These resources are designed to get students to understand properly the topic they are working on. The sets of worksheets include a lot of repetition and are useful for teaching a topic or revision . Some of my resources are at a very basic level and are written for older teenagers and adults. If you like my style please send me suggestions of topics that you would like to see a resource created for.
These resources are designed to get students to understand properly the topic they are working on. The sets of worksheets include a lot of repetition and are useful for teaching a topic or revision . Some of my resources are at a very basic level and are written for older teenagers and adults. If you like my style please send me suggestions of topics that you would like to see a resource created for.
This power point is for calculating the areas of rectangles, triangles and shapes made up of rectangles and triangles.
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This resource is made up of a powerpoint lesson and three worksheets with progressively harder examples about rearranging formulas. The aim is to introduce rearranging as an extension to solving equations by ‘doing the same to both sides’ so that students see that they are just extending skills they already possess. The new subject only appears once but the questions involve fractions, use of brackets and square and cube roots.
The formulas used are mostly ones encountered elsewhere in maths e.g. volume and area formulas or speed and density. This means the powerpoint is also useful for revising other topics too. There is particular emphasis on the form s = d/t to prepare students for coping with trigonometric formulas.
The worksheets include the answers and working out.
GCSE 9-1 references A5, A1, A17
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This resource comprises 6 worksheets with answers to give students confidence in dealing with set notation for 3 intersecting sets. Use set notation and words to describe complements, intersections and unions. Probabilities.
GCSE 9-1 reference P6
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These six worksheets show various graphs that have to be matched to their equations. There are separate worksheets for straight lines, quadratic, cubic and reciprocal graphs plus two mixed worksheets, one suitable for foundation level GCSE. The answers are all provided. The worksheets are also suitable for A-level students who need extra reinforcement.
Some can be worked out using gradients and/or points where the graphs cross the axes or students can also practise simple transformations ( reflection and translation or combinations of these ).
GCSE from 2015 reference A12 Recognise graphs of linear functions, quadratic functions, simple cubic functions and the reciprocal function.
Also supports :
A13 translations and reflections of functions
A10 Identify and interpret gradients and intercepts of linear functions graphically
A2 substitute numerical values into formulae
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Six worksheets with mixed word problems on a variety of real life problems involving money calculations. Calculate and use prices per kilo, plan the costs of food bought for a barbecue, work out hourly wages, plan how to eat the right number of fruit portions every day, hiring bicycles and costing an office party Christmas lunch.
Illustrated with adult characters. Written model answers are included.
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This collection of 14 worksheets will help students to visualise the relationships between percentages, decimals and fractions better by shading diagrams to represent particular percentages. There is progression from the simple pages where percentages are introduced as fractions ‘out of 100’ to including the decimal equivalent and eventually relating fifths and fractions like 13/25 to percentages.
The sheets are useful for short bursts of revision and reinforcement or extension. They are suitable for younger students meeting percentages for the first time and for older children who need reminders and visual reminders of why 1/4 = 25%.
There is plenty of repetition so one sheet could be done in class and the paired version used for homework.
DfE reference for GCSE 9-1 R9, R3, N2, N10
Please review this resource.
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These 8 worksheets provide a framework for getting students to see that completing the square for a quadratic function will enable them to sketch the graph of a quadratic function quickly. The connection between graph transformations and the form of the equation is key to completing the sheets. Each worksheet practises a different skill - give the transformation from the equation or work out the transformation from the equation. Two of the worksheets also practise the connection with function notation.
This is a topic that students can find difficult even at A-level so the worksheets are useful for Higher tier GCSE and C1/C3 A-level modules. Use for extra reinforcement of classroom work or revision.
GCSE 2017 DfE references A11, A12, A13
The answers are provided.
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10 worksheets containing linear equations that get progressively harder for extra practice or revision. The unknown appears on both sides of the equations. For the first worksheets the answers are all positive whole numbers but later equations have negative or fractional solutions.
Students are asked to check their answers for the first worksheets by putting the solution into both sides of the original equation to make sure it works out the same.
The answers and working out are included.
GCSE from 2017 references A17, A3, A2, A1, N3, N2
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These seven worksheets are aimed at helping to get pupils to understand the < and > symbols properly before they move on to solving inequalities. The notation is explained carefully and tasks include asking students to write out a sentence to explain what the inequalities.
Several of the sheets are based on relating inequalities to numbers lines. There is a page of word problems to show how inequalities can be used to describe the real world. One worksheet asks students to insert the correct symbol < , > or = between two numbers ( including decimals, fractions and percentages ) to state the relationship between them.
GCSE 2017 references N1, A3, A22
The sheets can be used for revision and reinforcement.
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9 worksheets with answers created to provide a starting point for revising all the differentiation and integration results that need to be learnt for the second year of A level maths. Work through the basic results e.g. differentiate or integrate sin x then apply the rules to sin 2x etc. All the basic functions including the more obscure ones on the formula sheet are covered. There are plenty of functions of functions and functions raised to a power.
There are mixed sheets for extra practise at spotting which method to use.
Written for the Edexcel syllabus but applies to OCR and AQA also.
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These six worksheets let students practise solving basic linear inequalities. Some of the worksheets have number lines for students to illustrate their answers.
There is a page of word puzzles for pupils to learn how to translate simple realtionships into inequalities. The final worksheet revises different types of numbers e.g. integers, primes, odd and even. It is a useful reminder for vocabulary.
Suitable mainly for foundation level GCSE work.
GCSE 2017 references A22, N1, N4, A1, A3,
The sheets can be used for revision and reinforcement.
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8 pages of worksheets with answers. These worksheets were written for a foundation level GCSE student who struggled to remember how to calculate fractions and percentages of amounts. The connections between the methods are shown and there are calculations to do with and without a calculator. Also there are pages to practise multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
DfE reference for GCSE 9-1 R9
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This powerpoint contains examples of how to work out reverse percentage calculations using multipliers. The questions are mixed so that students have to identify which type of calculation is required. There is a good mix of realistic situations and vocabulary used in the word problems. Useful for revision too.
DfE reference for GCSE 2017 R9
Answers are included in the powerpoint.
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This is a collection of 7 worksheets and other resources written and illustrated for adults and older teenagers who are learning the alphabet. Sequence the letters in the correct order. Write simple lists in alphabetical order. Each page is provided in mono and colour versions.
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Five worksheets to improve understanding of the equations of horizontal and vertical lines in the form x = c or y = c. Practise reading and plotting coordinates. Vocabulary includes parallel, perpendicular, diagonal, perimeter, area, centre and intersect.
Ideal for revision or for working one to one with students who need extra reinforcement.
DfE reference for GCSE 9-1 A9, A8, A12, G1, G4
The answers are included.
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32 worksheets designed to teach numbers from 1 to 10. Write over the outlines to form numbers correctly, read the numbers, sequencing and matching activities. Some of the worksheets include a colour version. The sheets are grouped in sections to teach 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 1 to 10. Illustrated for use with all age groups.
The sheets can be printed on card and laminated for repeated use with marker pens.
Recognise numbers in various different fonts and real-life situations e.g. on keypads or on clocks.
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This power point can be used very flexibly to teach, practise or revise various algebraic processes whilst also reminding students about the basic properties of shapes.
The slides show a wide variety of shapes. For each shape students can create an expression or formula for its perimeter ( and also for the area for many of the shapes ). In doing this they can practise collecting like terms, using brackets in expressions ( and multiplying them out ). The formulas created can then be used to substitute numbers in or for rearranging work.
There are two worksheets ( with answers ) to go with the powerpoint which concentrate on creating expressions for perimeters.
GCSE 9-1 refsA1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, G4, G16, G17
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This powerpoint uses diagrams and photographs to illustrate the equivalence of simple fractions.
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Two simple worksheets that require students to sketch parabolas in order to solve quadratic inequalities. The answers are included.
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Two worksheets that show how to factorise expressions using the ‘difference of two squares’ formula. The answers are included.
The first worksheet covers the basics for GCSE level and the second extends the ideas for the most able GCSE students and for AS level learners.
Useful questions for this often overlooked topic.
The error referred to in the review has been rectified.
DfE reference for GCSE 9-1 A4
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