adapted worksheet making salts from metal carbonates and another adapted worksheet which is an evaluation tree. Both of these documents can be downloaded separately for free.

AQA GCSE C5 Making Zinc Salts Activity
An adapted making zinc salts method and results table that I use for teaching displacement reactions in the new AQA GCSE.
I use this particular resource alongside my AQA GCSE C5 L5 Reactions of Acids with Metals Lesson which can be purchased separately.

AQA GCSE C5 L6 Neutralisation
This is a lesson on Neutralisation designed for the new AQA GSCE. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and some of the accompanying resources. This is the 6th lesson out of 10 for my C5 Scheme of Work.
The lessons within the Scheme of Work include:
Metal Oxides
Reactivity Series
Displacement Reactions
Extraction of Metals
Reactions of Acids with Metals
Soluble Salts
Making Salts from Metal Carbonates
The pH Scale
Weak and Strong Acids
I also use an adapted worksheet making copper salts. This can be downloaded separately for free.

AQA GCSE C5 L10 Strong and Weak Acids Worksheets
Adapted worksheets that I use for teaching C5 in the new AQA GCSE.
I use this particular resource alongside my AQA GCSE C5 L10 Strong and Weak Acids Lesson which can be purchased separately.