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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
AQA Crime & Deviance- Merton Strain Theory (5/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Merton Strain Theory (5/15)

Lesson 5 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson focuses on Merton’s Strain Theory and briefly touches on Cohen’s theory (but this is covered in more detail later in the unit) The lesson uses my Key Thinker Template and students evaluate the theory. Please leave a review
AQA Crime & Deviance- Statistics on Crime (9/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Statistics on Crime (9/15)

Lesson 9 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson looks at Official Statistics. It is relatively short due to the fact that a retrieval quiz happens as the first activity. Provides marketplace activities for the 3 methods of collecting crime statistics. Series of differentiated questions for the end task.
AQA Social Stratification- The Welfare State (11/15)

AQA Social Stratification- The Welfare State (11/15)

Planned for 9-1 AQA specification. This lesson can take 2 hours (double lesson) if you watch the documentary. Students complete an information sheet on what the Welfare State introduced after the war. They then look at New Right, Centre-Left, Marxist and Feminist perspectives on welfare. There are some extension questions for those who complete this. There is then a documentary about the benefits cap. The idea is to offer this as a possible solution, but for students to think about the implications of this. This documentary is not essential for the course, but it is a nice way for students to think about alternatives to the welfare state, or to consider if the welfare state is a worthwhile investment with taxation.
Introduction to Sociology- What is Sociology? New Spec (1/8)

Introduction to Sociology- What is Sociology? New Spec (1/8)

Aimed at the new 9-1 spec AQA, but suitable for any exam board by tweaking a couple of slides. Lesson looks at what to expect in the exam, how to tackle a 12 mark question, what is sociology, how is it different to psychology and journalism, and an activity to focus on the key concepts of culture, norms and values. The lesson aims to set Y10 students up ready for the GCSE. IF YOU BUY A RESOURCE AND LEAVE A REVIEW EMAIL misskwaddington@outlook.com TO NOTIFY ME OF THE RESOURCE YOU PURCHASED AND WHICH LESSON (INDIVIDUAL) YOU WOULD LIKE FREE OF CHARGE. I WILL REPLY TO YOUR EMAIL WITH THE LESSON.
Research Methods (9-1) Mid Unit Assessment

Research Methods (9-1) Mid Unit Assessment

This is a mid unit assessment that looks at research methods and the introduction to Sociology topic. I have included the feedback power point that is also the mark scheme, it provides WAGOLLS for each of the longer questions. I have also included our purple pen DIRT feedback sheet, and our Sociology assessment file tracker. Please leave feedback
Research Methods (9-1) Ethical Issues & Consolidation (10/11)

Research Methods (9-1) Ethical Issues & Consolidation (10/11)

A lesson that looks at ethical issues, covers experiments in light of what ethical issues they pose and why they are rarely used in Sociological research followed by a consolidation task in which students evaluate all of the research methods covered in the unit. If you download please leave a review.
AQA Family- Progress Checkpoint & Feedback (5/18)

AQA Family- Progress Checkpoint & Feedback (5/18)

New Spec 9-1. Included is the progress checkpoint that we complete every 6 lessons, this may suit your assessment schedule as a mini-mid unit assessment. Students complete this as a low-stake, open book assessment where they can see if their notes are of a good enough quality. The feedback lesson includes a whole-class feedback slide, and both 4 mark questions have a model answer. The students highlight and mark this answer, identifying how it is a good answer. They then attempt a new 4 mark question acting on their feedback.
AQA Family- Conjugal Roles (10/18)

AQA Family- Conjugal Roles (10/18)

This lesson compares 1950s to 2000s households. Looks at Elizabeth Botts conjugal roles with a considersation of her sample size and if this is a generalisable study. Lesson also uses Talcott Parsons “roles” as an alternative viewpoint. Students then plan their own research into conjugal roles.
AQA Family- The symmetrical Family (11/18)

AQA Family- The symmetrical Family (11/18)

This lesson looks at Young and Willmott’s Symmetrical Family theory (Key Thinkers). It is evaluated using Oakley and several other sociologists. Students then plan and answer a 12 mark essay question. I have then included the progress checkpoint (low-stakes, open book mini assessment) that follows in the next lesson.
Key Thinkers Work booklets (Perfect for Home learning)

Key Thinkers Work booklets (Perfect for Home learning)

4 Resources
Great booklets for home learning/distance learning/lockdown, either to print and send to students, or to check their knowledge and practice exam technique at home. Each unit has a work booklet that uses cornel note taking methods to show understanding of each key thinker text. Exam practice questions then follow that ask them to use the key thinkers. A mixture of 3/4/12 mark exam questions. There is also a PLC for each unit in each work booklet. But again this focuses on key thinkers. Suitable for cover, revision, distance learning or homework
AQA Crime & Deviance- Social Order and Rules (2/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Social Order and Rules (2/15)

Lesson 2 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson looks at social order and social rules. It briefly touches on the main sociological theories but the lesson centres on the agencies of social control. Differentiated exam questions at the end Please leave a review
AQA Crime & Deviance- Bio/Psych/Socio (3/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Bio/Psych/Socio (3/15)

Lesson 3 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson looks at the biological and psychological explanations for crime. The lesson briefly introduces sociological thought, but the focus is not on this (as it is covered in the remainder of the unit) Please leave a review
AQA Family- Trends and Patterns (16/18)

AQA Family- Trends and Patterns (16/18)

This is a lesson that sets up 3 lessons (plus homework) for students to be grouped together to look at patterns, trends and contemporary issues within families. Students are given the question prompts and have to create a 10 minute powerpoint presentation and teaching activity. I give students 3 lessons with ICT facilities in 2 of them.