A very easy to use multiple choice quiz where students can show their answers on whiteboards, by holding up pre-made cards with A-D on them or write answers in their books.
This covers the C1 AQA Science-A unit. Other quizzes for the other topics are available on the TES too.
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: speed, acceleration, forces, momentum, work, safety, graphs
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: electricity, LDR, resistance, current, potential difference, units, power, electrons,
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: nuclear fusion, fission, atomic structure, alpha, beta, gamma, stars, black holes, supernova
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: electrolysis, acids, alkali, ions, reduction, oxidation, rates of reaction
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: ionic, covalent, ions, metals,
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: genes, chromosomes, alleles, variation, genotype, phenotype
A great task that can be used as an assessment tool for a starter, mini-plenary or revision task.
This works best when students have pre-made cards to select answer, voting kits or white boards. Students can also complete as a quiz in the back of their books.
Covers: digestion, enzymes, small intestine, organs
A set of multiple choice questions that can be sued to assess students either as a starter, plenary or revision task.
Works best with voting kits, pre-made flash cards or whiteboards. Also students can record answers in back of books.
Covers: Alkanes, alkenes, fractional distillation, cracking, saturation
A set of multiple choice questions that can be sued to assess students either as a starter, plenary or revision task.
Works best with voting kits, pre-made flash cards or whiteboards. Also students can record answers in back of books.
Covers: hormones, neurones, motor, sensory, CNS, menstrual cycle
Additional Physics Bingo with cards for Energy & Work
Includes pre-made bingo cards that can be given to students and pre-made question slides.
Works best when rewards are offered for lines and full houses.
Links with the unit from AQA P2 Additional Physics Unit
Additional Physics Bingo with cards for Speed, acceleration and motion
Includes pre-made bingo cards that can be given to students and pre-made question slides.
Works best when rewards are offered for lines and full houses. Can be used as starter, plenary or revision task. Also great for AFL.
Links with the unit from AQA P2 Additional Physics Unit
Additional Physics Bingo with cards for Forces and Motion
Includes pre-made bingo cards that can be given to students and pre-made question slides.
Works best when rewards are offered for lines and full houses. Can be used as starter, plenary or revision task. Also great for AFL.
Links with the unit from AQA P2 Additional Physics Unit
Lesson 12 of 29: Additional Physics
This lesson is part of a series of lessons that are available from scuttscience, Each lesson comes with a range of resources including:
- A "Lesson Plan" format Scheme of Work - highlighting objectives, keywords, resources, starter, 3 main activities, plenary and ideas for support and additional challenge.
- Lesson resources - ranging from practical instructions, bingo, thoughts and crosses, 6 mark extended questions, extended writing tasks, 5 s day, support sheets, calculation bingo, calculation squares and more.
Please note that additional resources are also available. Please search for scuttscience.
Lesson 23 of 29: Additional Physics
This lesson is part of a series of lessons that are available from scuttscience, Each lesson comes with a range of resources including:
- A "Lesson Plan" format Scheme of Work - highlighting objectives, keywords, resources, starter, 3 main activities, plenary and ideas for support and additional challenge.
- Lesson resources - ranging from practical instructions, bingo, thoughts and crosses, 6 mark extended questions, extended writing tasks, 5 s day, support sheets, calculation bingo, calculation squares and more.
Please note that additional resources are also available. Please search for scuttscience.
This booklet supports a series of lesson and is designed for Entry Level/SEND students to allow them to access the key elements of science. If used in a mixed ability class, these booklets allow students to keep pace with the rest of the class whilst personalising the challenge and support they require.
The booklet is part of a series of booklets with a variety of tasks including matching keywords and definition, scaffolding, extended answers, research and a lot of practical work with matching results tables/graphs.
Some of the diagrams have had to be removed for copyright.
The loop cards can be used as tool for assessment of prior learning, progress and revision. Students need to match the question on one card with the answer on another card, like dominoes.
The answer sheet is given at the end of the document.
This is good to do a pace and challenge activity.
The loop cards can be used as tool for assessment of prior learning, progress and revision. Students need to match the question on one card with the answer on another card, like dominoes.
The answer sheet is given at the end of the document.
This is good to do a pace and challenge activity.
The loop cards can be used as tool for assessment of prior learning, progress and revision. Students need to match the question on one card with the answer on another card, like dominoes.
The answer sheet is given at the end of the document.
This is good to do a pace and challenge activity.