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AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN À LYON : BIODIVERSITÉ ET MOBILITÉ (partage de la planète/ lepatrimoine)
Listening, speaking/writing exercise on the topic of city development. The video focuses on the development of Lyon. Great for the IB (sharing of the planet/human ingenuity) or A-level (le patrimoine)

Bruxelles : Victor Horta, le maître de l’art nouveau (le patrimoine, l'architecture)
Worksheet on the Belgian architect Victor Horta and the “art nouveau” Listening, speaking, reading and writing activities are based on his biography and a video. Excellent for the IB or A-level (Le patrimoine) Conjugation of verbs in the irregular present tense activity too.

International Men’s Day - tutor or assembly presentation
International Men’s Day presentation for assembly, tutor time or PSHE lesson, raising essential questions to understand what are the challenges men face nowadays.

Le Corbusier, l'architecte visionnaire - le patrimoine A-level
Reading, listening, speaking/writing exercises based on the French architect Le Corbusier and its work that was listed as a UNESCO heritage site. A video from France 24 is used as a visual authentic document to work from.
The exercises focus on irregular verbs in the present tense and the vocabulary of the architecture. Answers are provided in the document.
Excellent for the topic of “Le Patrimoine” in A-level or for IB “Human Ingenuity”
Level: B1/B2

Remembrance Day - tutor time
Resources for tutor time or assembly, exploring the origins of the commemoration, the different ceremonies, and wondering about the reason we should carry on remembering.

Black History Month
Lessons (can be used for either full lessons or tutor time activities) on the topic of Black History Month, exploring different angles such as racism in football, how it feels being part of a minority, hidden figures in our history and work, origins of the celebrations.
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Black History Month - Little things are big
Activities prompting discussions based on the short film “Little Things are Big” exploring the internal struggles of a Black Man in the mid-1950’s.

Black History Month - Racism in football
A tutor time or PSHE lesson on Racism in football. It focuses on Spain particularly and a bit in Italy to exemplify racism in football. Slides contains short article excerpts, prompts for discussions and reflections, videos and data.

United Nations Day - 24th October
Tutor time or full lesson on the United Nations asking and answering the following questions:
When and why the UN was created?
What does it do?
How many members does it have?
Why do you think we celebrate United Nations Day?
Activities to spark discussion, finishing with a quiz.

Black History Month - origins, hidden figures and reflection
3 presentations for tutor times, with some activities aimed at prompting discussions and reflexion. One is focused on the origins and the importance of Black History Month and the other one on the forgotten figures in the professional field. The last one is a reflective activity on why we need to celebrate BHM with a video from the UK Parliament and thinking activities.

Studio 3 rouge - module 3 - Quand j'étais plus jeune...
Lesson on module 3 on jobs and careers introducing the imperfect tense from a reading comprehension. It also includes mini-white board challenges and a GCSE style writing task.

Studio 2 rouge - Module 4 - Là où j'habite + Dans mon appart'
Lessons about where you live including progressive translation sheets to work on specific grammar points (comparison, prepositions, BAGS adjectives, adjectival agreement, tenses)

French connectives - les connecteurs
Useful sheet with the main connectives. Great for GCSE and A-level students.

Examples of IGCSE EDEXCEL writing assessment
Example of writing assessment to self or peer-assess in class, or even as homework. Students must underline verbs/tenses, highligh adjectives, circle pronouns, give a grade using the mark scheme and write 3 WWW and EBI.

EDEXCEL IGCSE French mock written exam
EDEXCEL IGCSE French mock written exam with questions 6, 7 and 8.
Topics: hobbies, relationships, family, where I live and holidays.

La journée internationale de la francophonie (20 mars) / why speak French?
3 excellent documents to promote French in school:
Famous French speakers around the world (displays)
Lesson presentation to promote Internation Day of Francophonie (20th March) - ideal for lesson or tutor time
Famous French speakers by subjects to promote French across all departments (posters)

Mes projets de Saint-Valentin (le futur simple)
Lesson to revise the future tense in the context of Valentine’s Day.

Quelle attitude envers les marginalisés: l'homophobie en France (Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?)
Presentation with information on homophobia in France, using mainly the example of Bilal Hassani (French Eurovision singer) The presentation contains some listening (videos), speaking and reading tasks. It prompts some good discussion around the theme of homophobia and what is being done about it by the government and organisations.

Le cinéma: une passion nationale - comment sauver le cinéma français?
Whole A-level lesson on how France is trying to save French cinema through festivals and incentives such as le printemps du cinéma and la fête du cinéma as well as its tax program. The lesson contains a starter with subjunctive, listening activities (videos - adverts and news report) as well as a speaking activity and a slide to prompt them to present about francophone film festival (to help promote it)

Le 7ème art: Marion Cotillard
Lesson on Marion Cotillard including a reading from the A-level Year 1 Oxford University Press, a listening activity drawn from a France 24 interview, some short clips of the actress and a speaking in the end. Ideal to work on a successful example of a famous contemporary French actor.