
Counting to 10
Year 1 counting to 10
Cards to match numbers to quantities.
Worksheets to reinforce counting and making 10.

Happy holidays - 20 Festive Elves, number bonds to 20
Three festive worksheets to reinforce addition facts to 20.
Includes -
practice counting.
part-whole diagram with cookies.
missing number problems.

One more or one less than numbers to 20
KS1 - one more or one less.
Four sets of differentiated worksheets to support children’s learning.
(12 worksheets in total.)

Number bonds to 10
KS1 number bonds to 10
Three sets of differentiated worksheets to reinforce the learning of number bonds.
Extends to number bonds to 15.

Counting to 10
Counting to 10 and simple sequencing of numbers to 10.
5 sets of differentiated worksheets plus powerpoint.

Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to 10.
Themed to work with the story What the Ladybird Heard.
four sets of differentiated worksheets to allow children additional practice making and adding 10.
ppt to introduce each sheet.

Addition and subtraction facts to 20
KS1 addition and subtraction facts to 20.
Fruit and Veg themed activities.
PPt to introduce activities.
Four differentiated sets of worksheets. These are colour coded to support children’s understanding when partitioning a number.
subtraction problems
part/whole model
finding number fact families
printable fruit tokens for practical work

Place value in numbers to 20
Numbers to 20.
Sets of worksheets to consolidate children’s understanding of numbers to 20.
Ppt to introduce each activity.
Includes using:
tens and ones
number frames
less than, greater than and equal to
one more or one less
part-whole model

Perimeter of 2D shapes
Lower KS2 perimeter.
How to find the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.
Extends to include simple compound shapes.
three sets of differentiated worksheets.
Ppt to introduce activity.

Number bonds to 20
KS1 Number bonds to 20
3 sets of differentiated worksheets to support adding numbers to 20.

Pumpkin Soup - English and Maths KS1
Two week English and Maths units of work based around the story Pumpkin Soup.
The units are intended to provide plenty of opportunities for discussion.
All worksheets are differentiated and there are Ppt slides to introduce each activity.
Why not visit my shop to discover more examples of the amazing resources on offer.

Numbers to 20 - Pumpkin Soup themed (11 lessons)
Numbers to 20 - two week Maths unit of work.
Themed to work with the story Pumpkin Soup.
Differentiated worksheets for each activity and two 30+ Powerpoints.
The unit is designed to ensure that children are confident and fluent when working with numbers to 20.
Counting to 20
Sequencing numbers to 20
Matching quantities to numbers
Making 20
Finding one more or one less that 20
Using < > = signs
Adding numbers to 20
Partitioning numbers to 20 using part/whole model

Superworm themed numbers to 20
Numbers to 20 - two week Maths unit of work
Themed to work with the story Superworm.
Differentiated worksheets for each activity and two 30+ slide powerpoints.
The unit is designed to ensure that children are confident and fluent when working with numbers to twenty.
Counting to 20
Sequencing numbers to 20
Matching quantities to numbers
Making 20
Finding one more or one less than 20
Using < > = signs
Adding numbers to 20
Partitioning numbers to 20 using part/whole model

Superworm English unit + Numbers to 20
Two-week English and Maths units of work based around the story Superworm.
All worksheets are differentiated and there are ppt slides to introduce each activity.
Why not visit my shop to discover more examples of the amazing resources on offer.

Counting in twos - 2 times table
KS1 multiples of 2.
A range of activities designed to reinforce children’s understanding of counting in twos.
Differentiated worksheets and powerpoints aim to develop children’s understanding of multiplication and develop their mathematical reasoning.
Includes -
7 lessons each with differentiated worksheets
two 20+ powerpoints

Halving - Fractions
KS1 halving
A range of activities designed to reinforce children’s understanding of the concept of halving.
Differentiated worksheets and two powerpoints aim to deepen children’s knowledge of halving shapes and quantities.
Includes -
7 lessons with worksheets.
two powerpoints with activities that introduce each lesson.

KS1 Money - 9 lessons, £ and p
Money - pounds and pence
Based around the story Man in the Moon ( A day in the life of Bob)
These 9 lessons are designed to support children’s understanding of £ and p.
They begin by developing an understanding of the value of each coin, then move to adding and subtracting amounts to £1. All lessons are differentiated, and the pack includes price and coin cards which can be used separately to further support children’s understanding.
Contains -
Two 20+ slide powerpoints
20+ worksheets
Coin cards
Cards with prices in coins and figures
The lessons cover -
recognising coins
combining coins
comparing and ordering coins
adding prices
finding change from £1
problem solving

Man on the Moon - English and Maths (Money) KS1
Two week English and Maths unit of work based around the story Man on the Moon (A day in the life of Bob).
The units are intended to provide plenty of opportunities for discussion.
All worksheets are differentiated and there are ppt slides to introduce each activity.
Why not visit my shop to discover more examples of the amazing resources on offer.

Oliver's Vegetables - English and Maths KS1
Two week English and Maths unit of work based around the story Oliver’s Vegetables.
The units are intended to provide plenty of opportunities for discussion.
All worksheets are differentiated and there are ppt slides to introduce each activity.
Why not visit my shop to discover more examples of the wonderful resources on offer.